Ok, I am going to give you 3 quotes from a post on the Queenzone forums. I want you to tell me who you think said them, it will be multiple choice. (Dont use search plz!)
1. "Favorite cigarette? I'd hafta say the candy kind. ;-)"
A. iron eagle
B. KillerQueen840
C. FraizA
D. Smittygecko
2. "I don't drink beer, but I took the test"
A. KillerKing840
B. Forever88
C. Yogurt
D. Alex Solan
3. "i'm john lydon spamming queenzone, i don't know why you'll always find me spamming the boards"
A. Brenski
B. John Lydon
C. Bob The Shrek
D. The Fairy King
Once all of em' are guessed correctly, you make some :D