Born to Love You. The first time I saw the video, the song sent chills up my spine and I fell in love with that beautiful blonde tart Freddie's carousing with. Her hair at the begining of the video drove me wild. I could see Freddie had a ball making it too, although I never got why he needed 300 goose-stepping mamas in the warehouse scene, other than it looked cool.
There must be more to life
Born to love you
Lets turn it on
Your kinda lover
Love me like theres no tomorrow
New york
My love is dangerous
Living on my own
kagezan1313 wrote: Born to Love You. The first time I saw the video, the song sent chills up my spine and I fell in love with that beautiful blonde tart Freddie's carousing with. Her hair at the begining of the video drove me wild. I could see Freddie had a ball making it too, although I never got why he needed 300 goose-stepping mamas in the warehouse scene, other than it looked cool.
Yeah, In My Defence or 'Born To Love You - the bit in the 'Born To Love You video clip where Freddie chasing the woman through the house and just happens to come across a piano and plays it in time with the music is possibly my favourite music video moment of all time.
It's Golden Boy for me as well although I do really like New York, pity it was never finished but you get a pretty good idea of its potential on the FM box set.
Impossible to choose only one!
I've always loved "In My Defence." I suppose that would be my #1.
"Made in Heaven" - an *extremely* close #2. it shows so many facets of Freddie's vocal talent and abilites - range, power, vocal colors, etc. Love it. (Kinda surprised no one else has mentioned this one yet).
"Time." Fabulous.
And I *love* "I Was Born to Love You" for its unabashed joy, and lack of a story! Great video, too.
I could go on and on!
And then, of course, there's the *whole* Barcelona CD. I mean, I'm a classical singer, and I teach voice - have sung opera, etc. I love Freddie on this, too!
So, I guess I really didn't answer the question... :)
Hey, carboengine! No sooner do I say I'm surprised that no one has mentioned "Made in Heaven" yet, then you come in to name it as your fave Freddie solo song! :)