Shay 26.08.2005 05:36 |
Just read this on Yahoo! in an article on musicals in Las Vegas: "...despite a spotty track record of Broadway-style musicals in Vegas. Over the decades, everything from Fiddler on the Roof to touring versions of Annie and 42nd Street have greeted underwhelming crowds, although Starlight Express ran for several years in the 1990s. Avenue Q co-executive producer Kevin McCollum had a prior failure here himself, having brought a production of De la Guarda to the Rio All-Suites Hotel & Casino in 2000 only to close it after nine troubled months. And We Will Rock You, a Queen-scored musical from London's West End, limps to its first anniversary next month at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino. After opening at full length, the show was recently retooled down to 90 minutes...." Doesn't sound like it's doing too great if it's been cut down to 90 minutes, plus by using the phrase "limps to its first anniversary" I hope it's still playing next year as I'm planning a trip to Vegas next summer. Keeping my fingers crossed! Anybody been to Vegas and seen it? |
tia 26.08.2005 08:15 |
I saw it earlier this year in Las Vegas. I thought it was great.The story around the songs was brilliant and the band was great.As mentioned in other discussions, America just doesnt get it.Im from Canada and Queen isnt that big here either.I get frustated when I hear there are so many TV specials about then in Europe and the U.K. and we hardly ever get any. Oh well, they dont know what thier missing! |
AmeriQueen 26.08.2005 08:59 |
Oh, no shit! Or like last year when I read the internet date for the release of On Fire at the Bowl. I go to Best Buy, psyched up, and they don't have it. I go on to discover that, oh yeah, it won't actually come to the U.S. for another month or so. But that's okay, this is America. You don't have to have the real thing. We'll play a shitload of Queen, just so long as it's being sampled in the background while some talentless twit rhymes lyrics which if read by the guy would present a field day for the spell checker. It's not just music, it's everything. Bill Hicks put it best in saying that we are suffering from some sort of anti-intellectualism that is strangling our culture. It's a dumbass new world we live in. Just watch T.V. in America. Is there hardly a commercial on Television that goes so far as to offend you with it's stupidity? Look at the shit we have on T.V. The problem isn't just that there are 5 or 6 shows so far beyond stupid, it's hardly real. The problem is that those 5 or 6 shows are all hit shows with killer ratings! I loved what Hicks said about France, the U.S. and Jerry Lewis. He said, "I'm going to France because I know why they hate Americans and love Jerry Lewis. You see, to them, Jerry Lewis is a typical American. They hate us and they love him. They go 'Look at the fucking idiot, that's America. I love that guy.' Any doubts? Just remember, Seinfeld was the #1 rated TV show for 2 years. I'm so glad they had canned laughter. Otherwise, I would be left out and not knowing when the "funny" parts occurred. |
LIZAWITHAZ 26.08.2005 09:58 |
I wouldn't see that Vegas tripe if you paid me! I've been to the London show last year and was lucky enough to see Brian and Roger on stage with the cast. WONDERFUL! No way am I going to see a 90 minute trashed down Vegas version. Sorry but its not worth it then and those people who have seen the London show will most certainly be dissapointed. Why they did this to We Will Rock You in Vegas is typically of Trash Vegas. I wouldn't use the loo there! |
Fenderek 26.08.2005 10:02 |
AmeriQueen wrote: We'll play a shitload of Queen, just so long as it's being sampled in the background while some talentless twit rhymes lyrics which if read by the guy would present a field day for the spell checker.LOL- man, it's your third post today that made me laugh really hard, Keep on good work :) |
Erin 26.08.2005 10:03 |
They better not quit with the Vegas show, at least not until I get to use my "2 for 1 offer" from the Platinum VIP NJ tickets..;-P Of course, can't see myself making a trip to Vegas for that anyway.. Never been there..never had a desire to go.. |
GreatKingSam 26.08.2005 10:27 |
