wstüssyb 05.06.2005 03:19 |
Post something Intresting. I'm outa things to read on the net. |
Banquo 05.06.2005 05:28 |
The Women's European Football Championships kick off tonight. All of the matches are in my district so to speak. And with tickets only £5 I might pop down to Deepdale or even Bloomfield Road to watch them. I'll resist the temptation to say I hope they swap shirts at full time, and play guess the Lesbian. |
_amadeus_ 05.06.2005 12:55 |
More money is made for Monopely than for the U.S. Treasury. |
KillerQueen840 05.06.2005 13:14 |
My brother's Beta Fish is named Fluffy. |
KillerQueen840 05.06.2005 13:18 |
There are just six days til my favorite cousin that lives in California arrives here to spend two weeks with us. I am dying from the excitement. :-D |
Joker 05.06.2005 13:21 |
i like cheese |
KillerQueen840 05.06.2005 13:23 |
I took a picture of me yawning and everytime I look at it, it makes me yawn. LOL |
Joker 05.06.2005 13:27 |
ermm...... yeah |
Joker 05.06.2005 14:15 |
thats just sad lol |
Yogurt 05.06.2005 15:02 |
<font color="lime">KillerQueen840 wrote: I took a picture of me yawning and everytime I look at it, it makes me yawn. LOLI wanna see it! |
Gunpowder Gelatine 05.06.2005 15:06 |
I'm going to Disneyland on Wednesday! |
Joker 05.06.2005 15:11 |
nice i wanna go there but im poor |
Bob The Shrek 05.06.2005 15:11 |
Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny, was alergic to carrots. |
KillerQueen840 05.06.2005 15:30 |
Gunpowder Gelatine wrote: I'm going to Disneyland on Wednesday!That's awesome!!!! Have fun!! |
KillerQueen840 05.06.2005 15:32 |
Yogurt wrote:Well, it might just be my mind. Every time I see anyone yawn, I yawn. But I think it's the same for quite a few people.<font color="lime">KillerQueen840 wrote: I took a picture of me yawning and everytime I look at it, it makes me yawn. LOLI wanna see it! |
Gunpowder Gelatine 05.06.2005 16:27 |
<font color="lime">KillerQueen840 wrote:Thanks! My whole grade is going, so there's going to be 250 or so of us running around the park all day. :)Gunpowder Gelatine wrote: I'm going to Disneyland on Wednesday!That's awesome!!!! Have fun!! |
KillerQueen840 05.06.2005 16:34 |
SWEET!!! That makes it all the better!!! |
_amadeus_ 05.06.2005 16:49 |
<font color="lime">KillerQueen840 wrote:Never happened to me :DYogurt wrote:Well, it might just be my mind. Every time I see anyone yawn, I yawn. But I think it's the same for quite a few people.<font color="lime">KillerQueen840 wrote: I took a picture of me yawning and everytime I look at it, it makes me yawn. LOLI wanna see it! |
KillerQueen840 05.06.2005 16:55 |
You're lucky, cos it drives me crazzzzzzzzy. Sometimes even thinking about yawning makes me yawn...and even a few times I yawned from hearing the WORD yawn. And saying the word yawn over and over sounds funny. :-p |
Yogurt 05.06.2005 18:04 |
Yawns are contagious. At least for me they are. |
deleted user 05.06.2005 18:31 |
I feel lonely. No one reseeded my girlfriend :'( |
SergeantPepperDG 05.06.2005 23:22 |
I had a weird dream last night. Bob Balaban was in it. Seriously, of all the random people to be in a dream... Anyway, I was introducing the band or swing choir at graduation, but what I was supposed to do first, was have everyone rise for the pledge of allegiance. Well, I forgot that one part, and everyone started to completely freak out. They all thought it was some sort of protest, and I was unpatriotic and an anarchist. But I truly forgot, I wasn't trying to make a statement. Later in the dream (this is where Bob Balaban comes in), I almost got kicked out of the ceremony because I was eating a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Bob Balaban, who organized the whole ceremony, brought me back stage and started yelling at me and threatening not to give me my diploma. I insisted that I had to eat because I had low blood sugar, and I pleaded with him to still let me graduate. "Please, Bob Balaban, I need to graduate! I need my diploma to go to high school!" Then he let me go back to the ceremony, and I graduated, with people still thinking I was an anarchist. |
SergeantPepperDG 05.06.2005 23:49 |
