Adam Baboolal 26.08.2005 10:11 |
Well, I gave in and did this one as a favour to a zoner who didn't like the baby crying at the end. This, however, is a radically different ending. You may love it or hate it. I should probably call this the sentimental mix! Details: A few surprises littered throughout the track. But this mix mainly clears up the ending into a sweet little outro. I have added some slight mastering values to the instrumental version from the eYe as its level was hugely different to the final track from the MIH album. There's also some enhancement to the track, though I won't say what I've done! And I've also added some values to the overall mix to make things sit better. Hope you like it folks. It's a 10.7MB download - link Peace, Adam. PERMANENT LINK! - link (FLAC COPY) |
Penis - Vagina 26.08.2005 10:51 |
Well folks, that's how it's done. Adam, you've more than proven yourself here. This is perfection. Not only did you create a new version.. you made the whole thing sound 10 times better than the original! I hope that whenever you have time, you'll do similar things with other tracks, and let me know of any files you might need to work with. If I have them, they're yours. I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to post this.. it sure was worth the wait! Thanks :) |
Adam Baboolal 26.08.2005 11:15 |
Thankyou for the kind words, J. Btw, as a little fun thing to do - reverse the ending part and I think you'll get a nice surprise. :) You'll probably recognise it! Peace, Adam. |
Penis - Vagina 26.08.2005 11:29 |
Well I hate to spoil anyone else's surprise but I'm probably wrong anyway.. is it the Highlander mix of WWTLF with the birds? I can hear the thunder from the start of IWBTLY somewhere in there too... |
Adam Baboolal 26.08.2005 12:04 |
Wow, I haven't used either of those. If you don't wanna know what it is, don't scroll down folks! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WWTLF (bonus track) Forever piano and strings. There's a mixture of other bits and pieces in the ending. Loads! Things from It's A Hard Life, Track 13, soloed vocals, etc. Peace, Adam. |
Zander05 26.08.2005 16:08 |
I am sorry to say that apart from the ending, I didn't much like it. Well, I do - but I was expecting there to be less subtle differences and stuff. I'll give this another listen later and try to critique it better. I feel like I'm not giving it proper justice. |
Adam Baboolal 26.08.2005 17:01 |
Zander05 wrote: I am sorry to say that apart from the ending, I didn't much like it. Well, I do - but I was expecting there to be less subtle differences and stuff. I'll give this another listen later and try to critique it better. I feel like I'm not giving it proper justice.I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. You don't like the song? This was created to change the ending for a couple of zoners who disliked the baby crying thing. So, first and foremost, I didn't want to change much at all. But I did add a few subtle changes here and there. But what I'm most happy about is making it sound good overall. Peace, Adam. |
Freddie May 26.08.2005 17:18 |
Adam, you really made a great work : congratulations :) I was one of those who didn't like this baby crying, now I think this mix gives finally this song justice. When Daniel vZ made a great effort I found his version (no offense to you Daniel!) not "original" enough. For exemple repeating twice the last verse was too noticeable. This mix is really great and I can't wait to listen to it on my stereo system. Thanks guy ;) |
John S Stuart 26.08.2005 18:24 |
Sorry Adam. Fan mixes you either like them - or you don't, and unfortunately, I don't. Let's start with good mixes. These add "something" to the original. If good mixes are compared to art, it would be like Andy Warhol's colourised prints of Marilyn Monroe. The original B& W photograph is retouched - glamourised, technoized, and churned out for mass-capitalised reproduction,allowing everyone to own their own little piece of her - adding a unique "personality" which reflects poor Marilyn's tortured lifestyle. Likewise, Jimi Hendrix's "Star Spangled Banner" reproduces the chaos of the late 1960's USA, and reflects a nation's distain of the Vietnam war (amongst other internal socio-political problems). But bad fan mixes - are cheap art. Like painting a beard on the Mona Lisa, or adding Mickey Mouse ears on a Rembrandt. They offer nothing unique or original - and do nothing but retract from the original source. I think you mix is technically very good, but in doing so, you rob the track of it's very soul. Mother Love is about life and death. It is about the unique bond that exists between a mother and child. (In a sense it echoes the "Loser In The End" sentiments of Queen II). It is about a dying son, who unaturally will die before his parents. That is the tragedy. That is the sadness. Ofcourse, being ambigious, the song may well be about a partner (gay, surrogate or otherwise) but it is certainly about MOTHER love - or love like a mother shares. It is not about sex, passion or even romance. It is about unconditional, blinding love. I don't want to sleep with you... All I want is the comfort and care Just to know that my woman gives me sweet - Mother love I'm a man of the world and they say I'm strong But my heart is heavy and my hope is gone Out in the city, in the cold world outside I don't want pity, just safe place to hide Mama please, let me back inside... That final sentence... Mama please, let me back inside... Is all about a return to the safety and security of the symbolic womb. ("just safe place to hide") This sentiment is repeated by the "Going Back" and the final Baby's cry. So for me, to rip the very heart from the track, because a few on here "do not get it", is tantimount to vandalism. As I say, technically accomplished, but poetically bereft. Sorry If I appear a bit unforgiving. It's nothing personal, but basically you have just p*ssed on one of my favoutite tracks, and I feel that it demonstrates that if you want to remix - we need to ask ourselves "why" first. |
Lord Fickle 26.08.2005 18:25 |
This is what I've been waiting for! At last, my chance for revenge!! Lol! ;) Most annoyingly, technically, I can't fault this, apart from having to turn my desktop subwoofer down a notch. I would suggest, however, more delay throughout, and some unintentional phasing would make this perfect. :P :P (joking!) But seriously, a very nice mix, and I like the use of the eYe instrumental section, particularly the guitar at 4:31, (from It's A Hard Life?), and the ethereal ending, although I have to agree with JSS to some extent, in that the removal of the baby crying, does somewhat detract from the essence of the track, but I realise you have done as was requested. Splendid work, Adam. :) |
Adam Baboolal 26.08.2005 20:44 |
