I think it's one of the tapes used in the recording process. You have a master tape and a slave tape. Master&slave. On the master tape are the vocals which are used on the final mix. The slave tape is used merely as a guideline for the other musicians.
Thanks to both of you for replying, your description Mr. Drowse will do fine for me, I have seen roughly the same thing written somewhere
but your reply has clarified it for me. Thanks
again its been niggling me for ages!
If you bought the Freddie boxset (rather than illegally downloading the Vocal Slave version of Barcelona?) you'd be able to read the description that it's "a working track used in the studio to provide additional recording tracks".
It's a collection of many vocal takes of the same track played simultaneously.
Excuse me? I hope you are not being serious, because, I have neither the box set, OR any
illegal downloads! (I woudnt have a clue how to do a download anyway).
I would like to get the box set at some point, the place I found the words 'Freddies vocal slave'
amongst others, was on one of the CDS in the 10cd
2dvd Solo collection, which I bought, legally, and
above board thankyou!
So you don't have the boxset, you'd like to buy the boxset, and the place you found the words 'vocal slave' was in the boxset you legally bought?...
As I said, in the boxset book, on the very page where you'll find the words 'vocal slave', and I believe there's only one, there is a description of what a vocal slave is, as I posted above.
The box set, I thought you meant was the crown jewels, I have seen 2 or 3 that I would call a box set, and wasnt sure which one you meant.
Ive seen one with singles in it, also, which I would like to get when I could afford to.
As I said at the start I am a beginner compared to
some of the people on here, and was just asking for advice, which I got from Mr. Drowse, very kindly. I havnt read the whole book yet due to not having had my collection very long.