I have just realised it is not hard at all to hear Brian's voice when he, Roger and freddie sing together, if you listen carefully you can hear Brian's voice in many recordings, you just have to listen out for that slow american style voice LOL that Brian's voice sounds like
btw i don't think Brian is a good singer, despite him being my favourite musician
Brian's a great singer.
I can clearly hear Brian sing in:
Tie Your Mother Down
I Want It All (in the choruses)
Hammer To Fall
Son & Daughter
The Night Comes Down
and a whole lotta more
brian made huge contributions to queens harmonies. as well as having a great voice himself.
and if he doesnt have a great voice. he sounds good on harmonies. like me. i dont have a really good voice in fact its pretty shit. but when my band does harmonies it sounds pretty good with me in them
I sometimes have a hard time figuring out who is Freddie and who is Brian on some songs. And some songs when Brian is singing it, it takes me awhile to realize it is him and not Freddie. The trio go very well together in harmony. Brian and Freddie have similar voices. Brian has a very good singing voice. I do not have trouble with the diffrence when Roger is singing because he has a very raspy, high trademark voice. But they are all good singers (i would have liked to hear John more)
Listen to Brian in the chorus of Teo Torriatte...great vocals there. I love listening for him or Roger in harmonies. It adds another layer of depth to the songs. :)
I think Brian is both. I think when it comes to heavy stuff with strong vocals, Brian's voice can't hang very well with it. Not terrible, but not too good a voice.
However, when it comes to soft vocal songs like All Dead All Dead, Someday One Day, Long Away, '39, Wilderness Child, etc., Brian's voice is incredibly great!
His voice is perfect for Queen background vocals. It mixes well with Freddie's.
AmeriQueen said, "However, when it comes to soft vocal songs like All Dead All Dead, Someday One Day, Long Away, '39, Wilderness Child, etc., Brian's voice is incredibly great!"
I agree! And I love his voice on "Good Company," LOL. Really, I do.
Watching videos it sometimes seems like Brian used to not sing everything like Roger did. Roger would be providing all the back ups. It seems like Brian wouldn't always sing even when he was supposed to.
deleted user 10.09.2005 22:20
I absolutely love his voice in Some Day One Day. I think its his best vocal performance.
It's interesting, though Freddie came up with the big complex tunes themselves, it was Brian (I think) who thought up the idea of the massive overdubs. The idea is already there in "April Lady", before Fred showed up - and also in the guitar sound.
So yeah, that's probably why you hear so much of Brian's voice.
beautifulsoup wrote: AmeriQueen said, "However, when it comes to soft vocal songs like All Dead All Dead, Someday One Day, Long Away, '39, Wilderness Child, etc., Brian's voice is incredibly great!"
I agree! And I love his voice on "Good Company," LOL. Really, I do.
I agree too ! Those are some of my favourite Queen songs
I like his voice esp. in All Dead All Dead, Sail Away Sweet Sister, Someday One Day. In All Dead All Dead, harmony from Freddie's and Bri's voice is fantastic.
Sharron .G wrote: Brian is by far and away most prominent on the harmonies of "Fat Bottom Girls".
Just take a listen, it sounds like all Brian.
cool reply shaz!! :)
in an interview brian said he didn'r have a good voice and he didn't like his voice live,,.
i do think brian sounds good on record, but i agree ya can hear him alot on hitman harmonies which is understandable as we all know why, i think freddies voice on hitman sounds incredible tho,
> The reason why Queen have such good harmonies IS because of Brian.
I disagree. All three of them were capable of doing beautiful harmonies by themselves. I'm In Love With My Car is all Roger and sounds beautiful, as do Take My Breath Away (all Fred), Leaving Home (all Brian), All Dead (no Roger), No One But You (no Freddie) and My Fairy King (no Brian)
deleted user 13.09.2005 16:31
MaTiaSMaY wrote: Brian's a great singer.
I can clearly hear Brian sing in:
Tie Your Mother Down
I Want It All (in the choruses)
Hammer To Fall
Son & Daughter
The Night Comes Down
and a whole lotta more
And Good Company and '39 offcourse, however I'm not sure bout that.
I just watched the FM Tribute Concert with my mother and we both agreed that Brian doesn't sing, he whines. My personal opinion is that every single Brian song soounds better with Freddie on vocals. Another World for example is a very good song, but with Freddie on vocals it would have been amazing.
And as for the harmonies. I think they sounded best when Brian was involved. I don't like the sound of only Freddie very much. The harmonies are so wonderful and sweet in sound when Brian is there, no matter if it's only Brian, or Brian and Roger, or Brian and Freddie, or all 3
"The reason why Queen have such good harmonies IS because of Brian."
No - see, he introduced the idea to Queen, with his idea of having a broad block of guitar harmonies that sounded very clean. I imagine it wasn't much of a leap to do the same with vocals, especially since the Beatles did it so well. Beach Boys too.
Freddie (especially in the 70's) was capable of delivering such perfect overdubs, it'd be hard for me to say Brian was better at it. Brian May has a very emotional voice that's perfect for conveying emotion. But Freddie has that 'sound' (think of the backing vocals in Love of my Life). I dunno. They're great, otherwise I wouldn't listen to either of 'em.
mercuryqueen wrote: I sometimes have a hard time figuring out who is Freddie and who is Brian on some songs.
I found this especially true on the intro to Brian's version of "Too Much Love" on Back to the Light. To this day, I swear I hear one "Ooooh" in there that has to be Freddie. It's not credited, but it's possible Brian used a sample from the last recording days. If not, then I've been crediting Brian's falsetto sound to Freddie for a lot of years.
When it comes to falsetto, Brian's and Freddie's voices aren't "that" different if all they do is a "oh". In a longer part the difference would be noticeable (e.g. the ending of '39 "all your letters...")