John S Stuart wrote: Sorry If I appear a bit unforgiving. It's nothing personal...Yeah right, it's not personal. John S Stuart wrote: ...but basically you have just p*ssed on one of my favoutite tracks, and I feel that it demonstrates that if you want to remix - we need to ask ourselves "why" first.First of all - NO-ONE here has to stop themselves and ask "why" on anything they do. It's all about their creative side and it's all unique to the individual, good or bad. There's no need for that remark. I think you just insulted everyone who sits and does these remixes. And I'll get to that other point about pissing on one of your favourite tracks in the best possible way. To talk about the other ML remix... What I find amazing about your review John is that you never said this about DanielZ's remix which cuts up many portions of the track and also removes a lot more than myself. And somehow, I get this lashing of a review from you. I just get that feeling, you know? Like there's something spiteful to this so-called "review." Anyway, I guess I should explain some things that I inserted for my reinterpretation... I used a special bass track to highlight the high and low points of Freddie's story in the track. And the ending was supposed to be a release. An end that in one way was a good thing and bad in another. The only thing that was truly cut from the original track was the Goin' Back part and the baby's cry. And somehow I've ruined the song?? I think you're lashing out at me. Look at how Fickle's review approached things. He didn't launch some lavish attack on the mix. He didn't need to because even though he also felt similarly about the removal of the very last seconds of the track, he knew to judge it accordingly. It doesn't change things as much as you say it does. Why do you always attack me? Do you hold grudges? If so, does it make you feel better to attack me like this? I'm actually disappointed as I actually thought you could move on from the past disagreements. Wow, was I wrong. This makes me very sad. If you want to prove me wrong about this attack, you'll write something similarly harsh in DanielZ's Mother Love thread. Peace, Adam. |
Adam Baboolal 26.08.2005 20:49 |
Lord Fickle wrote: ...and I like the use of the eYe instrumental section, particularly the guitar at 4:31, (from It's A Hard Life?), and the ethereal ending, although I have to agree with JSS to some extent, in that the removal of the baby crying, does somewhat detract from the essence of the track, but I realise you have done as was requested. Splendid work, Adam. :)Thanks Mi-Lord! You know this is the second time someone has said they hear something that doesn't actually occur in the mix! I find this fascinating. I didn't add any guitar, though to tell the truth, I almost added some harmony stuff near the end. But I couldn't. I wanted to leave things as they were. A clear-cut ending with minimal additions to the song. You know, I might have to add-in the Goin' Back and Baby thing now. I never realised I'd get this much agro for it! In fact, the baby was in there. But then I remembered the request and took it back out. Hmm... whadya think? One with and one without for download? Peace, Adam. |
John S Stuart 26.08.2005 20:59 |
Adam: "What I find amazing about your review John is that you never said this about DanielZ's remix which cuts up many portions of the track." First, I have never heard it. If you want to re-read that particular thread, you will see that I have made no comment - because of that reason. Second: The only reason I downloaded YOUR version was because I read the review: "Jeffrey Todd... Adam, you've more than proven yourself here. This is perfection. Not only did you create a new version.. you made the whole thing sound 10 times better than the original!" If not for that recommendation, possibly, I would not have downloaded YOUR version either, but, with that sort of publicity, I thought I would give it a try! However, I strongly disagree with Jeffrey on this occassion. That has nothing to do with personlities, some mixes work - others don't - and for me (as I alluded to above) this is a bit like p*ssing on a Picasso. Your claim: "The only thing that was truly cut from the original track was the Goin' Back part and the baby's cry. And somehow I've ruined the song??" Is a bit like a doctor saying - I can't understand why the patient died, I only cut his heart out! Let me spell it out very clearly. I have nothing against you. I do not hold grudges. I think that technically speaking - you have done a good job. But a large part of the musical experience is emotion. Both Hollywood and Hitler knew that, and used it to great effect. I hate this mix. I hate it with a passion - not because it is a bad mix per-say, but for me, it kills the track dead. (But that again, is MY opinion). Please do not use that fact as a way of saying "if I don't like the track - then I don't like you..." it does not work like that. This is a public forum, and you invited the replies, and in essence although Jeffrey and I disagree, we are both entitled to our opinions. To sum up what I think of your mix (I quote from above): "As I say, technically accomplished, but poetically bereft." Is that not a fair if not succint criticism? |
Adam Baboolal 26.08.2005 21:08 |
John S Stuart wrote: I have never heard it.Here ya go: link Peace, Adam. P.S. Would you like a version with Going Back and the baby's crying? If you want it, you got it. |
John S Stuart 26.08.2005 21:31 |
Adam Baboolal: "If you want to prove me wrong about this attack, you'll write something similarly harsh in DanielZ's Mother Love thread... Here ya go..." link So you want me to criticise his mix - because I criticised yours? Come on Adam, as I said above, because your mix recieved such a great recommendation, I thought I would give it a spin. No problem. I did not like it. Still no problem. No agro there I'm afraid. But mixes can do that. Some listners will love them. Others will hate them. You can not please everyone. But, you must be prepared to take the rough with the smooth, and you cannot expect 100% positive feedback. My criticism was not the technical achievement, nor was it the musical side of the arrangement. I feel that my (justified) criticism was that you took away the "soul" and the very "heart" of the piece, and what remained behind (for me) was a cold lifeless shell, and that is for me, as much a musical criticism as saying "your B# is out of tune". P.S. Would you like a version with Going Back and the baby's crying? If you want it, you got it. No Adam - no need to put it back. I can always listen to the Queen original! But I would like you to think about what you have written. I have nothing against you. And I have said that the mix works on many levels. But you can not expect to scribble a beard on the "Mona Lisa" and have all your "customers" enjoy it. I wonder how Wyclef Jean would feel if he knew that I criticise his "Another One Bites The Dust" or Rick Ruben for his "We Will Rock You" remixes? Do you really believe that they would assume these were personal grudges also? |
Adam Baboolal 26.08.2005 22:08 |
You know what it is? I just don't like being singled out and told that I just pissed on their favourite song. Because, at the end of the day, everyone who has contributed mixes here in the past has done this in one way or another.
