They're playing in my city in September and I was wondering if they're worth going to see? How long was the show, set list, etc. I went to there site, but there media kit is all about the real Queen, not them. If the tickets weren't the same price as a "real" band I wouldn't be questioning it, but there more than I paid for The Black Crowes!
I saw them in Cardiff about 5 years ago.
As cover bands go they seemed pretty good, most people at the show seemed to enjoy it.
I thought they were OK but I am not a big fan of cover bands anyway.
I've never seen a cover band before, but I would consider checking them out if wasn't so expensive. I've pretty much deciced to pass and try to catch The Black Crowes again after "WWRY" in Vegas.
I saw them last year in Ottawa and it was OK. They were playing only a few cities in Canada as a feeler. I guess they did well enough to come back to do more shows. The stage set-up & lights, musicianship, showmanship was ordinary but it was a fun evening of entertainment for nostalgias sake, having seen Queen 3 times in the late 70's early 80's. They played about one and a half hours of essentially greatest hits stuff with the Freddie impersonator reasonably active. The set-up was better than other cover bands I've seen but of course in no way comparable to the real thing. My wife, a general fan by proximity (to me), enjoyed it quite a bit.
I saw them in Ottawa as well last year. They aren't too bad as tribute bamds go.
The lead singer pulls off Freddie well enough but the rest of the group doesn't sound much like Queen.
Saw "QUEEN for a Day" at the James Burton (Elvis' guitar player) Music Festival! And they tore the place down 70's style!!
check them out at link
Thanks again
feel free to share these as well
ps seems to play best in Windows Media Player
I have seen them twice now!!
they're pretty good i guess..but any queen freak would be like me and pick out any tiny mistake they make haha...anyway i saw them last in june and after the show i met the tribute band and Peter was pretty kickass!!!
I've never seen this band, but I saw 'The Great Pretenders' in Dublin, Ireland and 'Fat Bottomed Girls' in Melbourne, Australia.
Both were excellent, but I would love to get involved with a tribute band - anyone looking for somebody on keys ? LOL