Here's a link to em' all - link
Just put my 10 favorites below :D
Since the U.S. says United We Stand, does that offend legless people?
Did you know there is a page 666 in The Bible?
If Americans throw rice at weddings, do the Chinese throw hamburgers?
If 75% of all accidents happen within 5 miles of home, why not move 10 miles away?
If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why does he keep doing it?
Should vegetarians eat animal crackers?
Why do they put Braille dots on the keypad of the drive-up ATM?
What should you do when you see an endangered animal that is eating an endangered plant?
Why is it called a "building" when it is already built?
Why isn't the word 'gullible' in the dictionary?
Why do they put Braille dots on the keypad of the drive-up ATM?
A blind person can be in the back seat and take her/his money out, I have seen it before.
How to use an ATM:
Procedures for MALE customers
1. Drive up to the cash machine
2. Wind down your car window
3. Insert your card into machine and enter PIN
4. Enter amount of cash required and withdraw
5. Retrieve card, cash, and receipt
6. Wind up window
7. Drive off
Procedures for FEMALE customers
1. Drive up to the cash machine
2. Reverse the required distance to align car window with cash machine
3. Re-start the stalled engine
4. Wind down the window
5. Find handbag, remove all contents onto passenger seat to find card
6. Turn the radio down
7. Attempt to insert card into machine
8. Open car door to allow easier access to cash machine due to its excessive distance from the car
9. Insert card
10. Re-insert card the right way up
11. Re-enter handbag to find diary with your PIN number written on the inside back page
12. Enter PIN
13. Press "cancel", and re-enter correct PIN
14. Enter amount of cash required
15. Check make-up in rear view mirror
16. Retrieve cash and receipt
17. Empty handbag again, to locate purse and place cash inside
18. Place receipt in back of chequebook
19. Re-check make-up
20. Drive forward 2 metres
21. Reverse back to cash machine
22. Retrieve card
23. Re-empty handbag, locate card holder, and place card into slot provided
24. Restart stalled engine and pull off
25. Drive for 2 to 3 miles
26. Release handbrake.
Some good ones there..........I actually know the real answer to at least one of those.....what does the K in KMart stand for? Kresge, the guy that started the company.....:P
The King Of Rhye wrote: Some good ones there..........I actually know the real answer to at least one of those.....what does the K in KMart stand for? Kresge, the guy that started the company.....:P
Whats the Wal in Wal-Mart stand for? Walton, the guy who started it ;)