That was my reasoning for you to also say the same about any other mix that does the same with that particular song. Why should I have to take this harsh criticism and yet no other? Bit of discrimination in that way of thinking, don't you think? I did state that I changed the ending entirely and that should've been a warning sign if you hold the song in such high regard.
And we're back at my original thought. Why should I be singled out in all this remixing malarky?
I suggest that in the future, you take any people's opinions in this section of Queenzone with a pinch of salt and possibly even ignore it entirely.
John S Stuart wrote: No Adam - no need to put it back. I can always listen to the Queen original!The point of mixes is that they're not like the original, therefore, you'd have something new and different to listen to if you wanted. Hence why I asked. The original is the original. Someone's remix is something different. An alternative. |
Penis - Vagina 26.08.2005 22:15 |
What struck me immediately was the sound quality.. even in MP3 form, being improved. I can't say what it is really.. just a cleaner, more pleasing sound than the original (In my opinion). Freddie's vocal even seems improved somehow. And the little added sounds here and there were tastefully done and provided a nice surprise after having heard the original countless times. Then I thought the instrumental section came into the mix beautifully and the sound quality matched seamlessly. The final ending parts were so interesting as to keep me wanting more and wondering what I'd hear next.. So to sum that up, it simply sounds better overall, has nice unexpected touches throughout and it accomplishes what it sets out to do. Technically perfect in my opinion, nothing to indicate that it wasn't "professionally" done. And I can not complain about anything missing from the original.. since that was the whole idea! It's supposed to be missing something, as was requested. I've always felt that MIH was a bit too loud for its own good. That perhaps dynamically it suffered for being so loud. The 2001 remaster waveform shows that they reduced the volume a bit.. it's chopped to a uniform level straight across. This actually might be an area where you would disagree with me Adam.. but I hear a sort of flatness throughout most of the original album. The instrumental mixes we've heard from the tracks actually sound better to me (especially IWBTLY.. hearing the karaoke version really blew me away and I instantly loved the song much more than I did originally). And I hear the same sort of improved sound in your mix here. Maybe others don't even notice it.. or maybe I'm crazy, but it's more pleasing to my ears than the original. Comparing them now I find that I'm right.. the muddiness is gone in your mix and Freddie sounds so much better. Am I nuts? :) So that's where I'm coming from. I see John's point about the meaningfullness of everything in the original... but I disagree that seemingly the whole idea is ruined by the exclusion of a couple things. On the contrary, I think the song still works when the listener is left hanging, expecting perfect closure but instead it just sort of slips away... if I was the philosophical type, I could argue that the point is made either way. Actually this might be an interesting topic elsewhere, but I've always wondered how others felt about the choice to put the track early on in the album, rather than a more obvious position nearer to the end... The way I see it, we aren't going to have anything new from the Freddie years for awhile, so if fans want to manipulate things, try out different ideas.. what does it hurt? To me, the heart and soul of Queen is the 15 studio albums and nothing can change that. Some songs may be considered sacred territory, but in the end, they're all just as disposable as tissues, right? If someone wants to give it a go removing the opera section from Bo Rhap.. good for them! The original is still there... I think John's comments can probably be summed up simply by saying "I don't like the idea, but it's technically good". So try to look at it that way Adam :) Edit: It took me so long to write this that a few new posts have appeared since, so forgive any oversights.. |
Lord Fickle 27.08.2005 04:43 |
Lord Fickle wrote: ...and I like the use of the eYe instrumental section, particularly the guitar at 4:31, (from It's A Hard Life?), and the ethereal ending, although I have to agree with JSS to some extent, in that the removal of the baby crying, does somewhat detract from the essence of the track, but I realise you have done as was requested. Splendid work, Adam. :) Adam Baboolal wrote: Thanks Mi-Lord! You know this is the second time someone has said they hear something that doesn't actually occur in the mix! I find this fascinating. I didn't add any guitar, though to tell the truth, I almost added some harmony stuff near the end. But I couldn't. I wanted to leave things as they were. A clear-cut ending with minimal additions to the song.So, where's that guitar bit from? I know I've heard it before, and it's bugging me! Adam Baboolal wrote: You know, I might have to add-in the Goin' Back and Baby thing now. I never realised I'd get this much agro for it! In fact, the baby was in there. But then I remembered the request and took it back out. Hmm... whadya think? One with and one without for download?I think by doing that, you might as well call it a 'remastered' version of the original track. Then you'll get other complaints. I know, I've been there and got the t-shirt! |
Adam Baboolal 27.08.2005 09:30 |
Well, ya see, I didn't add any guitar bits at all. The only obvious inclusion would be the piano track parts. And they only appear at start, middle and end. The rest are just little vocal bits and bobs here and there. I listened at the 4:31 point, but I only hear the guitar Brian originally recorded for the song. Maybe you've never heard it as clear as that before? Freddie's vocal is usually way high at that bit for the "out in the city" part. Peace, Adam. |
