As promised, a remix from Scandal.
It's a mix between the normal and the extended version, plus some things from the 5.1 remix from the GVH2.
Hope you like it. link
Thank you, Daniel! You´ve done that mix very well! Straight line, good effects and a very good mixing of the different versions! Your second Headlong mix has in totally contrast to the first version in my opinion too less effects and instrumental parts; except the one instrumental part it nearly sounds like the regular version.
But Scandal is how it should be! Great!
Lord Fickle, you´re dismissed!!!! But only for Scandal!!!! :-)))
It´s hard to find songs to do a remix, because you need some versions of them for mixing.
I´d prefer the later Queen songs from 80s or 90s or songs that haven´t become remixed before. Here are some more suggestions:
- It seems you´ve got the GReatest Video Hits 2, so you could do a mix of "Princes Of The Universe" using the original and the different channels.
- Ride the Wild Wind (Mix of the Original and the instrumental from "The Eye"), but here you should put some effects on it, because the song is a bit boring in it´s original version.
- The Miracle (classic extended version using the album version, the edit from "Classic Queen" and the instrumental from the japanese karaoke disc)
- You Don´t Fool Me (Classic extended mix, not one of these club/techno mixes. Using the original, the instrumental from "The Eye" and the few vocals of Roger Taylor from the "Late Mix" that´s available on the english 5 inch release)
Ok, hope you find a song you like to do.....
You are getting better everytime, so it will become great...
Phew!! Off the hook!! :)
Good mix overall. There is a slight volume dip at around 0:45, which I would have to repair if it was me, but other than that, cool edits. It reminded me why I don't like the song though!
Oh, and you're welcome to all those Ralef wants, none of which I would touch, apart from maybe Princess Of The Universe, which has some interesting channel separation on the DVD.
It's getting a bit harder to find things to play with at the moment, but hopefully ADATR will be the next DVD-A, and I can't wait to get my hands on Millionaire Waltz, Somebody To Love, and Loverboy. White Man might also be very interesting, particularly when 'Wave Hammered' with Soundforge!
I don't hear a volume dip at 0:45?
Or do you mean at 0:40, because that's when I change the 2 versions.
In the extended version the guitar is more on the background, maybe that's what you hear.
And I noticed that the extended version is a bit faster.
edit; Princes Of The Universe sounds interesting to me too ;)
The speed difference isn't that big, maybe if you listen to the last part of the mix (around 4:14), you can hear that the normal version is a bit slower.
Can anyone help?
I want to use for my remix from Princes of the Universe the 5.1 remix from the GVH2 dvd,
only I used the trial version (1 month) of DVD Audio Extractor, but that expired, how can I use it again?
Uninstall/install doesn't, work anyone any ideas?