i would have to say that the miracle has the best guitar in the whole album right from front to end.
deleted user 18.08.2005 16:37
the works
tear it up, man on the prowl, machines, keep passing the open windows, hammer to fall, and is this the world we created all have great guitar parts
Innuendo with out a doubt. Magnificent work by Brian from I think his masterpiece of sublime, emotionaly playing on TATDOOL, to his epic sound on the title track to the rocking neo-metal of Headlong.
I don't know too much about guitarwork but I'd go for Brian's playing on Queen II.
I think for it's time Brian's guitar solo's were amazing and really ahead of there time.
I'm torn between The Miracle and Flash Gordon.
I guess really Live Killers because that particular Brighton Rock solo is the best guitar creation ever in my opinion. For me Brian's guitar greatness comes in moments like the solo for Bo Rhap and the deacy moments in Fairy Feller and All Dead All Dead. I also freak over that one squeal moment on Hitman after the lyrics "... cut you down to size!"
Well Tenement Funster had a 'Good Guitar' in it! :o)
So that would make it Sheer Heart Attack, however, if you mean which album contains the best guitar work, I would say Queen II.
Best guitar?
Hard to say, as Brian May has a very signature sound that comes from thinking + playing alot of things the same way.
Brian tends to think about playing chords, and across chords...more than scales and arpeggio's.
So that being said, you kind of have to go with the album that had the "most" guitar over "best" guitar.
I can tell you that "The Works" and "The Miracle" are NOT Queen's most guitar driven albums.... I think of both as laid back, mello albums...
And I pretty much hate Brian's tone on "The Works"....its WAAAAY too "tinny" sounding.
With the exception of Innuendo, if you were looking for the "most" guitar on an album.... you would have to back to the 1970's albums.
I would say Queen 1, Queen 2, News of the World...etc would be right up there.
deleted user 19.08.2005 08:24
Arlene R. Weiss wrote: Innuendo with out a doubt. Magnificent work by Brian from I think his masterpiece of sublime, emotionaly playing on TATDOOL, to his epic sound on the title track to the rocking neo-metal of Headlong.
this is a really good question...
hhmm, i would say the albums in the 80's. a kind of magic, miracle and innuendo.
i love the guitar on princes of the universe!
A night at the opera and queen II.
A night at the opera has all those unique-guitar-sounds that makes me enjoy a lot the whole album. the same with queen II. perhaps in this albums they are´nt songs with clasic riffs or something like that (ogre battle may be an exception), but I think they´re the best albums in whom brian made the guitar "a piece of a band", and the way that he plays along with the other instruments is really great.
Not being a guitar player but a mega guitar lover I would say that the most striking, amazing, superb guitar sounds are in "Queen II" ... next would come "Queen" .This is a very personal opinion of course.
Best wishes,