Lord Fickle 27.08.2005 09:49 |
Yeah, of course it is. Hadn't really listened to the eYe mix much before. |
john bodega 29.08.2005 09:06 |
In Fred's own words (concerning WATC, not Mother Love - but still a valid point) he considered his songs to be disposable, and with WATC he used to wonder why no one had written something to replace it. On a technical level, this remix is marvellous. And I absolutely love the instrumentation at the end. I feel no harsh slap in the face with the removal of the baby cry, or whatever. You weren't trying to rip apart the message of the song, you were just taking out a sound effect that someone wanted to have taken out. If I recall, you didn't take any lyrics out did you? Well then - the message is still there! In a slightly unrelated question : I wonder why they didn't put song snippets in Track 13? Many many Queen songs were done in the right key, and most of these have elements (some subtle, some not-so) that would've been quite appropriate. Odd. And also - What period did 'are you running?' and 'fab!' come from? They're heard at different parts of Track 13 (for the uninformed). Fab sounds like latter day Fred. But that's all I can think up. |
QueenNewcastle 29.08.2005 09:18 |
nice 1 |
Lord Fickle 29.08.2005 11:45 |
Zebonka12 wrote: If I recall, you didn't take any lyrics out did you? Well then - the message is still there!Ahh, but it's not just lyrics which make a song, it's the whole package. What if Love Of My Life had been recorded to the music of Stone Cold Crazy? Wouldn't have been quite the same message, would it? :) In Mother Love, the baby crying is as intergral a part of the song as the lyrics. Now, there's an idea for a remix! :) :) |
John S Stuart 29.08.2005 16:42 |
Zebonka12: Try listen to the lyrics of "One Vision" by Queen. It's very Martin Luther King and equal rights and all that sort of stuff. Then listen to the exact SAME lyrics by Leibach. It changes the song from a humanitarian "Live Aid" type track - to some Hitleresque Nurembourg rally nightmare. Same song. Same lyrics. Two completely different "messages". As suggested above, the meaning of any song - is only partially arrrived at by the lyrics. To have a "soul" - you have to take on board the whole package. |
Adam Baboolal 29.08.2005 19:57 |
As far as I'm concerned, there's been too much hoo ha made about this change. Fact is, these kind of changes happen in every single mix posted here. I just don't want to read anymore on this subject of THE change... that was made. Please... There's no need for anyone's work here to be scrutinised in the way John did so. It doesn't help and in fact in the last 8 years of making music, theatre or film and getting comments on the work, etc. It was the first time that I felt somehow verbally abused. That's never happened to me before and like I said, no-one deserves that kind of response. I couldn't take anything from what John said apart from that he didn't like what I did and thought I was wrong to do it. No-one needs those kind of reponses. Peace, Adam. |
John S Stuart 29.08.2005 20:18 |
Adam - I will make this my final point. I have not abused you. I have made no snide, disrespectful or negative comments about you or you good character. There is absolutely NO personal content in my mails. True, I did not like your mix - but that is a very seperate debate, and as far as I am concerned, I have concentrated on that debate only, and I still keep both issues seperate. Please do not try to tag them both together. As to my reply to Zebonka12, anyone who has heard both versions of the "One Vision" I refer to, will undoubtedly conceed, that although the lyric remains untouched, both versions are diametrically oppossed. (I suggest that if you have not done so, you find yourself a copy of the Leibach version. It is well worth the effort). My point is that you CAN indeed change the whole meaning of a song - WITHOUT altering the lyrics, so this leaves his point without substance. Finally, I have a right NOT to like your mix, and more to the point say so. That does not invalidate your creative processes, nor detract from your individuality. But the point is, you are (using as your base) the very familuar work of others. If you want to be REALLY creative, why not work on your own material? You see, if as an author I was to write a "new" Sherlock Holmes or Mary Poppins - then obviously, I would deserve the "flack" from those die-hard fans if I was to write a graphic sex scene into each. This is because none of the original works did so - and to try and write as Conon-Doyle under such conditions, could be seen as both cheap and gimmicky. However, if I was to write my own novel, with a Holmes-like hero called Constantine Cottages, or with a nanny called Fanny Fatflapps, no one could criticise me under those conditions. I know that my point me be lost, but, if you are working with "iconic" material - then expect flack if it appears that your mix is disrespectful or misses the point. Again, you will note that I have not said a negative word against Adam - I have kept all my points to the mix only, and I hope you see that I have treated your personality - and your mix as two seperate things. |
Adam Baboolal 29.08.2005 21:58 |
