why dont you just listen to it and get the main idea of what it is because its not like you can emulate rogers sound exactly anyway
and it works for me
I'm not the drummer but the drummer in my band has all of it down except the weird part of the solo. He's not sure if it is the rims that Roger is hitting or if it is a wood block.
Just playing the solo in my head I can't hear anything that sounds like a wood-block, although there are bits that sound like (in my admittedly flawed head) half-rim/half-snare.
Bear in mind though that the solo itself is overdubbed over the the main drum track/drum pattern, so there's technically two lots of drums going on there.
Actually, just thinking again, there are what appear to be woodblocks elsewehere in the song.
In the big chorus breakdown bit ("She's low down, she don't take no prisoners, Go down, gonna give me the business...") you get added percussion that definitely sounds like woodblocks rather than rimshots, if that's what you're referring to.
Ravenetta wrote: i think so.... then you got that rattle snake sound (those cowbell/block things that shake im not sure what those are called lol) at the end of that percussion part
That would be called a Vibra-Slap. See here, for example: link