Q: How many Jewish mothers does it take to change a light bulb? A: *Sigh* Don't bother, I'll sit in the dark, I don't want to be a nuisance to anybody. Q: What did the waiter ask the group of dining Jewish mothers? A: Is ANYTHING all right? Moshe was taking to his psychiatrist. "I had a weird dream recently," he says. "I saw my mother but then I noticed she had your face. I found this so worrying that I immediately awoke and couldn't get back to sleep. I just stayed there thinking about it until 7 a.m. I got up, made myself a slice of toast and some coffee and came straight here. Can you please help me explain the meaning of my dream?" The psychiatrist kept silent for some time, then said, "One slice of toast and coffee? Do you call that a breakfast?" Ruth and Golda were walking along Hendon High Street. Ruth says, "My son Irving is getting married. He tells me he is engaged to a wonderful girl, but... he thinks she may have a disease called herpes. Golda says, "Do you have any idea what this herpes is, and can he catch it?" Ruth replies, "No, but I am just so thrilled to hear about Irving's engagement - it's time he settled down. As far as the herpes goes...who knows?" "Well," says Golda, "I have a very good medical dictionary at home. I'll look it up and call you." So Golda goes home, looks it up, and calls Ruth. "Ruth, I found it. Not to worry. It says herpes is a disease of the gentiles." Cyril is driving when he gets pulled over by a policeman. Walking up to Cyril's car, the policeman says, "I've come to tell you that your wife fell out your car some 2 miles back." Cyril replies, "Thank goodness, I thought I'd gone deaf." One day in the Garden of Eden, Eve calls out to God. "Lord, I have a problem!" "What's the problem, Eve?" "Lord, I know you created me and provided this beautiful garden and all of these wonderful animals, but I'm just not happy." "Why is that, Eve?" came the reply from above. "Lord, I am lonely, and I'm sick to death of apples." "Well Eve, in that case, I have a solution. I shall create a Man for you." "What's a Man, Lord?" "This man will be a flawed creature, with many bad traits. He'll lie, cheat, and be very competitive; all in all, he'll give you a hard time. But, he'll be bigger, faster, and will like to hunt and kill things. He will look silly when he's aroused, but since you've been complaining, I'll create him in such a way that he will satisfy your physical needs. He will be witless and will revel in childish things like fighting and kicking a ball about. He won't be too smart, so he'll also need your advice to think properly." "Sounds great." says Eve, with an ironically raised eyebrow. "But, what's the catch, Lord?" "Well... you can have him on one condition." "What's that, Lord?" "As I said, he'll be proud, arrogant, and self-admiring... So you'll have to let him believe that I made him first... Just remember, it's our little secret...You know, Woman to Woman." Moshe Levy was soon to be 80 years old and his friends didn’t know what to buy him. His wife had died some years ago and he did not go out very often, at least, not with the opposite sex. In the end, they came to the conclusion that Moshe needed a hooker, so they hired one. She knocked on his door. When Moshe answered she said to him, “Happy birthday to you Mr Levy. I’ve come to offer you super sex.” He replied “That's very kind of you, dahling, but at my age, I’ll have the soup!” |
Goo 06.06.2005 00:02 |
I might be going to the Warped Tour this summer . . . even though I totally don't listen to that kind of music. Oh well, it will still be great fun :) |
Mr Drowse 06.06.2005 09:00 |
In only two days tomorrow will be yesterday. Cool ain't it? |
dragonzflame 06.06.2005 22:48 |
Ummm.... I have my hand on my right boob and am typing with one hand. |
SergeantPepperDG 06.06.2005 23:03 |
One day, in the late-mid eighties, I was in my early-late twenties. I had just been dismissed from university after delivering a brilliant lecture on the aggresive influence of German philosophy on rock and roll entitled, "You, Kant, Always Get What You Want." At twenty-six, my academic career was over. I had never kissed a boy, and I was still sleeping with mom. |
KillerQueen840 07.06.2005 07:03 |
I just ate a half of a protein bar for breakfast and I'm going to have a whole one for lunch. I will leave for school in twenty minutes. My cousin gets here in THREE DAYS!!!!! |
runy 07.06.2005 07:11 |