John S Stuart wrote: I have not abused you.See, you can't say that. My words on reading your reactions in this thread have left me feeling like this: -It was the first time that I felt somehow verbally abused.- You can't tell me how I feel about your comments. But I can. If someone creates something, no matter how insignificant, they're still making something from their own creative mind. Not everyone can separate themselves from their work. John S Stuart wrote: True, I did not like your mix - but that is a very seperate debate, and as far as I am concerned, I have concentrated on that debate only, and I still keep both issues seperate. Please do not try to tag them both together.They're one and the same to me because, that's where this came from. From your comments and reactions to the mix. That's the basis for all this. And as explained above, the mix and I are connected. John S Stuart wrote: As to my reply to Zebonka12, anyone who has heard both versions of the "One Vision" I refer to, will undoubtedly conceed, that although the lyric remains untouched, both versions are diametrically oppossed. (I suggest that if you have not done so, you find yourself a copy of the Leibach version. It is well worth the effort).And yet again, one of your analogies that have nothing to do with anything here, come up. Comparing a cover of One Vision with the original track in this thread?? Nay, this part of the forum. My mix is compiled from the original track and bits and pieces of few other Queen tracks. Its content couldn't be any more different! Regardless of lyrics and music being intact, or not. The feeling is totally different and can't be avoided. Keep these things within the subtext of what happens here, i.e. mixes of Queen/related material. John S Stuart wrote: My point is that you CAN indeed change the whole meaning of a song - WITHOUT altering the lyrics, so this leaves his point without substance.Again, this means nothing, because of one thing - the recording and vibe surrounding it. John S Stuart wrote: Finally, I have a right NOT to like your mix, and more to the point say so. That does not invalidate your creative processes, nor detract from your individuality. But the point is, you are (using as your base) the very familuar work of others. If you want to be REALLY creative, why not work on your own material?What the heck are you on about? I never said you couldn't have an opinion, did I? No, I didn't. God only knows why you went on about creativity because you don't actually know me. Why not work on my own material?? Who says I haven't? Assumptions like this have no place here because the whole point of this part of the forum is... anyone? Oh yeah... FAN MIXES! Therefore, my "own material" doesn't exactly count here, does it? John S Stuart wrote: You see, if as an author I was to write a "new" Sherlock Holmes or Mary Poppins - then obviously, I would deserve the "flack" from those die-hard fans if I was to write a graphic sex scene into each. This is because none of the original works did so - and to try and write as Conon-Doyle under such conditions, could be seen as both cheap and gimmicky.Another analogy that has no place here. Who's writing anything new here? Has anyone written something and passed it off as Queen? We're adding and taking away as fans who wish to do something with the Queen catalogue. If you don't like these kind of things, why listen at all? John S Stuart wrote: I know that my point me be lost, but, if you are working with "iconic" material - then expect flack if it appears that your mix is disrespectful or misses the point.You know why |
felix ibex 30.08.2005 07:36 |
I think its Wonderful |
john bodega 30.08.2005 11:49 |
On the example of putting LOML lyrics to Stone Cold Crazy - it's a valid point, but one that does not apply here. The music wasn't actually changed (for the body of the song that had the lyrics). That part remains touching. I don't really see how the remix could be seen as emotionally bereft though. I think the end is emotional but conveys a different feeling. The old ending was like a sort of backwards journey. I don't know what Adam was out to achieve with his version, but to me it sounds more of a lament. Well not so sad as a lament... hard to explain. If you ask me that's a good thing - who wants boring WORDS to spell it all out anyway? Heh. |
Lord Fickle 30.08.2005 13:08 |
My point is, Zeb, that it's not just the lyrics which make up the song. You made a comment above that seemed to say that as the lyrics haven't been changed, it's OK. What I am trying (badly) to say, is that the lyrics are only PART of the song. With some songs, it doesn't matter all that much, but with ML, the entire sentiment is that Freddie is going back to the protection of his Mother's arms, and the unconditional love that only a Mother has for her Son. It's in this way he hopes to find peace "before I die". The "going back" segment signifies this perfectly. It's a closure. To remove it, kind of leaves things open ended, unfinished, lost, if you like. Just my opinion. Again, this isn't criticising Adam or his mix, but perhaps the idea behind it, for want of a better explanation. ML contains the very last breath that Freddie recorded, and as such, even though that segment hasn't been altered (in fact, Adam has made it sound slightly better), the song itself (although, I have to admit, not one of my favourites) is held almost in reverence by many fans, and to change it would seem, in many ways, to be treading on sacred ground. For what it's worth, I do think this debate has got slightly over-heated, and there are quite clearly undercurrent personal differences at work, so without wishing to appear above my station, can I suggest, without prejudice, we cool it for this thread, and treat the mix as any other, rather than taking things too personally? |
Adam Baboolal 30.08.2005 14:08 |
Thankyou LF. I was trying to wrap things up with the let's stop going on about that change thing bit. Unfortunately, I did add a little note about how it made me feel and then JSS came back to set me straight again. If there's one thing I never wanted in this thread, it was all this arguing over a mix. Things around here are usually so peaceful and I've loved that atmosphere! But certain comments are better left unsaid. I'd like this to be the last note about this, seriously, this time. If you're going to comment, don't say things that are just going to get someone angry. Simply think about what you want to say and wrap it up quick without being rude and drawing it out. I'm sure that's all anyone on here really wants. No rude comments. And btw, LF has been someone who also didn't like the same thing JSS mentioned in the mix. But the way he approached it was great. That's a perfect example of saying what is acceptable and not in any way rude. Go Fickle! Peace, Adam. |
