Darling39 25.07.2005 18:22 |
Ok, it's been said a few times on other threads, but my vote for Freddie is Johnny Depp, altough I'm not sure his moustache is quite Freddie enough. But I definitely think with a fake dental piece, Johnny would make a good young Freddie Mercury. |
The King Of Rhye 25.07.2005 18:51 |
haha.....when I first saw this topic, and before I read your message.....I was thinking Johnny Depp myself............I am not really all that up on modern actors so I dont know who else.... |
deleted user 26.07.2005 00:21 |
There is supposed to be a Freddie Mercury movie. My mom works for a movie magazine and the guy from Will and Grace is supposed to be playing him (I guess its the guy who plays will in it) and so there you go. I think they could've found someone better though. |
Gunpowder Gelatine 26.07.2005 01:21 |
Johnny Depp, definitely. I just saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this weekend and the shape of their faces are so similar. |
Serry... 26.07.2005 02:14 |
Natalie Portman |
Mr Drowse 26.07.2005 03:04 |
Serry... wrote: Natalie Portman:D |
Darling39 26.07.2005 11:59 |
Serry... wrote: Natalie PortmanNah, girls in drag don't do it for me. ;) |
doremi 26.07.2005 13:30 |
Serry... wrote: Natalie PortmanLMAO! Hey she could dress like Alicia Silverstone did in Aerosmith's ''Crazy'' video, wear men's clothes and a 'stache! ;) |
Bobby_brown 26.07.2005 13:46 |
Ten years ago i saw a picture of a tribute band in a Portuguese magazine (the band was from england ,i think). The reason of this picture was the singer similarities whith Freddie Mercury. He was dressed as Freddie Wembley 86 and believe me, at first look you could tell it was Freddie. At the time they said that this guy was an actor, so... Take care |
brENsKi 26.07.2005 14:02 |
Bobby_brown wrote: Ten years ago i saw a picture of a tribute band in a Portuguese magazine (the band was from england ,i think). The reason of this picture was the singer similarities whith Freddie Mercury. He was dressed as Freddie Wembley 86 and believe me, at first look you could tell it was Freddie. At the time they said that this guy was an actor, so... Take carebut that's not an actor is ist? |
deleted user 26.07.2005 14:37 |
With two or three hours of make-up, we can transform TOM CRUISE in a perfect copy of Freddie! I think Tom is the best actor in the world in this moment! He has worked with Kubrick and Spielberg... So! |
@ndy38 26.07.2005 14:43 |
Ben Stiller or Johnny Depp |
tia 26.07.2005 15:56 |
I think it should be someone unknown so it would be more believable. |
Bobby_brown 26.07.2005 16:17 |
<font color=green>Bren<font color=orange>ski wrote:He was an actor indeed. The press got impressed because it was supose to be a contest where you could see other artists lookalikes. There was also a Jim Morrison, etc. but the similarities of this guy with Fredie Mercury were so impressive. I mean, it made the news at a Portuguese mag, so...Bobby_brown wrote: Ten years ago i saw a picture of a tribute band in a Portuguese magazine (the band was from england ,i think). The reason of this picture was the singer similarities whith Freddie Mercury. He was dressed as Freddie Wembley 86 and believe me, at first look you could tell it was Freddie. At the time they said that this guy was an actor, so... Take carebut that's not an actor is ist? Take care |
flash00. 26.07.2005 16:29 |
danny la rue ! now there's an actor :) |
@ndy38 26.07.2005 17:06 |
Jude Law would make a great Roger Taylor. Alan Rickman for John Deacon. I don't know about Brian though. |
SergeantPepperDG 26.07.2005 17:15 |
Alan Rickman is too old. No offense, but it wouldn't be really believable to have him play John in the 70s and 80s, when he's already older in the first place. |
@ndy38 26.07.2005 17:31 |
Don't you think if he was 20 years younger he would be perfect for the part? He would be amazing. |
deleted user 27.07.2005 01:59 |
Yeah, I was the one that posted it a while ago. I still think there are going to do it, but they haven't even started filming yet. |
The Fairy King 27.07.2005 05:48 |
Yepp, Johnny Depp! |
Fenderek 27.07.2005 05:54 |
