Then it was a fair and justified decision on your part, and I will stand behind it 110%, or at least until I get lazy. If there were bananas in there, then that would be grounds for the electric chair.
Well, if we're going with cereal here, then the uncontested winner is Reese's Peanut Butter Puffs. I feel kind of silly eating them, being as I'm 22 and their target demograph is 10 and under, but oh my are they delicious.
Also of note are Corn Pops, Apple Jacks, Froot Loops, and, as Miss James mentioned, Lucky Charms, which may very well be the best of the aforementioned bunch.
When I was little I always felt as though I was getting away with murder when I ate Lucky Charms.
...*silent giggles* "Mom doesn't know there's marshmallows in this cereal..."