Hi guys, I'd like to know which item from your Queen collection , not specially the most expensive ones, but the items that you apreciate the most because of what they mean for you or because they are very hard to find, etc.
Mine are the tickets from Wembley'86 and Knebworth. This was the closest I've ever been to Freddie because I'm just 24 and was only 6 when he rocked the world for the last time.
Mine is pretty rubbish but it's these 2 videos i have with every queen documentary taped on them. I feel like i have my own mini little archive.
And my Greatest Hits 2 CD cause it was the first Queen album i bought.
Probably Hollywood's 1992 Greatest Hits CD. It's one of the least expensive Queen items available, yet I'm personally responsible for 'I Want To Break Free' being added to it, so I always remember that :)
I am not a Queen collector but a Queen lover . I love Queen music first of all.It is always in my mind no matter what might happen around me.Secondly several gifts a very special person has given to me through the years because of their emotional value to me, and then my favourite Queen LP record "Queen II" , a masterpiece (both the music and the visual concept) which is always in my heart.
Well, and if concerts are to be included in this list, but of course I will always remember the one that they gave in Puebla, Mèxico on 17th October 1981, at the Zaragoza stadium.WOWWWWW!!!!
Queen rocks!!!
The most special item I have is the ticket from the Tribute concert for Freddie.
Unfortunately, I was not there myself since I was just 5 years old when Freddie died.
I have 3 extra special Queen things in my collection. The first is the picture I have of Brian and me, taken so *very* long ago. It's funny - we both have long curly hair (though I don't anymore), and we both have cool/funky printed shirts on...you'd think we planned it :o) The second item is the autograph he gave me that day.
The 3rd is a Queen concert tour program (from the Works era). It's special to me because of the person who gave it to me - he unfortunately is no longer with us.
...real ones...in real time...., gigs, tv shows, music press, radio shows, pictures, interviews, albums on release day....the list goes on...growing up with the band, and having them there...all the way from 1974 (and starting 'big school') ,to my son being born (89)
and speaking as someone who had most of the official rarities (on vinyl)....no material item can ever replace genuine real memories
I have 2 silver records from former Yugoslavia (for A night at the opera and A day at the races) and 1 golden record,also from former Yugoslavia for A night at the opera.I also have GUEST PASS from Live Killers tour (Zagreb 06.02.1979),signed (most likely) by Peter"Ratty"Hince.
The most spcial items I have are an At the Beeb picture disc signed by Brian, and Live in Budapest on VHS (still my favorite live concert.......of course until Queen productions start rolling out more concerts out of the archives)
my greatest memory on queen is a autograph from freddie and brian what they give to me after the 1984 concert in frankfurt.
my second is the 2 picture lp's from the jazz.
3rd is a made in heaven award and a gold lp award from the nato.
last but not least the concert's with freddie in 79,80,82 and 84 and all in frankfurt.
mine is 1st , rock arminea ( smoke on the water ) t-shirt signed on the front by brian which my wife got hold of for my 30th birthday , and the strangest thing i have is a pair of queen knickers ( picture of them on the front when i was young i bought anything that had queen on it . the pair are in one of many boxes of queen stuff in the loft , ( scaf's , patches , badges , programmes, cuttings , mirrors , posters , etc.
My parents went to the Wembley 86 concert, so naturally i inherited (sounds very formal, it was more like a permitted theft) their concert tickets, and the official tour tshirt (which is awesome). they were also at live aid, so i have the live aid ticket aswell. I have also "inherited" original vinyls for Killer Queen, Under Pressure and Queen Greatest Hits (1). I think theyre so special to me because they are all genuine, and my parents didnt collect them from pervious owners, they were all first hand.
My computer which holds a shitload of rare downloaded tracks and concerts.
Other than that, my Burns Red Special and my Queen + Paul Rodgers concert t-shirt(because I got it at the concert in Birmingham where I FINALLY got to see them)
deleted user 22.08.2005 08:26
I have a set of 19 Queen buttons...I cherish them, because I can wear them on everything and spread the love of Queen
Oh, and I have a shirt that says I love Freddie Mercury..that my sister made me...I love it to death, I mean, it's an original and I can let people know how much Queen rocks