Anyone else heard Boheminan Rhapsody from the live cd, which I think is one of the best songs on this CD ?
Have you noticed the ...oohh-yeaahh, ooohh-yeaahh bits at the end of the song, right before "..nothing really matters.."?
This sounds and works incredibly well !!! It sends me shivers down my spine! Sounds amazing, and all the vocals are in tune. The breaks after each ooohh-yeaahh are really nice! Good effect!
It adds something magic to the song!!
It's so great when you hear Paul for the first time on Borhap. You first thing "Hey, this is different" and the second after that you think "This is totally right and it sounds like the guy has been singing it for 30 years"
'39 wrote: Anyone else heard Boheminan Rhapsody from the live cd, which I think is one of the best songs on this CD ?
Have you noticed the ...oohh-yeaahh, ooohh-yeaahh bits at the end of the song, right before "..nothing really matters.."?
This sounds and works incredibly well !!! It sends me shivers down my spine! Sounds amazing, and all the vocals are in tune. The breaks after each ooohh-yeaahh are really nice! Good effect!
It adds something magic to the song!!
You should hear the Rotterdam version. It's a bit different and I think I like it better... But still this one's really good!
Okay, I'm going in circles with different information in relation to my questions:
What show or shows is/are the source of Freddie's vocal?
The band plays live except for the opera section, right? So it's vocal only, or maybe paino and vocal only from Freddie?
The harmony vocals noted here at the end are from the studio version, right?
I've brought this up with many people and I've been told:
- It's definitely from 1986
- The video is clearly from MK or that '82 tour because of his jacket
- It's Knebworth
- It's Wembley
So now I've started comparing, and I chose 'On Fire' first.. because it makes the most sense.. and it matches until the first 'Carry on', when the vocal changes completely. *sigh*
So is it a mixture of different stuff? Maybe it will make more sense once the DVD comes out..
At the Brixton gig, as far as I can remember, it was the Wembley 86 version of Bohemian Rhapsody, and then the end of the song, it's a very slightly different mix of Fred's vocals from the studio version.
I also was a little confused when I was at my first show. I read in different forums that Milton Keynes is going to be the show... But my eyes cleary saw and my ears clearly heard the Wembley version. I've seen it dozen times and listened to it at least 100 times. So I am pretty, pretty, pretty sure. It is definitely NOT from 82.
Well, at least in Dortmund, Hamburg and Cologne.
That was a fantastic night!!! I was lucky enough to be part of that croud live!!! I am also lucky enough... to be heard on the CD!!!!! AT the end of Bo Rhap particulary. If you listen right at the end you can hear some mad git going WOOOOOOOOO!!!!! really loud ly... that git... IS ME!!! I swear on my life that is me! My whole family thinks so!!! YAY!!! Can anyone else hear themselves on the CD?!
Kat xXx
Whilst the video looked Wembley '86 if you listen to the music on the song you will notice a major reason why it wasn't from Wembley '86.
The opening chord sequence on the piano is played 4 times on the 'Return of the Champions' version as well as other bootleg copies yet the '86 version has just 2 chords before Freddie starts singing.
Markp wrote: Whilst the video looked Wembley '86 if you listen to the music on the song you will notice a major reason why it wasn't from Wembley '86.
The opening chord sequence on the piano is played 4 times on the 'Return of the Champions' version as well as other bootleg copies yet the '86 version has just 2 chords before Freddie starts singing.
i think the piano is played live on this tour isn't it? I seem to remember Spike plonking away at the beginning of Bo Rhap at the concerts I was at