Right, so naturally I have started up a little blog on this website, per Flashy's rantings, and I have already written a few things in it, but I've noticed that it has the annoying habit of not inputting my hard returns. This is something that I would like to rectify, as it's very annoying to read a long paragraph of text even though I distinctly put in paragraph breaks.
Any suggestions? I thought I'd put this in this section, as it might allow more views and (hopefully) more responses.
Don't know what you're waffling on about Lester, old boy. What the devil is a 'hard return'? There's no need to start whacking stuff - I find it works with a simple tap.
Or is this just a clever and cheap way of inviting folk to start reading your blog? Why, you crafty snake!
Incidentally folks - you can catch my latest adventures by clicking on the link at the foot of this post.
Can't put one over on you, Flashy! Silly blogger. A hard return is
that. Don't blink, or you'll miss
it. See?
Anyway, I'm sure I'll figure something out. Thanks for the advice, EvilTwin, and I'm pleased as punch to hear that I'm one of your favorites on here - that certainly makes at least one of us!