LIZAWITHAZ wrote: I wouldn't see that Vegas tripe if you paid me! I've been to the London show last year and was lucky enough to see Brian and Roger on stage with the cast. WONDERFUL! No way am I going to see a 90 minute trashed down Vegas version. Sorry but its not worth it then and those people who have seen the London show will most certainly be dissapointed. Why they did this to We Will Rock You in Vegas is typically of Trash Vegas. I wouldn't use the loo there!Actually, despite you completely trashing it when you've not even seen it, I actually went to see it about a week or so ago while I was in Vegas on holiday, and it's actually really good. I've seen the English one twice, at different phases (with Tony Vincent at one of the preview shows, and with another guy about a year or so ago), and I'd say it's just as good as the English one. Also, it lasts roughly 100 minutes, and they dont have an interval either, so it is still roughly the same length, and they also include an acoustic version of You're My Best Friend, which is brilliant, as well as more Americanised jokes (American Idol as opposed to Pop Idol, a couple of class jokes involving Celine Dion, and Graceland as opposed to Wembley ("where the King and Queen live" or something like that)). I'd advise you actually go and see it raher than read biased press reviews or pointless opinions from cynical people who haven't got first hand knowledge. And, it's a great place to hold it too. |
MercuryArts 26.08.2005 10:30 |
It was always scalled down to 90 minutes here in the States. This was talked about by Brian & Roger last year as it was preparing to open. I know several people who saw it as well as the London show. They enjoyed the US version a little more. It was direct & to the point. It was not scaled down after months of playing. |
Maz 26.08.2005 10:31 |
Since I only have the WWRY soundtrack CD to go by, what have they cut out for the Vegas version. I knew they added You're My Best Friend, but did they take out any songs? |
GreatKingSam 26.08.2005 10:53 |
I'm pretty sure You're My Best Friend replaced Who Wants To Live Forever, and I think the way the show was a little bit more to the point, as has been said, it works far better. Also, I don't remember there being Don't Stop Me Now (or Hammer To Fall even?). Other than that... |
LIZAWITHAZ 26.08.2005 11:56 |
No offense GreatKingSam, you are certainly entitled to your opinion and if you like the show then all the better, but I hate Las Vegas and all that it stands for, not We Will Rock You the show per se. |
GreatKingSam 26.08.2005 12:46 |
Oh no probs mate, hope I didnt come across as if I was personally trashing you, it just bothers me when people just say somethings rubbish for the sake of it (no offence to you - it justs seems to happen alot round here!). |
LIZAWITHAZ 26.08.2005 12:51 |
Well Im new to this place and a bit older than a lot of the people here who regularly post and after having peeked at some of the posts, I can see your point. |
7Innuendo7 26.08.2005 20:53 |
de-evolution is real. all too real, these days. "force of anti-intellectualism in American culture" labels radio mags etc in America promoted British bands like the Police and Duran Duran from 1981-1985 (Rolling Stones not touring/recording either)and these other things, IWTBF, Flash Gordon album, Hot Space... I'm hoping to see the WWRY musical as soon as I can! |
rockyracoon 26.08.2005 21:03 |
Being a fan of Queen's music, I have seen the Las Vegas show 6 times. Was lucky to see it on opening night in August last year, then on the formal opening night in September. Also saw it December 18 when Brian May made a pre-announced visit and came up from underneath the stage in a cloud of fog in bright lights near the end of the show and played the guitar solo for Bohemian Rhapsody and then led the cast in Show Must Go On. A VERY dramatic entrance, and the crowd went nuts. I go to Las Vegas solely for the show, as otherwise I really don't care for the place. But it's only a 4 to 5 hour drive, so my wife and I occasionally drive up for weekends. The We Will Rock You show, from what I hear, has been scaled back. The city of Las Vegas, in attempting to standardize the times of all shows in Las Vegas, enacted a maximum of 90 minutes for the show. Tony Vincent (Las Vegas' Galileo Figaro) specifically mentioned this new rule as something that precipitated his decision to leave the cast. He mentioned this on his website. The last time I saw the show was over the July 4th weekend, and at that time the show hadn't been scaled back, so I don't know what has been taken out. But it did include Hammer To Fall, yet never included Who Wants to Live Forever or Don't Stop Me Now. From my perspective the show is FABULOUS. The story line of the play can be a bit lame, but the music is really incredible. The band is masterful, and the cast is very talented. The sound system and lighting are first rate, contributing to an experience similar to attending a Queen concert. It has concerned me that the attendance seems to be declining. The theatre seats approximately 1400 people. Last time I was there, on a weekend, the theatre was only about two-thirds occupied. Several months earlier I saw the show on a Monday evening (a notoriously bad day for shows) and it was only one-third sold. I'm hoping it stays open til I die, but I'm a financial guy who is wondering how long they will keep the show alive if the attendance wanes. So go see it while you can. I promise you won't be disappointed. |