Is there any need for large women to expose their vast midriffs when the sun comes out?
Not only vast but very, very white!
This trend is putting me off my martini.
It's the grey lycra jogging pants that get me Archie, you old ragamuffin. Is it a demonstration of irony?
Besides, I'd have thought blue was much more your colour.
Flashman you vainglorious buffoon, I see the illness hasn't shifted those extra pounds you've been carrying.
Did you know that big bird from Big Brother can be seen from space?
Not that I watch it mind you.
This only happens in summer in England? Over here in Belfast its an all year thing.
Girls with trousers that they can only fit 2/3 of their arse into. And big bellies hanging over their jeans.
Still, who am I to argue with fashion.
And lets not forget the gentleman out mowing their lawns who insist on removing their shirts so we can all enjoy their pasty white flubby bellies hanging down over their trousers, complete with hair...yeesh.
Janet wrote: And lets not forget the gentleman out mowing their lawns who insist on removing their shirts so we can all enjoy their pasty white flubby bellies hanging down over their trousers, complete with hair...yeesh.
Janet wrote: And lets not forget the gentleman out mowing their lawns who insist on removing their shirts so we can all enjoy their pasty white flubby bellies hanging down over their trousers, complete with hair...yeesh.
I haven't gone shirtless in over 10 years because of a remark like that, even though you are kidding and we know it, it STILL hurts... I have become so paranoid that I never wear shorts either, and again, I KNOW you all are just kidding too, but to the fat people that are not secure in their looks it is rough.