yea he looks like his old self not like when he was in court with his designer beard hehe..
whats everyones thought on if he should be executed or not?
I am totally against the death penalty for anyone. But I wouldn't be too upset if they tortured him a little bit.....And I think human rights activists should have better things to do than complaining that poor Saddam is kept in a 9 square meter cell...My bedroom is much smaller than that LOL
Fairy wrote: I am totally against the death penalty for anyone. But I wouldn't be too upset if they tortured him a little bit.....And I think human rights activists should have better things to do than complaining that poor Saddam is kept in a 9 square meter cell...My bedroom is much smaller than that LOL
LOL fairy ...torture a little bit , i cant stop laughing:))))
Rafael Moreira™ wrote: How can people complain that Saddam's human rights were violated? He did it so many times to other people!
Because violating other peoples human rights, and complaining when others do the same would sound hypocritical.
But then again, at this point there isn't much that would make Bush & co sound even more ridiculous than they currently are...
Rabid Wolverine wrote: Also I want to give a big FUCK YOU to Tero for the Bush comment.
I love you too. :P
You know... I spent half an hour writing several different, lenghty replies to your post, but then I realised that you just aren't worth talking to. :/
It's funny how those who constantly await for Saddam Hussein to be punished are the same ones who prefer to turn a blind eye to the bombings with Napalm and Agent Orange, as well as the destruction of villages and genocides of innocents during the Vietnam War.
I'm not defending Saddam Hussein by any means, because he should indeed be brought to justice and punished for his crimes against humanity. My whole point is what right has someone to condemn another person for killing, while hiding his own hands stained with someone else's blood?
John Lydon wrote: You notice that in one of the pics from the SUN, he's about to bend over? Ten seconds later, the Devil from the south park movie arrives.
'Oooh, you like that bitch?'
Did you know they banned that movie in Iraq because of its depiction of Saddam as a homosexual?
Rafael Moreira™ wrote: How can people complain that Saddam's human rights were violated? He did it so many times to other people!
Because violating other peoples human rights, and complaining when others do the same would sound hypocritical.
But then again, at this point there isn't much that would make Bush & co sound even more ridiculous than they currently are...