Johnny Knoxville 10.05.2005 11:31 |
Hello, A few years before Freddie died, did AIDS turn him blind?, is that why he is wearing Glasses in the Invisible Man Video? did he only loose his eyesight temporarily, as at the Brit Awards 1990, He looked like he had a vision |
Lester Burnham 10.05.2005 11:35 |
Paging Penetration_Guru to this thread, Penetration_Guru, you are wanted in this thread. |
Serry... 10.05.2005 11:42 |
He wore glasses in Body Language video in 1982, in Spread Your Wings/WWRY in 1977... So what? Yes, we need in P_G right now |
Sonia Doris 10.05.2005 11:46 |
hm... |
Serry... 10.05.2005 12:07 |
And by the way take a look at It's A Hard Life video - how many eyes are on Freddie's outfit! It probably means something... He knew he'd be blind in 1991! If seriously: no, he wasn't. He draw pictures in Montreux and Garden Lodge in 1991 - it's not something you'd do if you're blind. |
Son of Bryans Permed Poodle 10.05.2005 12:11 |
Well I guees he must have been blind since the mid 70ies... well c´mon look at all those beautiful girls and women that live on our planet! ;-) |
Johnny Knoxville 10.05.2005 12:47 |
That is Bollocks, Freddie was not blind all his life, until the the late 80's, If he was blind how come he looked people in the eye, and walked up to them, and in the Queen magazine, people asked him questions, and he replied, So think before you start telling sick lies about the greatest singer ever! |
Johnny Knoxville 10.05.2005 12:48 |
That is Bollocks, Freddie was not blind all his life, until the the late 80's, If he was blind how come he looked people in the eye, and walked up to them, and in the Queen magazine, people asked him questions, and he replied, So think before you start telling sick lies about the greatest singer ever! like that other guy asking for photos. |
Sonia Doris 10.05.2005 12:54 |
he was indeed blind. he didnt see me! |
doremi 10.05.2005 12:58 |
On a serious note...from what I have heard and read through the years from Jim Hutton, Mary Austin, Peter Freestone, Freddie started losing his sight about the beginning of November 1991, which greatly distressed him for the obvious reason of potentially going blind...and also because he knew at that point, he felt it would keep him from being able to be productive musically...which had kept him going amd gave him the hope, strength, faith and will to live. This was what was the final straw that promted Freddie to intentionally stop taking his AZT AIDS medication. He only took his pain killers..and sort of lost his will to go on...and at that point the AIDS spiraled swiftly and he died a few weeks later. |
Son of Bryans Permed Poodle 10.05.2005 13:12 |
See... Sonia Doris is the living proof of my hypothesis! :-)) |
Son of Bryans Permed Poodle 10.05.2005 13:19 |
@Johnny Knoxville ..."...and in the Queen magazine, people asked him questions, and he replied." Did you ask, if Freddie was blind or if he was deaf or/and dumb? |
pcgenius9 10.05.2005 13:22 |
Its only an opinion but Freddie surely was not blind until about November. He danced around in videos like I'm Going Slightly Mad, Scandal and The Invisible Man. He couldn't do this if he was blind. He sure as hell would not have been dancing up and down on the back of a steam loco during the Breakthru video if he was blind as well. |
Johnny Knoxville 10.05.2005 13:47 |
Yeah, I agree, I don't think he was blind until shortly before his Death |
doremi 10.05.2005 13:52 |
From Mary Austin's Interview/Article "Mercury Left me His Millions" "In the year up until his death in 1991, Mary juggled looking after her son Richard, now nine, and his father, Piers Cameron, with attending to Freddie as he suffered the final stages of Aids. At the same time she was preparing for the birth of a second baby, Jamie, now eight. Long before he told any of his close friends or the fellow members of his pop group Queen that he had Aids, he confided his secret to Mary. From that moment she was there each day to try to comfort him as he gradually became more ill. As he started to lose his sight and his body became so weak that finally he couldn't even get out of bed, Freddie decided to face up to dying by refusing to take his medication. 'It was Freddie's decision to finally end it all - he chose the time to die,' Mary recalls in a whisper. 'He knew it was coming - that it was closer than it had ever been before. Then he suddenly said, "I've decided that I've got to go!"' 'The quality of his life had changed so dramatically and he was in more and more pain every day. He was losing his sight. His body became weaker as he suffered mild fits. It was so distressing to see him deteriorating in this way. One day he decided enough was enough and stopped all the medical supplements that were keeping him going. He just turned off. The overwhelming thing for me was that he was just so incredibly brave. He looked death in the face and said, "Fine, I'll accept it now - I'll go." But it was peaceful and he died with a smile on his face.' |
Son of Bryans Permed Poodle 10.05.2005 14:27 |
