Very well done akan!!! Thanx a lot...
But what about our italian fans who seperated?
As was stated before...
"Don´t we all love pizza and pasta? So... aren´t we all italian... somehow?"
Go support the italian Queen fans too... :-)
If you call typing Darth Vader under "INCLUDE ME!!!" comedy then I'm at a loss! It isn't exactly side splitting stuff is it?
The thread was asking people to type "include me" if they wished to be included. You could have simply ignored the thread rather than vainly trying to take the piss.
Perhaps if you had read the thread before posting your "witty" comment, you would have noticed this post:
Posted: 4/30/2005 1:43:56 PM
OK I have a way of getting it to him, All those who wish to thank Paul, Bri, Roger, Jamie, Danni, and Spike sign below (Just head it "INCLUDE ME" and I'll do the rest ....
So, when you posted "INCLUDE ME!!!", I think we can safely say, you were giving your consent to have your name put on the letter.
Beobrand wrote: Perhaps if you had read the thread before posting your "witty" comment, you would have noticed this post:
Posted: 4/30/2005 1:43:56 PM
OK I have a way of getting it to him, All those who wish to thank Paul, Bri, Roger, Jamie, Danni, and Spike sign below (Just head it "INCLUDE ME" and I'll do the rest ....
So, when you posted "INCLUDE ME!!!", I think we can safely say, you were giving your consent to have your name put on the letter.
Are you even reading my posts, Or are you just looking for a fight? I said Darth Varder. DARTH VADER.
NO, I am not deliberately looking for a fight, I am pointing out why your little "Dark Lord of the Sith" post in the other thread backfired on you.
It wasn't funny, no-one knew it was meant as a joke, your nick on these forums is your real name (presumably), so that was used instead of Darth Vader. (By the way, I had nothing to do with adding the names to the list, but I can see how the error occurred.) If you had just allowed people to have their thread sorting out the letter to Paul Rodgers without feeling the need to post some inane comment, this would never have happened. The old adage "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all" springs to mind.
If you feel so strongly about having your name in the email praising Paul Rodgers, email him and tell him!
If you had nothing to do with the list, then WHY are you getting so bent out of shape over it? Why not let the person or people who DID do it say something to me if they are unhappy with me? I don't want my name on the list. Simple as that. The joke was for ME, And I thought it was funny. I wasn't trying to make everybody (or ANYBODY for that matter) laugh. I just felt like posting it. So sorry if you didn't think it was funny. I'm also sorry that I was in a good mood and felt like having a bit of fun with some supposedly like-minded people. So, Maybe I did fuck up. Oh well! I AM an adult and I CAN make my own mistakes. And this is one I guess I'll just have to live with. I sure hope I can.
You know, Most times I try to avoid confrontation on this board, And maybe I should have done so this time as well. Sometimes I just don't know when to keep to myself... Fuck it. I'm done. There's no point in continuing this. Say what you will, You won't hear from me on this subject again.