Was thinking Johnny Depp as well BUT I agree with the voice that someone not famous would be more believable... |
MelinaMercury 27.07.2005 06:41 |
My sister went to see the New Charlie and the chocolate factory and she said that Johnny depp in the film reminded her and her boyfriend of Freddie Mercury so i would say Johnny Depp too... Queen forever x |
Bobby_brown 27.07.2005 09:21 |
Who's the actor brave enough to implant big teeth on his mouth? You know, it's not just a case of being a good actor or not, he has to look a bit like Freddie, so the character is credible. None of the western actors would do the job. They would have to pick an actor in the India movie market. Take care |
We Are The Champions 27.07.2005 10:30 |
Maybe a gay actor might suit the part best. Rupert Everett springs to mind. Might already have similar mannerisms without having to act too hard!!! Johnny Depp has a history of playing eccentric/odd characters...Edward Scissorhands, Willy Wonka, Ed Wood but was brilliant as the pirate in Pirates Of The Caribbean..even if he sounded like Keith Richards. Also his cockney accent in From Hell was very realistic. Maybe too good looking to play Freddie. Tom Cruise...no chance. An upcoming British actor may play Freddie and become an overnight star..who knows. In any event, any movie which depicted Freddie's lifestyle accurately would get an R or 18 certification. The music would possibly be as a sideline to his promiscuous lifestyle..particularly his sleazy days in New York and Munich in the early 80's. The movie would have to address the AIDS epidemic and homosexuality...and speculate how Freddie contracted the disease. As Freddie once said "I burn the candle at both ends" and "I'm as gay as a daffodil" so this can't be ignored. Not everyone's cup of tea but could be a challenging performance for any actor prepared to take the role of an AIDS stricken star. Tom Hanks won an oscar for Philadelphia which addressed the AIDS problem so maybe that's a good omen. Brian has said that he would like Michael Keaton to play himself in any movie or so I heard. Batman gets his hands on the Red Special and dons a wig! Wow! |
@ndy38 27.07.2005 11:18 |
Orlando Bloom maybe could do Freddie. If he cut his hair and grew the moustache. |
Darling39 27.07.2005 12:10 |
<marquee>We-Are-The-Champions</marquee> wrote: Maybe a gay actor might suit the part best. Rupert Everett springs to mind. Might already have similar mannerisms without having to act too hard!!!haha. Yeah, trust me, there is no shortage of gay actors in America or Britain. I know at least... 20 personally, none ethnic looking enough though. |
moonie 27.07.2005 13:18 |
Tom Selleck! May be a bit butch but he's already got the 'tache... |
Gunpowder Gelatine 27.07.2005 19:07 |
Oh, please, not Tom Cruise. His idea of good publicity is insanity...I think the best idea would be to use an unknown actor or Johnny Depp. He's amazing at adapting to the most eccentric roles. |
deleted user 27.07.2005 21:09 |
Eyew, Johnny Depp would be a horrible Freddie. Now don't get me wrong, Johnny Depp is a great actor, but him as Freddie? Just try to imagine Johnny Depp as Freddie, its quite sickening. |
Gunpowder Gelatine 27.07.2005 23:29 |
I can imagine it (and so have many others) and it's not sickening it all. Just a matter of opinion, I guess. |
OgreBattleField1980 27.07.2005 23:42 |
The better question would be who would play Brian in this Freddie movie, or Roger or John even for that matter... I couldnt imagine who could do that. |
groover 28.07.2005 00:22 |
Rutger Hauer would be Roger |
OgreBattleField1980 28.07.2005 01:17 |
Hauer is too much of an action flick type of person to deal in that kinda movie... honestly .. id rather see maybe someone more popular |
deleted user 28.07.2005 03:52 |
THOMAS QUINN WROTE Peter Sellers worked with Kubrick TWICE, but even if he WERE alive, you wouldn't want HIM playing Freddie, would you? I like TOM CRUISE... Can't I? |
Bobby_brown 29.07.2005 10:02 |
