DragonOnMyBack 12.05.2005 11:15 |
I have seen a lot of people on this forum talking about the gigs they have been to on this tour and claiming the one they went to was the best of the Tour. I think the time has arrived, now that the tour is coming to an end (except for the Outdoor gigs)that those people who attended multiple gigs started ranking them to see if we can come up with an overall order of best and worst gigs. To start it off here are the concerts I have attended and how they rank. (Best 1, Worst 5) 1) Birmingham 2) Prague 3) Cardiff (close to 2nd but not quite) 4) Brixton 5) Wembley |
Jimi 12.05.2005 11:19 |
Talking purely performance level it would be as follow Sheffield Newcastle Birmingham (poor position to really appreciate) Brixton |
Jjeroen 12.05.2005 11:34 |
-Antwerpen - flawless, great atmoshpere and band on fire(Best) -Frankfurt - couple of fuck-ups by Bri but ON FIRE! -Rotterdam - very very good, but a little more tame -Milan - awesome, but show in progress -Dortmund - shitty venue, shitty atmosphere, good concert musically -Brixton - despite the exzcitement in the air, musically pretty awefull ('worst') |
DragonOnMyBack 12.05.2005 11:42 |
I meant this to be overall concert. I.e. including setlist, performance, venue, crowd involvement etc, etc. But feel free to base it on whatever you feel. |
Elessar 12.05.2005 12:14 |
They are in exact reverse chronological order! 1. Sheffield 2. Manchester 3. Brixton The first two were both significantly better than Brixton, but being stood at the front (identical front stage left positions at both) as opposed to up on the balcony for Brixton probably contributed. I enjoyed Sheffield more than Manchester but that may have been to do with the company I was with - plus the AOBTD/UP/TSMGO combo! |
Pim Derks 12.05.2005 13:22 |
1 - Rotterdam - band in top form, very enthusiastic audience 2 - Antwerpen - band in top form, but very quiet audience 3 - Paris - some problems, setlist wasn't in the best order yet etc |
deleted user 12.05.2005 14:17 |
errm, 1)-Newcastle-first eva gig-loved it,shame no feedback/audio yet! ?)-Hyde Park-yet to experiance! |
Crazy LittleThing 12.05.2005 15:24 |
1. Manchester 2. Birmingham 3. Newcastle All gigs good, Manchester freakin' rocked, and Newcastle came in third because the entire end of the arena sat through the whole thing. No Radio Ga Ga hand claps, nada. They were corpselike. I couldn't understand it, and now have to go through the rest of my life saying I actually sat down through a Queen gig. Not bad people sitting around me, just not very energetic. I was closest at Manchester, had a great seat, but also had a floor ticket. If I had gone with my friends to the arena floor, I would have been at the edge of the catwalk, but no, I had to take the seat! Not complaining though. Throughout all three gigs I kept marveling at the fact that I was at a Queen gig, . . . what was it Knute said about being right there while Brian "peels off the riff to TYMD . . . " Talk about electrifying! The other thing about all three gigs that stands out is all the nice people I met at the arenas and in the bars before and after the gigs. Really a nice, fun bunch of people! Can hardly to come back for for Hyde Park! |
onevsion 12.05.2005 15:30 |
1 Antwerp: great great show. Friendly people. Nice food. Very very friendly security ;-) 2 Rotterdam: Brian was so relaxed. He knows holland loves queen. 3 Frankfurt: great show until Brian fucked up his solo in Bo Rhap (see his comment on brianmay.com on that) 4 Dortmund: Seated gig, agressive security. Musically the show was ok, but i did not enjoyed it until radio gaga. |
ianshome 12.05.2005 16:37 |
crazy little thing does your first name begin c and you stayed at the crowne plaza? |
danielbuzz69 12.05.2005 18:46 |
It's lucky some people could afford to go to multiple gigs |
salQF 12.05.2005 19:03 |
@Crazy Little Thing: You weren't by any chance sitting on the left side at Newcastle? I sort of see where you're coming from, I was sitting second block from the front & the lot behind me were basically sitting on their hands all night. In silence. They weren't the only ones but, the the lot on the right side seemed to be standing the whole time, the standing bunch were really getting into it and I definetley remember the whole lot going hand-clappy mad during Ga Ga. And We Will Rock You. All Right Now... and several others. But yes, i'd agree it was suprisingly subdued. |
sexmachine 13.05.2005 04:25 |
1.dortmund 2.hamburg 3.frankfurt 4.leipzig 5.prague but all very close together. my personal view,different to other,i know.... |
Fenderek 13.05.2005 04:33 |
1. Mnachester (it bloody rocked!!!) 2. Cardiff (great setlist!) 3. Birmingham 4. Sheffiled (if the audience was alive, the whole experience would be few times better as the band played very well and the setlist was awesome) 5. Brixton (overpriced dress rehearsal...? still better than...) 6. Wembley Pavillion (performance wasn't bad but couldn't really fuckin' hear or see it...) |
Mr. Scully 13.05.2005 06:44 |
Very difficult to say 1. Budapest (setlist) 2. Prague (performance) 3. Vienna (performance) 4. Munich (fans) 5. Brixton (fans) 6. Frankfurt 7. Leipzig First three gigs very close to each other, 3-6 also very close to each other. Only Leipzig was under average. |
willem-jan 8923 13.05.2005 06:46 |