inu-liger 30.08.2005 21:13 |
JSS' comments aside, I personally like this mix. It really adds a lot of new "unspeakable" emotions that I myself can't describe but can feel, especially at times in bed when I'm in deep thought about things troubling me, etc. I thought this mix was much better than the original, and that's MY opinion. Before John says anything, I'm not saying that EVERYONE will think it's better than the original, but that's what *I* feel, that this sounds much better and is better as a song than the original one was. And yes, I noticed the audible problems with the original version too, in these past few years. (Sadly I've yet to buy into the mini-LP series, which I would LOVE to do!) I think this could very well be my favourite fan-made remix of a Queen song for this year! (Alongside my own Radio Mix version of "Was It All Worth It", which ironically was all chopped up, although 'nicely' like you sort of put it Adam (when you said it would earn a 100% mark in your music class), although nobody criticized my work on that edit/mix as a song or even an edit to begin with!) I have a question! Is it me, or did you put in a line from "Play The Game" near the end?! ('It's your life') Or am I going insane! It sounds like that, and if it is, it sounds so much like it was recorded in the same session as Mother Love! EXCELLENT WORK ADAM!!! |
Adam Baboolal 31.08.2005 00:00 |
Ah ha! Another person who hears something that isn't there. Seriously, I really find this fascinating and I'm not sure why! There are plenty of things packed into that ending and one of them is "I did it for love" from It's a Hard Life. Maybe that's what you've heard? Definitely nothing from Play The Game. I'm starting to wonder if I should make a list of the included snippets in the ending part as I lost count when I added them all. Peace, Adam. |
inu-liger 31.08.2005 00:25 |
You probably should do that. |
Adam Baboolal 31.08.2005 09:32 |
Here's the list folks: Forever (piano and strings) - a little chopped up, but mostly into little sections that flowed together with the help of a very nice effects processor. It's a Hard Life (vocal exposed bit) - "I did it for love_" + "Yeah... oh yeah" also vocal exposed. Track 13 (Vocal exposed parts) - Freddie vox bits + some of the instrumental plays out. + "are you running?" Mother Love (delayed beats) - little delays on a certain drum hit. These are littered through the track actually. + the smash part vocal exposed that has part of Brian's little riff playing. + "Sweet Mother Love" also vocal exposed + The montage that flows backwards at the end of the original is included + Part of the main beat playing in the background with an effect on it. + Some kind of bird sound also from the original ending. Some cymbal swells from my library. Haven't a clue where they came from as they were just in my music folder! Hope this helps with any of the confusion that's been going round. Peace, Adam. |
inu-liger 01.09.2005 01:15 |
Hey Adam, are the cymbal swells on WAV or MP3 files? If so, can you send them to my e-mail addy via YouSendIt? I want some samples for when I get to recording an E.P. eventually |
john bodega 01.09.2005 02:30 |
It's good stuff. |
Adam Baboolal 01.09.2005 11:24 |
Inu-Liger<h6>-a.k.a. Richard Guilbault- wrote: Hey Adam, are the cymbal swells on WAV or MP3 files? If so, can you send them to my e-mail addy via YouSendIt? I want some samples for when I get to recording an E.P. eventuallyActually, they're cymbal hits that I reversed inside Audition. You can find plenty all over the web. If you have trouble finding any, I'll try and pass them on. Peace, Adam. |
inu-liger 01.09.2005 21:24 |
It would probably save me time if you could post some of the links here, as I don't get too much time on the Internet now that my sisters and step-brothers are back in school as of today (meaning I can't go to bed later than 10PM, which sucks!) |
Adam Baboolal 01.09.2005 23:13 |
Do you mean, you want me to upload the files? Peace, Adam. |
inu-liger 02.09.2005 00:41 |
I actually meant the websites where the samples can be found |
Adam Baboolal 02.09.2005 09:19 |
I don't have any bookmarked, you'll just have to search I'm afraid. That's the only way to get anything. I managed to find this: link Peace, Adam. |
inu-liger 03.09.2005 02:21 |
Thanks. Got some nice samples so far. | 29.09.2005 17:59 |
*I* am the Zoner who wishes to strangle the wailing brat....for that alone, I thank you... Nice mix by the way.... |
Adam Baboolal 29.09.2005 21:50 |
My pleasure. I'm guessing it was your plea that I answered with this mix. I'm happy I did it now, even after the unpleasantness. Peace, Adam. |
QueenNewcastle 30.09.2005 06:55 |
there's some gd remixes of this song goin around now like :-D |
deleted user 01.10.2005 13:08 |
I've only just saved this remix and I think it's lovely. The instrumenal bit feels really amospheric (if thast's a word). And it really sounds like, well I can't explain it. |
chefman5150 13.06.2006 06:38 |
Hey hard drive crashed about two and a half weeks ago...I don't download alot of the fanmixes, but this one of 'Mother Love' was absolutely one of my favorites!! Could I possibly ask you to re-upload this?? I would be in your debt!! I thank you for your time...and truthfully, and this is my opinion...despite all the negative attention it got, I think I like this mix better than the original. I think Lily said it best when it had a 'atmospheric' tone to it that the orginial lacks. Having said that, the original is awesome too, with Freddie giving one of his best vocal performances ever. Anyway Adam, thank you for your time...once again!! |
Adam Baboolal 13.06.2006 12:42 |