If they do a movie about Freddie instead of Queen, they would concentrate on his last five years of life, and raise attention to aids. Rather than picture the wild animal party that he was, they should concentrate on his fight with the desease. It would be very moving and, and it would shock some people. Steven Spielberg is the man for directing it. Take care |
demf 29.07.2005 11:13 |
MrsMercury2005 wrote: My sister went to see the New Charlie and the chocolate factory and she said that Johnny depp in the film reminded her and her boyfriend of Freddie Mercury so i would say Johnny Depp too...Not only that, the movie itself looks like the video for "Radio Ga-Ga" on acid(!) Cecil B. DeMille meets Tim Burton... at a moment I had to pinch myself as to remind me that it was Johnny Depp and not Freddie from the afterworld playing Willie Wonka... they sound and look so much alike (sans Freddie's teeth, obviously) it was even scary! David |
demf 29.07.2005 11:27 |
Bobby_brown wrote: If they do a movie about Freddie instead of Queen, they would concentrate on his last five years of life, and raise attention to aids.I see what you mean. However, I think of it more as a series of flashbacks. Say, there's Freddie, close to his last days, laying in bed with his cats, his lover and staff adding some ambience to what is otherwise a very somber and heart wrenching agony, and him remembering the old days. Or maybe someone visiting Freddie in his last days (Brian going to the Earls' Court house to ask Freddie's permission to release the Ford commercial comes to mind), and then come the flashbacks: Freddie's life in Zanzibar and India, a very nerdy Brian stargazing in Tenerife, Roger carrying his drums around Penzance and trying to hit as many chicks as possible, Freddie in his art school days, the Kensington boutique days, the early band playing the Imperial College amphitheaters, John being teased for being so square, Freddie getting flamboyant onstage (diamonds, black nail polish, etc)... to break for say, an I.V. or bed change to make it poignant... There's so much chance for visual contrast here: a younger Freddie hanging from a chandelier in a hotel in Vienna, then switching to a frail Freddie just trying to sit down in his bed at home... cruel, but moving. I guess that, as time passed and the disease hit him harder, he made peace with his wild past (and so did the band) and, I imagine, he'd approve of such a shocking approach to a movie biopic. Same the remaining members, I think. And he would have loved Johnny Depp to play him. And maybe Pedro Almodóvar to direct... |
Shvili 29.07.2005 12:57 |
As far as physical resemblance goes, the actor named Eduardo Yanez is the best choice. He is a relatively unknown actor but, who know it might work. These are the only pics I could find. He really looks like Freddie. link look at the last pic (white t-shirt) :) |
My Melancholy Blues 29.07.2005 14:24 |
If they do a movie about Queen or Freddie, how about the era from pre-Queen to the early '70s? Their early days are unique compared with the other bands and it would be interesting all the more for that those years would be less famous than their '80s to the public. But who would play young Freddie? I have no idea for that. :( |
Penis - Vagina 29.07.2005 18:30 |
I'm sorry but no, there has to be at least one film somewhere in the world which doesn't have Johnny Depp in it. You can't go wrong with Denzel Washington. He gets my vote. |
QUEEN_ROCKS_FOREVER 15.08.2005 16:16 |
johnny depp definately |
QUEEN_ROCKS_FOREVER 15.08.2005 16:18 |
well wouldnt brian and roger play themselves? |
Captain Fap 16.08.2005 01:26 |
They might be getting a little old for that. |
Poo, again 06.04.2006 06:11 |
I think I'd make a good young 70's Freddie.. :P |
RETROLOVE 06.04.2006 06:57 |
Deacon Fan wrote: I'm sorry but no, there has to be at least one film somewhere in the world which doesn't have Johnny Depp in it. You can't go wrong with Denzel Washington. He gets my vote.Mmmmmmmmm, (saractic) Okay :) I dont think Denzel's fine self is gonna play Fred anytime soon... |
RETROLOVE 06.04.2006 07:00 |
