I downloaded this video to have a looksee and it's pretty smart how they've montaged 20 years of Queen.
Just wondering what the parts are from. I know most of them, but a couple I'm wondering about are:
The very first aerial shot, when the crowd arena is in a square shape. I think it's from the magic tour but I don't know what show.
When the camera scans from the 4 members who are on what looks like a bunk bed type thing. Is this from a video or what?
The shot of them in the studio, looks Miracle era as Freddie has the beard thing going on. What's this from?
Any other info about the vid would be appreciated.
No problems fudgeukraine here's the info you want
the first clip you are referring to is the knebworth show as there was a massive crowd about 140,000 to 160,000 people, the second one is from headlong and is also the backcover on 'i'm going slightly mad' and the third clip is also from the video 'headlong' with the guys in the studio.
fudgeukraine wrote:
The very first aerial shot, when the crowd arena is in a square shape. I think it's from the magic tour but I don't know what show.