They just showed a clip of Queen from Live at the bowl performing Under Pressure with clips of the first half highlights. just thought I'd post it if anyone cared.
On top of the Under Pressure highlights, the crowd started going crazy with about two minutes left in the game with the stomping/clapping of We Will Rock You, while it was being played on the public address system. Then no more than five seconds after the game ended, the PA system started playing the chorus of We Are the Champions, over and over again. It was a great night for Queen freaks like me, but it was hard to watch the Pistons lose.
Somehow I got the feeling that someone in the NBA's marketing department, or at their advertising agency, really likes Queen. I must say they have good taste.
I'd guess they were using Under Pressure to underscore the fact that both teams were, well, under pressure :) They were using the song just before they were going to commercials, and played the song, with a mix of video from Live At The Bowl (I think) and highlights of the game, at halftime
Hard_Rocker wrote: Yup, I saw that too. I also saw the pistons lose! I am so happy that they lost!:D but the wierd thing is that I am in Michigan and I HATE the pistons.
Wow. I am from Michigan too. You should really support the only good sports team we have.
Slightly on topic, I always find it hilariously ironic that the one occupation where gays are the most hated and repressed is professional sports and yet the first song played when a team finally finishes the season on top is We Are the Champions.
It sure was awesome when I heard it after watching the Cowboys win their first Super Bowl in 15 years back in '93.