Like I said in other threads: I honestly just dont think a movie should be dont about him or Queen, thats the mystic behind them...I really in general just dont like those 'music movies' they just really suck to me, dont ask me why, but hey, different strokes for different folks...lol But: If there was a movie that they did...I think unknown british actors would fit the movie more, ya know what I mean. |
Poo, again 06.04.2006 07:38 |
Yeah, I kinda agree with the Brokeback Queen. Forget about the famous Hollywood actors. |
user name 06.04.2006 12:06 |
I'm gonna be honest, you guys, but even as a devoted Queen fan who would see the movie if it were ever realized - I'm sure it would suck ass. Non-Queen fans would be disappointed because, well, they aren't Queen fans. And Queen fans will be disappointed because of the inevitable deviation from the truth as to attract the non-Queen fans. Even thinking of having people like Johnny Depp and Tom Cruise to play Freddie is ridiculous. I can't see anything more than a low-budget film (if that) coming out of this. I mean, I'd love to be corrected, but that's the way I see it. |
Poo, again 06.04.2006 14:12 |
There's no need to correct you, dear. |
-luke_taylor- 28432 06.04.2006 18:41 |
schwarznegger all the way, he could rock on stage and if the audience got rowdy then he could exterminate them and grope all the womens breasts lol nauuughty!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Gandahalf 06.04.2006 18:56 |
Johnny Depp would be great. I think that would make it a big movie, too. |
My Melancholy Blues 07.04.2006 02:11 |
I agree with the opinion that an unknown actor would do. Btw, if I were a judge of the audition to decide who would play Freddie, I would make each guy strut and prance around there... :D |
RETROLOVE 07.04.2006 02:38 |
-Luke_Taylor- wrote: schwarznegger all the way, he could rock on stage and if the audience got rowdy then he could exterminate them and grope all the womens breasts lol nauuughty!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL @ him playing freddie, that would be too weird, lol! |
val 29467 07.04.2006 13:46 |
johnny depp!!!! or the guy who played some weird vampire guy in csi the other day, don't have a clue what his name is, but he looked a bit like freddie... |
Winter Land Man 07.04.2006 14:48 |
The King Of Rhye wrote: haha.....when I first saw this topic, and before I read your message.....I was thinking Johnny Depp myself............I am not really all that up on modern actors so I dont know who else....A good young Freddie? Johnny is near Freddie's age when he died! |
Winter Land Man 07.04.2006 14:48 |
LeroyBrown11 wrote: There is supposed to be a Freddie Mercury movie. My mom works for a movie magazine and the guy from Will and Grace is supposed to be playing him (I guess its the guy who plays will in it) and so there you go. I think they could've found someone better though.Movie shops don't know about what's 'supposed to come out' until it's about to be released on VHS or DVD. |
Winter Land Man 07.04.2006 14:49 |
<font color=black>ROG<font color=gold>37 wrote: With two or three hours of make-up, we can transform TOM CRUISE in a perfect copy of Freddie! I think Tom is the best actor in the world in this moment! He has worked with Kubrick and Spielberg... So!Maybe less. I know there's a photo of Freddie from long ago, and when I first saw it, I thought it was Tom Cruise! |
Winter Land Man 07.04.2006 14:50 |
<font color=black>Andy<font color=red>38 wrote: Jude Law would make a great Roger Taylor. Alan Rickman for John Deacon. I don't know about Brian though.Howard Stearn for Brian! |
Freddie_Jr. 07.04.2006 19:26 |
Paul Rodgers could play Freddie easily.... JUST KIDDING DON'T GET MAD AT ME!!!!!!!!!!! I really can't see anyone playing him though, I think if they ever did find someone, I'd see the movie. |
deleted user 07.04.2006 20:24 |
I think that Freddie should be played by John Goodman. |
I♥The80's 07.04.2006 20:47 |
I got these from a message board a long time ago and just thought this was the right topic to post 'em under in regards to Johnny Depp playing Freddie. link link link :D |
Poo, again 08.04.2006 11:43 |
I still think I'd look more like Freddie than Mr. Depp ever could. Or whatever. |