Righty, I didn't know the download was gone. Well, I luckily have a cd with that mix on it! I'm away from home right now, so you're very lucky indeed! Here it is - link Peace, Adam. |
chefman5150 14.06.2006 00:32 | kick ass!! I totally owe your ass a beer!! If you're ever in Southern California, look me up!!! |
TRS-Romania 14.06.2006 17:42 |
excellent. I havent heard this one before... Extremely well done!:) Stefan |
Togg 16.06.2006 10:41 |
Having read the posts I am debating whether or not to comment on Johns response... and OK I will, well to be totally honest I feel the same about fan mixes as he does. I feel that somehow it degrades the original a little like John said, it's like repainting the sky in a constable or adding a small farm scene behind the Mona Lisa. I do not mean to detract from the skill of doing it, but I would rather hear either original material or a new version of the song played by someone else, not a rehashed version of the original. Without any axe to grind at all on either side I have read the posts and I really don't feel it's a personal attack on you Adam, I understand where John is coming from which is the reason I don't often come into this section, I don't like fan mixes! To me the originals are the way I want to hear the tracks, they where created by my favorite band and anyone else playing with them is vandalism (IMO) now if you were playing your own version live that would be another story. Just my opinion, and certainly not personal, but I will say this, if you do post something up here you have to accept that folk may bash it, after all that's why you post it, to get feedback, just because someone doesn't like it doesn't mean you have to take it personally, I have read twice the posts and I think John was pretty even handed to be honest, but sometime when things are written rather than spoken it can come across more like an attack, which I don't think was his intention here. Anyway, that's me done. |
Adam Baboolal 16.06.2006 14:11 |
I don't really remember it all as I tried to forget it. So, I'm not going to go back and read. But here's what I think. Why would someone listen to something they know they're not going to agree with because they think it's wrong. And why would someone then write silly and sometimes nasty comments that don't help, and merely annoy. It reminds me of the Brian May soapbox. People get so annoyed at the things he writes. But they still can't help but go and read his views. Now, you could be forgiven for thinking they're just searching for interesting Queen/Brian info. But it has been said here many times before, important or interesting info will be posted here at QZ. So, here's the kicker. It's like they come here (or effectively Brian's soapbox) to get wound up so they can then post some really weird and annoying things. Gluttons for punishment? (if that's the right phrase) I really don't understand it. Why put yourself through something you know isn't going to be to your liking, only to pass on your ill feeling to the person on the receiving end, i.e. me in this case. I don't mean you, Togg. Or even JohnSS, I guess. I just mean that people need to sit and think before passing comments on that may offend. We all have our opinions, but sometimes we should choose wisely in what we say. But I have to ask Togg, when you say, "To me the originals are the way I want to hear the tracks, they where created by my favorite band and anyone else playing with them is vandalism (IMO) now if you were playing your own version live that would be another story." - why have you then chosen to visit this forum? That's what this forum is all about. OUR meddling with Queen related tracks. Peace, Adam. |
chefman5150 18.06.2006 18:18 |
Well said Adam!!! |
Togg 19.06.2006 06:24 |
"Why have you chosen to come to this forum?" well it was only the second time I have for just the reason I gave, and I happened to stumble on your topic so decided to comment as I felt it was something I agreed with and could comment on. The fact is I don't listen to the fan mixes, never have, and I haven't listened to yours, I was not commenting on your version, just the concept in general. |
Mantura 04.07.2006 15:11 |
This mix really sucks. I mean really sucks. I hope (to save yourself from embarrassment) that you DO NOT make any more mixes. You have managed to ruin a complete masterpiece. No wait, that was a understatement. This would be like drawing a picture of a pair of tits on a sheet of A4 lined paper and saying this is the equivilent of the Mona Lisa... Thanks |
Adam Baboolal 04.07.2006 16:03 |
O-k-a-y... I see the post I made on this very page has been passed over. Also people, note how this Mantura only has ONE post and it's made here. Sounds like someone from the general forum... Richard's on your tail bud. |
Rick 05.07.2006 09:41 |
If Richard asked money for every troll that is registering here, then he would already be a millionaire. |
bigV 14.07.2006 15:18 |
Adam, I for one think that this is amazing! It relates to the album version much like the 12" mixes relate to the original songs. It sounds really professional. "Mother Love" is one of my favourite songs and I truly enjoyed hearing this mix. Well done! V. |
theCro 02.09.2006 19:27 |
upload again files are dead |
chefman5150 23.09.2006 06:55 |
I've had this mix for well over six months, and I think it's probably my favorite one still. This one is just smokin'!!! I've commented on this track a number of times, but damn...this is just beautiful work here my friend!! |
Adam Baboolal 23.09.2006 13:56 |
Thankyou Chef! Well, since these nice words come round again, I shall reupload for Cro who can't get it. **checks** Damn, can't find the cd. I'll take a look and make a good mp3. Or maybe someone here who has it will beat me to it? Adam. |
Deacon Fan 23.09.2006 14:11 |
I still have the original mp3 somewhere Adam, but I was always hoping you'd share a flac :) |
Adam Baboolal 23.09.2006 17:00 |
A flac file eh? Hmm... I'll give it a try when I see the disc, next. Adam. |
