What's the closest anyone on this site has been to any member of Queen? Has anyone met any members, or touched them on stage, or talked to them... etc. Please reply
It was embarassing to meet them..;-) I felt like the biggest goober. Didn't have a chance to get Roger to sign anything when I met him, but Brian signed some things for me.
Ive had a (biiiig) hug from Roger.It was for my birthday many,many years ago( It was when he was still blonde, if thats any indication to how long ago that was).
Bar nearly tripping him up at the WWRY anniversary gig recently.
But Brian shook my hand tho. Real sweetie he is.
I hung out behind the Dominion after a WWRY performance last year, when Brian had been in the audience.
There were a few people asking for his autograph, and some were taking pictures with him. I shook his hand and said "nice to meet you" before he got into his car.
Now if it had been Freddie I saw, I would have been a bit more excited. :P
I was at the Heathrow airport in June of 2002 when I had to make a trip to the WC. Imagine my surprise when I recognized the guy next to me at the urinal. None other than Brian May, right there. I recall he smelled heavily of hair products. It was an awkward place to start a conversation, so I did my business and went to wash my hands. Brian took a while, that's what age does I guess. I was going to talk to him, but he left without washing his hands. I did however, get a look at his manhood, and let me tell you, Fred was right when he said Brian had a big cock.
Zoroaster wrote: I was at the Heathrow airport in June of 2002 when I had to make a trip to the WC. Imagine my surprise when I recognized the guy next to me at the urinal. None other than Brian May, right there. I recall he smelled heavily of hair products. It was an awkward place to start a conversation, so I did my business and went to wash my hands. Brian took a while, that's what age does I guess. I was going to talk to him, but he left without washing his hands. I did however, get a look at his manhood, and let me tell you, Fred was right when he said Brian had a big cock.
In Vegas '04, we shake hands, take pictures and sign autographs.
deleted user 24.08.2005 22:25
Zoroaster wrote: I was at the Heathrow airport in June of 2002 when I had to make a trip to the WC. Imagine my surprise when I recognized the guy next to me at the urinal. None other than Brian May, right there. I recall he smelled heavily of hair products. It was an awkward place to start a conversation, so I did my business and went to wash my hands. Brian took a while, that's what age does I guess. I was going to talk to him, but he left without washing his hands. I did however, get a look at his manhood, and let me tell you, Fred was right when he said Brian had a big cock.
That is funny, take a good look down there did you? Haha, akward, but better than nothing right?
Gee, the closest i have gotten was meeting Peter Freestone at an Australian Queen Tribute concert....BUT i met Alice Cooper who did an interview with Brian May two days afterwards...
Can I just say Im a little disturbed by the whole genital conversation.You could have just left it at the one comment. But noooooo, it had to be dragged out.
Lets just leave it at 'You met him, shook hands and had pics taken with him'. Nothing else.
Its scaring the kids.........
I have met a many celebrity in my time, and some of whom I have had a great deal of respect. I have only once ever been starstruck though. That was when I met Brian May in Dallas in '91 at the Q102(radio station we had) weekend party at Beraperredi's.