Post yer school schedule! lol :)
Block 1 - Problems of Democracy Honors
Block 2 - Bioethics
Block 3 - Accounting I, Lunch B
Block 4 - Advanced Placement English
and second semester I have
Block 1 - Senior Project (Day 1) Wellness/Fitness (Day 2)
Block 2 - French IV
Block 3 - Precalculus Honors
Block 4 - Black Cultures (Day 1), AP English (Day 2)
Period 1-Art/Gym/Music (depending on the day)
2-French Class
4-Family and Consumer science
7-Math/Study Hall (again depending on the day)
8-Lunch (Yum!)
Then we go home! YaY!
FreddiesGhettoTrench wrote: Post yer school schedule! lol :)
Block 1 - Problems of Democracy Honors
Block 2 - Bioethics
Block 3 - Accounting I, Lunch B
Block 4 - Advanced Placement English
and second semester I have
Block 1 - Senior Project (Day 1) Wellness/Fitness (Day 2)
Block 2 - French IV
Block 3 - Precalculus Honors
Block 4 - Black Cultures (Day 1), AP English (Day 2)
let's see...
Physics II
Engineering mechanics (statics)
Machine processes
Electrical devices and circuits
Enginering Materials
The workload of a third year engineering student. No more english, history, artsy-fartsy stuff for me.
no lesson (break) engineering,no lesson,(lunch) engineering
engineering,(break)engineering,no lesson,(lunch) no lesson
full day at college (HATE IT!)
no lesson,(break), engineering,no lesson,(lunch) engineering
no lesson,(break), no lesson,no lesson,(lunch) engineering
FreddiesGhettoTrench wrote: Post yer school schedule! lol :)
Block 1 - Problems of Democracy Honors
Block 2 - Bioethics
Block 3 - Accounting I, Lunch B
Block 4 - Advanced Placement English
and second semester I have
Block 1 - Senior Project (Day 1) Wellness/Fitness (Day 2)
Block 2 - French IV
Block 3 - Precalculus Honors
Block 4 - Black Cultures (Day 1), AP English (Day 2)
No Science classes?
I'm taking Bioethics for my science credit... I wouldn't have had to take any science classes this year, but last year they couldn't fit Bioethics into my schedule... But it's cool, though, Bioethics is really easy ^_^ We just talk about stem cell research and stuff like that.
Gunpowder Gelatine wrote: Geology
Block (which is just a free period...)
French III
Algebra II
Fascinating, I know. :)
How long are your free periods? Is there time to actually go do something or is it just random time? lol
Ok, our levels go in this order starting from lowest to highest: III, II, I, honors..and once you get into higher grades, AP.
A period: Biology I
B period: World History-honors
C period: II(year two) Latin I
D period: English-honors
E period: Theology I
F period: Geometry I (I'm surprised they didn't put me in Geometry II, because I really SUCK at math)
G period: Study
Every day changes starting with an A-day ending with a G-day. So, A day the classes go in that order. B day, we start with B period and end with A period, C day we star with C period, etc., etc. My classes are roughly 45 minutes long.
Honors Algebra
Study hall (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
Honors Biology 11-21
Art Studio 1
French 1
Global Studies
Frosh (I don't understand why they call it "frosh" not "freshman") P.E.
Honors English
Period 1=Science
Period 2=1st Quarter-Computer II
2nd Quarter-Art II
3rd Quarter-General Music
4th Quarter-Health
Period 3=Literature
Period 4=Language Arts
Period 5A=Lunch
Period 5B=Chorus
Period 6=Academic Support (study hall)
Period 7=Pre Algebra
Period 8=Social Studies
Period 9=Physical Education
deleted user 10.09.2005 20:15
Period 1 & 2: Algebra
Period 3: Spanish (our spanish teacher sucks!!!)
Period 4: Orchestra (i play violin, in case some one wanted to know)
Period 5: Computer Applications
Period 6: Lunch
Period 7 & 8: Language Arts
Period 9: Science (our science teacher rules!!!)
Period 10: World History
Then i ride the bus home (yay!!!)
each of my periods are about,70ish minutes?
ou day goes:-
tutor, periods 1+2, break, periods 3,4,5,5, lunch, periods 7+8, home time!
our school day starts at 8:30am, and finishes at 3pm. our lunch is 40minutes long! our break is 20 minutes long.
Our periods are 53 minutes long (which are 1,2,3,4,8,9) then, periods 5/6/7 are a half an hour long because they're lunch periods. One of those periods is lunch, the other two, a class. In a day we have 9 periods, the same every day. No breaks, 4 minutes to get to the next class. Kinda stupid...