Hey New Guy! I'm Jim, John Lydon's an idiot and Taylorgaga is right. Most loved I think would be best overall, or should I make that category too? I won't make biggest idiot or dumbass because I want this to be positive.
JohnMercury wrote: Thanks, erm, i'll bear that in mind. Do you know if there are any teenagers sitting their exams?? i need help with a new re one. Thanks
Can I nominate myself for Best Signature?
If not, I'd also like to nominate the person whose signature is "Wake me up for the boxsets" (sorry, I forgot the name) for that category
Actually, here's an idea I'd like to propose: if you are handling this year's QZ awards, perhaps you should set up an e-mail on QZ where people can privately submit their nominations, and then make a new topic announcing the final list of nominations and the e-mail to submit the nods to