i'm not going to go quitely. but i am going. and there's only one reason for it.
i refuse to have my airspace polluted by the racist and sexist cretins that are Dudleyfufkin and Sharron .G .
those people who backed my recent thread to dispose of this cancer should feel proud - at least you spoke up. I have said stuff til i'm blue in the face, now i have no choice left but to walk away having lost this battle.
I do not wish to be 'tarred with the same brush' as these idiots and so the only way to disassociate myself from racist/sexist comments is to not be part of it....
cheers people - i will be back - when the tossers have got bored and moved on - or got themselves banned...however soon that may be
by the way Dud and Shaz - you forget one thing - EVERYTHING you type is appearing on the www ....someday you will offend someone that will do much more than complain about it...then you will have problems...
i could do with a break from this,
bye people, take care - see you all soon
well you and sharon are the most rasist and rude people iv seen on this site, i dont blame him for leaving and wait for the day you two (in comes my foul mouth) shit excuses of fucked up lifeforms iv ever seen, the day you two complete twats leave this site and never return is the day queenzone may start becoming a nice site to come to, cos right now it is a rasist and sexual site, which is a disgrace, now do us all and especially Brenski a favour and fuck off without any goodbye posts and never return, we dont want to hear from you on this site again!
Plus Dudley is just a Wind-Up Merchant who, for about 5 years, has intermittently come on here to post deliberately inflammatory comments just to get a rise out of people.
I very much doubt he actually genuinely means anything he says. It's all said for effect.
Apart from hating Man U.
From time to time Fatty will say similar things to Dudley, but because most of us know Fatty's sense of humour better than Dudley's, no-one gets up in arms about it.
I wouldn't leave bc of what someone else says on here. If you want a break, then that's cool. But don't let someone else run you off. If you don't like what they have to contribute to the board Bren, just skip over their threads and posts unless of course you want to have yourself a good laugh at their posts like I do. It's free comedy.
I don't think that Dudley really is a racist. I think he just enjoys winding everyone up that will allow him to. I think the enjoyment he gets from the amount of attention he receives from winding you all up far outweights the amount of racism in his mind. I might be wrong but I doubt it. He's getting the attention he wants from you all. Let him have your attention or you can ignore him. It's up to you.