Well....maybe it's a misprint, but I own three boys on Freddie....Queen as it began, written by the fanclubs Jacky Gunn & Jim Jenkins, Rock Lives Queen & Freddie Mercury written by Neville Marten & Jeffrey Hudson, and Mercury and me, written by Jim Hutton with Tim Wapshott.....each book has his name spelled as Farookh......maybe their wrong........? Doubt It!......M.
chslchs wrote: Well....maybe it's a misprint, but I own three boys on Freddie....Queen as it began, written by the fanclubs Jacky Gunn & Jim Jenkins, Rock Lives Queen & Freddie Mercury written by Neville Marten & Jeffrey Hudson, and Mercury and me, written by Jim Hutton with Tim Wapshott.....each book has his name spelled as Farookh......maybe their wrong........? Doubt It!......M.
In one book it was written as Farookh and later other authors just used this information without checking how does it written.
Check the link before and you'll see Freddie's birth certificate.
It apparently was neither, but Farok - see below:
"Farok Bulsara was not born in Gujarat. Bomi and Jer were travellers and their beloved Freddie-to-be arrived on the East African island of Zanzibar at the government hospital, on September 5, 1946. Bomi worked in the Zanzibar High Court as a cashier. Most biographies of Freddie, say that his given name was Farookh, but it was Farok, insists Roger. Kashmira is a polite and petite Nottingham housewife who looks like Freddie in a wig. Her children look like Freddie as well, and not at all like Roger, who is stocky and blond and works for an airline. The Bulsara genes are clearly made of insistent stuff."
This excerp is from an article called "Star of India" which details Freddie's upbringing, and whose writer personally interviewed all of Freddie's immediate relations for it. The Roger cited is Freddie's sister Kashmira's husband. The article can be found at link along with many other cool articles. Check it out!
Not to hijack this...what I am about to say is RELEVANT to this debate.
My name is correctly spelled Arlene.
Well, in 44 years of life, every viable..responsible organization from employers, to my College on my OFFICIAL LEGAL transcripts, to the Department of Motor Vehicles, at one time or another...
..has MISSPELLED my name, even though I have always given them the correct spelling.
...Now say I was a rock star (I wish!!!!) and people in the press of biographers got ahold of some of that bogus misspellings..but from what YOU WOULD think are RELIABLE, FACTUAL sources...well then wouldn't they believe that the misspellings were correct?
...As Sergey said...all it takes is ONE major, reliable source who misspelled Freddie's birth name, or even didn't misspel it, but maybe did a TYPO, and if the press of biographer got ahold of that, and then other press and biographers took repeated that information, it's thought to be fact, especially because it's repeated so much and then..in the press and biographies.
If you take the birth certificate as gospel, then his name was Farrrokh, as there are plainly 3 r's there.
I'm still sticking with Farok, and would recommend that anyone who wants an article packed with inside info from Freddie's family, check out the "Star Of India" article in the Freddie section at link as this reporter was the first and possibly the only one the Bulsara family met with following Freddie's death. Take it right from the source.
Don't take any transcription of his name too seriously, because it always must be seen a transcription. His birth name is pronounced something like "fawrook" with a hard, rolling "r". It's a quite common oriental name, used in countries like egypt, morocco, lebanon, iran, iraq, saudi-arabia etc. Its original spelling is definitely not in roman characters ("A" to "Z") but in arabian letters. So any spelling we find is a transcription of the sound of the words. That's the reason why in his birth certificate there's another spelling than in some of the books or other places. Some british officer just put down the letters he thought were the right ones, I suppose. In Germany the name is spelled "Farukh" or "Faruk", by the way.
Good point. But anyway - your name is not how someone's spelling it, but how does it written in your birth certificate. Right or wrong. It was written as Farrokh, so let it be.
By the way, in his death certificate - it's Frederick...