This is perhaps the greatest written (or perhaps otherwise) tribute to Freddie Mercury I have ever seen.
It is very eloquently worded.
It truly does him justice without either kissing his ass or sounding tabloid-ish.
This sentence particularly struck me;
"Reputed to have led a flamboyent and hedonistic lifestyle, he was also known to be generous and kind to the same extreme."
Never before have I seen mentioned his generousity and kindness in a tribute before. How wonderful.
(BTW that's the only sentence about his sexual promiscuity)
QueenZeppelin wrote: link
This is perhaps the greatest written (or perhaps otherwise) tribute to Freddie Mercury I have ever seen.
It is very eloquently worded.
It truly does him justice without either kissing his ass or sounding tabloid-ish.
This sentence particularly struck me;
"Reputed to have led a flamboyent and hedonistic lifestyle, he was also known to be generous and kind to the same extreme."
Never before have I seen mentioned his generousity and kindness in a tribute before. How wonderful.
(BTW that's the only sentence about his sexual promiscuity)
I have seen this website and yes I agree it is quite reverent. But much of the same wording is here... link
..and more... link
"He was well known for his extravagance and hedonism, but also for his kindness and generosity."
I adore the entire Wikipedia biography on Freddie..and there are also excellent biographies on the same site for Queen, Roger, Brian, John and, links of overviews of all of their albums and songs, as well.