Looks like I picked the right concert to attend. I've only seen Antwerp (apart from the 46664 DVD) and most people who went there have it on top of their list! Does anyone here have a good audio version of this? |
Crazy LittleThing 13.05.2005 07:36 |
ianshome wrote: crazy little thing does your first name begin c and you stayed at the crowne plaza?Um . . . yeah . . . who be you? ;-) |
Crazy LittleThing 13.05.2005 07:48 |
salQF wrote: @Crazy Little Thing: You weren't by any chance sitting on the left side at Newcastle? I sort of see where you're coming from, I was sitting second block from the front & the lot behind me were basically sitting on their hands all night. In silence. They weren't the only ones but, the the lot on the right side seemed to be standing the whole time, the standing bunch were really getting into it and I definetley remember the whole lot going hand-clappy mad during Ga Ga. And We Will Rock You. All Right Now... and several others. But yes, i'd agree it was suprisingly subdued.Hi SalQF: For the Newcastle gig, I was directly in line with the stage, but was in the upper balcony as far back as you could be, second row. Not bad seats, just a fair distance from the action. People on the floor were rocking, and people on the sides of the arena were up and moving. Again, nice people around me,(upon reflection, the corpse references were bit harsh--it's just that the people at the end of the arena weren't up on their feet rocking like all the people who couldn't be there would have been) but I guess since there was a direct line of sight to the stage and there were no obstructions no one felt the need to stand. I think they were singing though, as no rotten fruit was hurled my way to shut ME up! Tried to act in a manner that wouldn't make me stand out as the "rude idiot blocking the view of the people behind me," so never got up until the standing O at the end, but after a while I had to at least "drum" along with Roger. Feet and hands were working independently of rest of body and brain. Must have been quite a sight! Ha! It was a good gig though. Am damn fortunate to have been there. Wasn't waiting for 20+ years for this because I never thought it would happen. Wow! Thanks guys! ;-) |
guest 13.05.2005 07:49 |
1 Rotterdam -band great audience great 2 Barcelona -band late audience great 3 Antwerp -TOP performance, audience ...mmmm |
ianshome 13.05.2005 16:37 |
ianshome wrote: crazy little thing does your first name begin c and you stayed at the crowne plaza? then i sat/stood next to you crazy little thing!!!! |
Crazy LittleThing 13.05.2005 18:08 |
ianshome wrote: ianshome wrote: crazy little thing does your first name begin c and you stayed at the crowne plaza? then i sat/stood next to you crazy little thing!!!!Oh yeah! You were cool! How'd you know it was me? My cover . . . blown! Must get a new identity now. ;-) I hope I wasn't too annoying . . . my Scottish friends got me going on the lethal and truly awful combination of Red Bull and Stoli . . . that after a couple of Cosmos in the bar at the Crowne Plaza. Every time I'd order a drink at the CP, the guy behind the bar had to go look it up in the guide. The Red Bull and Stoli proved to be much easier to mix, but man, it's awful! I imagine it works fairly well as a varnish remover. Anyway, Ian, how'd you like the gig? |
Crazy LittleThing 13.05.2005 18:19 |
salQF wrote: @Crazy Little Thing: You weren't by any chance sitting on the left side at Newcastle? I sort of see where you're coming from, I was sitting second block from the front & the lot behind me were basically sitting on their hands all night. In silence. They weren't the only ones but, the the lot on the right side seemed to be standing the whole time, the standing bunch were really getting into it and I definetley remember the whole lot going hand-clappy mad during Ga Ga. And We Will Rock You. All Right Now... and several others. But yes, i'd agree it was suprisingly subdued.Hey SalQF! This is funny: "I definetley remember the whole lot going hand-clappy mad during Ga Ga." At Newcastle I was completely willing to go hand-clappy mad during Ga Ga, but after one hand-clappy rep, I was the only one, and I started to feel like that one weird chick at any concert who seems to think she's at a Grateful Dead show, in fact, she probably forgot to leave after the last Dead show in Newcastle and is still there, doing that weird Deadhead dance no matter what the tempo of the music. The only difference is that the weird chick at the Grateful Dead concert wouldn't care what anyone thought and would have just had a good time dancing. I, on the other hand, bowed to peer pressure and did NOT go hand-clappy mad until Manchester, where I made up for it. "I was sitting second block from the front & the lot behind me were basically sitting on their hands all night. In silence." Wow. I assumed all the people on the sides were up and rocking. I think the people on the floor were. That (second block from the front on the left) sounds like where I sat for Manchester, and the people there were raging more than the guys in the band were! Great location. |
ianshome 13.05.2005 18:30 |
it was great of course!! better than brixton though would have preferred to have been nearer! the company was cool too!! |
Fredo 14.05.2005 05:49 |
1. Vienna (atmosphere!) 2. Budapest (setlist) 3. Basel 4. Munich |