It was a matter of thinking for me through the years.Freddie's sexuality and the way he projected it. I think what bugs or make people like him was the way he was being gay in a unique way. Of corrse every gay man is different from the other but especially Freddie was beyond that. In a way he was very feminim and masculin at the same time. Dont you think? The way he was dealing with stuff prooved a true Mans man in the soul, especially the illness stuf. At the same time it was like he was making fun of his masculine side, projecting a blured mustached-slut image.I think its fairly documented by now, but i ll be happy to read some fresh points on this stuff.
I have always thought that his gayness, paired with his sometimes machoness made him even more popular....and his gay-ish charisma earned more fans then drove away.
He had the perfect personality for being a showman.
At the end of the day, real music fans want to see a show.... they don't care if you went to bed with a hot woman, or a gay dwarf.
I always liked Freddie's two-sided personality. In fact he selected the advances of being a man and being a woman, and transformed them into a great kind of art. He actually played and teased with the stereotypes of genders, and we, the audince, had great fun with it. I guess people who reject Freddie because of his homosexual image, are people without sense of humor.
There's a phrase saying: People with sense of humor know everything, people without it are able to do anything.
Journalists? Politicians?...
"You can be anything you want to be
Just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be
Be free with your tempo be free be free
Surrender your ego be free be free to yourself"
Scott_Mercury wrote: Serry-
Those 4 lines are SOOOOO Freddie, and his lyric writing style...
I simply cannot believe any idiot thought Innuendo was ever Roger's
i would never think such a thing
i thought it was Tim Staffel's ;-) - so i guess i'm off the "idiot list" then? ;-)
....hey guys aren't we into this new millenium....who friggen cares who's straight, gay or was always the music for me and I always saw Freddie as a charismatic human being....and a fantastic performer / be honest....I don't see a lot of the femininity / campness that the media always focusses on.......I think they just make their assumptions....
Scott_Mercury wrote: Serry-
Those 4 lines are SOOOOO Freddie, and his lyric writing style...
I simply cannot believe any idiot thought Innuendo was ever Roger's
i would never think such a thing
i thought it was Tim Staffel's ;-) - so i guess i'm off the "idiot list" then? ;-)