I saw the interview with Greg Brooks talking about the Queen archives and how there are 16 versions of The Prophet Song. This gave me an idea.
What if Queen were to release an album containing alternate recording/versions of various album tracks from their 15 releases. Something like:
1. Alternate Procession
2. Alternate Death On Two Legs
3. Alternate Prophet Song(like take 8 for instance)
4. Freddie vocal version of '39
5. Some old track they never released
6. Queen version of Man Made Paradise
I'm making this up, but I'll bet that there are some tracks different enough to warrant a release, and that they could release them in this form as if it were an album made for release.
Maybe i'm dreaming, but if this were possible, this would give us fans one hell of a treat.
I still think personally Queen should go down the route that the beatles took with their anthology as you could have the songs in order of year and take ,alright they may have a few songs and loads of outtakes but it didn't stop the beatles doing it and they were top sellers when released in 95 and 96.
Freddie couldn't sing '39 as well as Brian. On Live Killers he sings some wrong words, but I just think Brian's voice is more suited to the song. Perhaps he wrote it that way on purpose.
I would like to hear an alternate BoRhap.
I would pay any kind of money for an unloading of the Queen vaults.
Especially getting my hands on the demos from The Miracle and Innuendo, my two fave albums.