Deacon Fan 23.09.2006 18:23 |
Alrighty, please do try to give us a flac if you can :) In the meantime, here's the original file I saved last year: link or link Enjoy! |
Crezchi 24.09.2006 02:05 |
Sounds great Adam, by the way, is that your real last name? Can hardly say it, how is it pronounced? |
Adam Baboolal 24.09.2006 05:28 |
No, I don't really have any others, except one specific mix. Just one idea for IWBTLY that I've never really made past 1 edit. Just haven't sat down to begin work, as with so many things I'd like to do! I was gonna try and use loads of elements from all the versions I had, including the piano and vocal bits from the FM box set. I got the idea when I made a menu for the Freddie's Loves show I'd recorded and made up an edit where I used the IWBTLY track from MIH and then edited in the karaoke version, then edited in the piano and vocal to finish. It works very nicely and I still have it. Is it my real name? Yes, it is. I usually go by ImdurC or MrFilm in other places. But I like being me, here. It's pronounced, Bab-o-lal. Glad you enjoy the mix. I listened to it last night after not hearing it for a while and thought it still holds up. Though, I do grow a little weary of the bass effect I added. Can't believe it's been over a year since I did it. Doesn't seem THAT long ago!! Adam. |
Adam Baboolal 25.09.2006 05:19 |
Look what I found - link |
Deacon Fan 25.09.2006 10:24 |
Thank you Adam! Anytime you need your in-pants recorder adjusted, let me know ;) |
Adam Baboolal 25.09.2006 15:16 |
Uhhh... *Runs away* WWWwwwwwaaaaaaaaahhhhhh....... |
bigV 02.10.2006 13:18 |
Truly exquisite work! V. |
BuddyL 09.12.2006 23:36 |
Hi. I think I'm the only one to have noticed, but. I think John S Stewart made the debate personal when he said; " It's nothing personal, but basically you have just p*ssed on one of my favoutite tracks, and I feel that it demonstrates that if you want to remix - we need to ask ourselves "why" first." Ignore the get-out clause "It's nothing personal". It so clearly is! The way in which you have constructed a vision of Adam standing in your front room pissing on your record collection disgusts me! I think from your post here, you have adiquately displayed your dis-taste for fan mixes. Might I suggest you should never have to post anonther scathing review of a fans hard work. Your opinions are clear in this thread. I quote: "Sorry Adam. Fan mixes you either like them - or you don't, and unfortunately, I don't." Sounds to me like some-one has nothing else to do with their time than criticise peoples hard work. Personally speaking. I apreciate listening to what people have to add to the queen phenomenon. I could never reside myself to having such a narrow mind by admitting I dislike all fan mixes. As for this fan mix.. Jolly well done Adam. Keep up the preternatural work! |
akindofmagic 14.12.2006 20:51 |
can someone upload again?? (on yousendit, please) |
Adam Baboolal 14.12.2006 21:27 |
Hi. I re-upped it for Buddy here - link Adam. |
Vali 27.12.2006 19:03 |
Adam .... I´ve just heard the song and ... have no words. Congratulations. Amazing job. Thankyou very much |
Adam Baboolal 29.12.2006 06:48 |
Thank-you. Glad you enjoyed it. Adam. |
Back2TheLight 16.09.2007 22:39 |
Well, I had this remix on my comp for a long time, burned it onto CD, can't find the CD, my comp crashed a while back, and this masterpiece has been missing for some time...any way to repost it on something other than rapidshare?? I'll take whatever though...thanks in advance!! :) |
Adam Baboolal 17.09.2007 10:17 |
Bambam, I will reupload to mediafire as I have an account there. It shouldn't expire ever again. :) link (FIXED LINK) The FLAC is back baby!! lol :D Adam. |
Back2TheLight 23.09.2007 16:47 |
Weird...usually I have no prob with mediafire, but the link is not working for me... |
brENsKi 24.09.2007 11:12 |
can't get it to save either Adam. just get "page cannot be displayed" |
Adam Baboolal 25.09.2007 06:34 |
link Here is the corrected link Adam. |
brENsKi 25.09.2007 12:49 |
i like this one Adam. take John's point about the "respect" thing....Freddie's last swansong and all that...but it's still a very fine any standards...well done |
Adam Baboolal 25.09.2007 14:19 |
Thanks Brenski. I said I got what John meant in the initial explanation about removing the original end part, but, well, then he rabbled on about pissing on a picasso and yadda yadda yadda! It just went too far, for me. And anyway, it was meant for those that didn't like the original ending. Also, he said he didn't like fan mixes, so what was he doing here talking about one?? I never understood that. Anyway, I'm the one having fun here! :) Adam. |
Freddie May 25.09.2007 16:17 |
Waiting for the next one now Adam ;) It's been 2 years since this one : are you working on something else ? |
Adam Baboolal 25.09.2007 17:36 |
lol! I'm not a mix kind of guy really. I like to record stuff, so that means either original or covers. Speaking of which, I have; WWTLF, TSMGO, IWBTLY, DSMN and others in the works. I never like to tell anyone these things cause I don't know if they're gonna surface. But hey, I'll mention them cause they're coming along nicely. There are those ones to look forward to...hopefully! Adam. |
ern2150 25.09.2007 22:22 |
C'mon Adam, just one little mix, something for the NOTW anniversary (can you tell I'm plugging that alot as it approaches?) I promise not to bitch if it's a WWRY mix :) |
Adam Baboolal 26.09.2007 07:18 |
Nah dude. I certainly have had mix ideas, but it's too much work to put together something that really works. I don't like doing things by halves you see. So, I'm just sticking with the one mix idea I had that I thought'd really work. I ain't tellin' though! Anyway, I'm doing WWTLF and TSMGO for my theatre's WWRY show dvd. So, it should be done in the next few weeks! In fact, we've recorded two versions of the SMGO in different keys, so, one of them is definitely going to be ready before the other. Hmm... Adam. |