So... going to buy some new beautiful bras with lots of lace soon :)))) |
kerfuffle87 07.06.2005 07:36 |
I've just been for a run and almost killed myself. by this i mean my face is the same colour as my bright red t-shirt. It's not a pretty sight :( |
MexQueenFM 07.06.2005 16:37 |
this is boring |
MexQueenFM 07.06.2005 16:57 |
<font color=#FF399> Linda Of The Valley wrote: *yawn**yawning* (it is contagious y'know) |
KillerQueen840 07.06.2005 17:01 |
After two days I finally finished typing THIRTY-THREE chapters worth of Latin vocabulary to study for the finals next week, only to find out today that we only need to know the last FIVE chapters of vocab. *sigh* I guess it might come in handy for some other time. |
KillerQueen840 07.06.2005 17:01 |
<font color=#FF399> Linda Of The Valley wrote:I TOLD YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)MexQueenFM wrote:I seriously just ywaned when ya posted that! hee hee... *yawn*<font color=#FF399> Linda Of The Valley wrote: *yawn**yawning* (it is contagious y'know) |
brENsKi 07.06.2005 17:18 |
<font color="lime">KillerQueen840 wrote: After two days I finally finished typing THIRTY-THREE chapters worth of Latin vocabulary to study for the finals next week, only to find out today that we only need to know the last FIVE chapters of vocab. *sigh* I guess it might come in handy for some other you it won't - it's officially classed a dead language - only used now in Papal RC High Mass bet you must feel a right tit now LOL you should take the Brenski tactic for revision - don't do any! fail everything! then at least you haven't risked wasting any effort learning stuff that won't even be in the exam LOL |
KillerQueen840 07.06.2005 17:26 |
Lol, well, my friend and I made a deal. I would type out all the vocab and e-mail it to her, and then she would type out all of the declension/conjugation charts and e-mail them to me. But, I'm not as upset as I was during the class. Perhaps, I'm just in a good mood today. :-p And, it's my parents' anniversary today, so I think that we'll be going out for a motorcycle ride when my dad gets home from work, which would be really nice since it's so hot out. AND MY COUSIN GETS HERE IN THREE DAYS!!!! :-D Anyhow, I changed my profile picture to the one of me yawning. Lemme know if it has the same effect on any of you. |
brENsKi 07.06.2005 17:29 |
<font color="lime">KillerQueen840 wrote: AND MY COUSIN GETS HERE IN THREE DAYS!!!! :-D Anyhow, I changed my profile picture to the one of me yawning. Lemme know if it has the same effect on any of you.In redneck country they'd get excited about cousins visiting too - but (hopefully) for entirely differennt reasons to yourself! |
KillerQueen840 07.06.2005 17:44 |
Hahahaha! No, no, no. This just happens to be my favorite cousin outta atleast 25 of my cousins. And his sister at that. They are just so cool and we pretty much grew up with each other and know each other better than anyone else. And, they do know how to have the most fun. Also, my brother and I go so crazy the night when they come as we wait for them (they usually get here late at night/early in the morning). The last time was the week of Christmas and it was so snowy and icy out on the streets, but from 11 PM to 12 AM my bro and I kept walking around the sleeping neighborhood (I'm surprised we didn't fall and break our backs..not to mention I thought my fingers were going to fall off) and singing (Christmas carols..but with a very unique twist)/ "vampire hunting" (nothing at all what it sounds like. yet another long story). And sometimes when my cuz, Jeff is over we go car hunting at night (anywhere from 9-11ish..but not too late cos then there are not a lot of cars. but must be dark.), and so much more. ^.^ Par-tay on! \m/ |
brENsKi 07.06.2005 17:55 |
so you say.....but you didn't answer one key question...are THEY rednecks? |
iron eagle 07.06.2005 17:56 |
the builders came and replaced my dry wall and hardwoods where the dishwasher leaked... then suddenly the AC on the third floor went out .... again |
KillerQueen840 07.06.2005 17:58 |
<B><font color=#ff7f00>Brenski</B> wrote: so you say.....but you didn't answer one key question...are THEY rednecks?They are no where close to being rednecks. |
_amadeus_ 14.06.2005 21:51 |
I'm the furthest thing away from bein' a 'Redneck' O)o |