Sorry Arlene R. III... I allways thought, you were not a fan of this "Homestory" type of gossip... How can you trust an article about Mary... who was left "Freddies Millions"? :-)) |
doremi 10.05.2005 14:50 |
Son of Bryans Permed Poodle wrote: Sorry Arlene R. III... I allways thought, you were not a fan of this "Homestory" type of gossip... How can you trust an article about Mary... who was left "Freddies Millions"? :-))That was the only article I had right away on Brian's website to post. But I've read that in tons of articles and interviews with Peter, Jim, various music press in the UK. Mary's articlw was just the immediate one I had at my fingertips. I surely don't beleive everything she said, but this has been confirmed by most other sources as well. Freddie was NEVER blind. But, as I put in an earlier post near the beginning of this topic, Freddie was in Montreux the beg. of November 1991. He started Gradually...losing some of his vision and that devestated him emotionally. He returned to Garden Lodge in London and made the decision that since his quality of life..and work..was being adversely affected, he stopped taking his AZT medication, and only took his painkillers. Then he rapidly went downhill and died just a few weeks later. |
Fairy 10.05.2005 16:08 |
Arlene R. Weiss wrote: other Freddie was NEVER blind. But, as I put in an earlier post near the beginning of this topic, Freddie was in Montreux the beg. of November 1991. He started Gradually...losing some of his vision and that devestated him emotionally. He returned to Garden Lodge in London and made the decision that since his quality of life..and work..was being adversely affected, he stopped taking his AZT medication, and only took his painkillers. Then he rapidly went downhill and died just a few weeks later.Arlene, sorry but what you're saying is pure bull shit. You make it sound as if Freddie had decided to die because he was losing his sight, and that would have affected his music!! He decided to die because he was suffering too much, and had lost hope he'd get better. Someone as strong as Freddie would never give up just because he may lose his sight. He had lived for many years with AIDS! And there are many blind musicians around. Someone like Freddie would not want to die just because of it. He would have found thousands of ways to be productive and have fun just the same. I am blind...And I party all the time!! Fairy |
deleted user 10.05.2005 16:15 |
Serry Funster wrote: And by the way take a look at It's A Hard Life video - how many eyes are on Freddie's outfit! It probably means something... He knew he'd be blind in 1991! If seriously: no, he wasn't. He draw pictures in Montreux and Garden Lodge in 1991 - it's not something you'd do if you're blind.There are amazing things people have done when they are blind or can't hear... like drawing pictures and composing great songs.. but Freddie wasn't... i think :) |
doremi 10.05.2005 16:39 |
Fairy wrote:Fairy..I didn't mean just and only losing his sight. I said it was the last straw in a series of things, such as constant infections, deteriorating health, barely being able to even walk, constant pain. Read what Mary Austin said in my post above. Jim Hutton and Peter Freestone all said the same.Arlene R. Weiss wrote: other Freddie was NEVER blind. But, as I put in an earlier post near the beginning of this topic, Freddie was in Montreux the beg. of November 1991. He started Gradually...losing some of his vision and that devestated him emotionally. He returned to Garden Lodge in London and made the decision that since his quality of life..and work..was being adversely affected, he stopped taking his AZT medication, and only took his painkillers. Then he rapidly went downhill and died just a few weeks later.Arlene, sorry but what you're saying is pure bull shit. You make it sound as if Freddie had decided to die because he was losing his sight, and that would have affected his music!! He decided to die because he was suffering too much, and had lost hope he'd get better. Someone as strong as Freddie would never give up just because he may lose his sight. He had lived for many years with AIDS! And there are many blind musicians around. Someone like Freddie would not want to die just because of it. He would have found thousands of ways to be productive and have fun just the same. I am blind...And I party all the time!! Fairy Yes, I know everyone from Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Jose Feliciano, & tons more artists are blind and VERY Productive...but in Freddie's case, 1st as I said Freddie was NEVER blind... Freddie was starting to lose his sight..and it was the last straw that broke the camel's back in that ALL of his other health was getting much WORSE, and he knew he was dying. When his pain and suffering were at the point where he couldn't bare it, he intentionally made the decision to stop taking his AZT and only took his pain killers. And BTW...before you get me...I know it's hard to think