The first time I saw it was at school when I was on this website these people told me to put on these headphones and they switched the site to What they didn't tell me was that
a.the headphones were defective in the way that the sound would stay incredibly loud no matter what you did to the volume.
and b. they didn't tell me that the thing they were showing me (say it-three words) was one of those pop out things. They also ALSO didn't tell me that the volume on the computer was way up.
The gullible child I was (a couple months ago :P) I was fooled into watching it. When the face popped up and the scream came up I yelled and fell backwards out of my chair, and almost pulled the computer off of the desk after the headphones plug got stuck.
By the way, my favorites so far are Where's Waldo and Panyon Mein.
That is too funny!! :D
there are a bunch of these on It also has the first version of that annoying frog thing dubed the insanity test with the sounds going and a picture of a racecar shown. link