of Freddie giving up hope, faith, inspiration...but just remember the topic we all just did on Brian's thoughts of suicide. When the topic starter posted and started that thread..everyone said..that's IMPOSSIBLE. Brian has so much to live for. He would NEVER think of suicide and give up hope, faith, etc. But..there was, in fact, a time in Brian's life where things were just to much weight for him to bare as the course of a few years, Brian saw Freddie die, Brian's Father & then Mother died, Brian went thru a tough divorce. And so he DID actually get do depressed he DID think of suicide and checked himself into therapy and thank GOD got help. Well I and you, are NOT Freddie. We and no-one on QZ can actually know what went through his mind. What I do know, is the man suffered horribly, was in constant pain, and was getting worse, not better. When he left Montreux and came back to Garden Lodge in Novemer 1991, he in his heart and mind made the decision, that was right for him and that WOULD and DID give him PEACE. He decided to let nature or rather the disease run its course. --------NO....Freddie DID NOT kill himself as you are interpreting me to have said. What I mean is that he stopped taking the medication that was prolonging rather than stopping his suffering. There's a HUGE difference in that.------------ Fairy, and don't think of it as Freddie losing hope... ..YOU of all people who are VERY spiritual should know..that maybe..that's when Freddie had the MOST hope, faith, and COURAGE... He decided it was time that his SPIRIT lived on, without pain and suffering..and Freddie's Spirit DOES live on, and is with YOU, with ME, with this world, With Brian, Roger, John, and Freddie's family and Loved ones. And you can be sure that NOW Freddie IS Happy and at Peace and Joy, Forever |
Fairy 10.05.2005 16:42 |
<font color="#009933">grapefruit</font> wrote: There are amazing things people have done when they are blind or can't hear... like drawing pictures and composing great songs.. but Freddie wasn't... i think :)Fortunately he was not. But if he had gone blind, and still been healthy, do you guys really think he would have wanted to kill himself?? Arlene seems to think so...I think Freddie has shown the world he could put up with much worse things than blindness...He would have killed himself as soon as he tested HIV positive if he had been so weak. Don't you think so guys? Fairy |
doremi 10.05.2005 16:46 |
Fairy wrote:Fairy you are putting words in my mouth which I do NOT appreciate.<font color="#009933">grapefruit</font> wrote: There are amazing things people have done when they are blind or can't hear... like drawing pictures and composing great songs.. but Freddie wasn't... i think :)Fortunately he was not. But if he had gone blind, and still been healthy, do you guys really think he would have wanted to kill himself?? Arlene seems to think so...I think Freddie has shown the world he could put up with much worse things than blindness...He would have killed himself as soon as he tested HIV positive if he had been so weak. Don't you think so guys? Fairy 1st Yes, I know everyone from Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Jose Feliciano, & tons more artists are blind and VERY Productive...and in Freddie's case, 1st as I said Freddie was NEVER blind... ------------I also NEVER, EVER said Freddie wanted to kill himself. Where are you getting that? Would you please...carefuly read my entire post I just posted directly above yours.--------- You are interpreting something entirely different from what I ACTUALLY said. |
Fairy 10.05.2005 16:51 |
Arlene, I don't find it hard to believe Freddie decided it was time to die...I actually knew that from biographies, interviews, etc. What bothered me was that you made it sound as if his losing sight was the main reason. Because he would not be productive in his work, you said. Mary mentions that casually. Freddie knew it was time to go, because he couldn't even get out of bed and he was in great pain, with absolutely no hope to get better. Freddie certainly knew all the musicians you've mentioned pretty well, and he knew that he would do even better than them even without sight. I know he's at peace now. He lives on...I've been perceiving his spirit for 13 years :-). I'm sorry if I sounded aggressive. I just can't stand it when blindness is equaled to lack of opportunities. And judging from Freddie's attitude toward AIDS I would bet anything that he'd see it just like I do. Fairy |
Fairy 10.05.2005 16:53 |
By "killing himself" I meant deciding to die and stopping taking medications. |
doremi 10.05.2005 17:06 |
Fairy, I would never equate blindness (which AGAIN Freddie was not ever blind..I wish people would stop saying that. He was Starting to lose his sight. Huge difference. I've had frineds who are diabetics and lose SOME only of their vision due to diabetes and they are NOT blind)... But I would never equate blindness and many disablities from keeping people from doing what they love if they put their heart and soul into it. Beethoven was deaf and composed symphonies. Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Blind Lemon Jefferson, Blind Willie McTell, Jose Feliciano are all blind and gifted musicians, composers, singers. There is a great news journalist whose name I don't know who reports for NBC's Dateline who is a quadraplegic in a wheelchair. Look at the amazing things Christopher Reeve accomplished as a film Director after he became a quadraplegic. With Freddie, it was a case of a disease that kept ravaging him over and over, and became worse day by day. And he BRAVELY fought it and made the masterpiece of his my opinion Freddie's and Queen's Greatest, most superb, masterwork album. What a legacy he left. And if a cure had been found for AIDS in time, before Freddie passed, imagine what Freddie could have STILL done and brought into this world. :) |
Fairy 10.05.2005 17:21 |
OK, Arlene. I'm glad we agree. :-) Fairy |
brENsKi 10.05.2005 17:45 |
Serry Funster wrote: If seriously: no, he wasn't. He draw pictures in Montreux and Garden Lodge in 1991 - it's not something you'd do if you're blind.why ever not? - imagine da vinci blind.... it's not as if he would look at the picture he just painted of his and say "oh fuck, la Gioconda. I've got her smile all wrong!" no. one of the "positives" for all blind artists is that they NEVER think their work looks shite |
john bodega 11.05.2005 01:44 |
Losing his eyesight was the least of his problems. There's no getting around it, by that stage in 1991 the game was up. |
Fairy 11.05.2005 03:34 |
Zebonka12 wrote: Losing his eyesight was the least of his problems. There's no getting around it, by that stage in 1991 the game was up.I totally agree with you. I know we will never know, but what do you guys think Freddie would have done if he had gone blind, but had recovered from AIDS? I'm sure it would have affected his presence on stage, but I think he would have found thousands of ways to stay productive, and even go on tour if he wanted to...I think I'm curious about this because I'm blind myself. Though I'm the first to tell you that blindness is a real total DRAG, I can also assure you that it's not that big problem and that you can basically do anything you want...Except for drawing, maybe? But maybe Leonardo would have done that too...LOL As for me, Freddie is my big inspiration. Whenever I feel discouraged I know that in my place, he would have never given up. If he faced AIDS so bravely he sure would have faced any disability, which can't even be compared to the physical and psychological suffering of AIDS. Fairy |
FriedChicken 11.05.2005 05:18 |
In the invisible man video Freddie is wearing sunglasses because he got sperm in his eyes, and they were all red and teary |
Daburcor? 11.05.2005 05:29 |
:| |
Adam Unger ( 11.05.2005 06:42 |
I was told once that if i kept doing a certain activity that I'd go blind, thank god that wasn't true. |
boca 11.05.2005 07:08 |
Freddie wasn't blind last few years for sure!!! He didn't wear dark glasses in Invisible man videp because he was blind! They recorded few videos after Invisible man and he appears without glasses and seems that he could see vey well! If he was blind for few years, we would know that like everything else in his life (private or not). In Jim Hutton's book he said that they were often watching television in Freddie's last moments. This was stupid question but if you weren't sure, now I think these are good proofs. |
Serry... 11.05.2005 07:44 |
<font color="#009933">grapefruit</font> wrote:Yes, of course there are/were such people, but I don't think Freddie was one of them. He probably had some other things to do in his last days instead of learning how to draw if you're blind :)Serry Funster wrote: And by the way take a look at It's A Hard Life video - how many eyes are on Freddie's outfit! It probably means something... He knew he'd be blind in 1991! If seriously: no, he wasn't. He draw pictures in Montreux and Garden Lodge in 1991 - it's not something you'd do if you're blind.There are amazing things people have done when they are blind or can't hear... like drawing pictures and composing great songs.. but Freddie wasn't... i think :) |
Fairy 11.05.2005 12:02 |
From a Peter Freestone interview: "It wasn’t until about eight months before he died that we went to Phillip’s, the auctioneers, and he fell down some marble steps because he was going blind. I had to help him up and that was when it hit home and I realised he wouldn’t be with us forever.” I think he shot some videos after that, didn't he? His losing sight was not stopping him...Unfortunately, AIDS did. Fairy |
_amadeus_ 17.05.2005 10:02 |
Don't think so O_o |
PainPleasure 02.07.2005 23:45 |
Arlene R. Weiss wrote: On a serious note...from what I have heard and read through the years from Jim Hutton, Mary Austin, Peter Freestone, Freddie started losing his sight about the beginning of November 1991, which greatly distressed him for the obvious reason of potentially going blind...and also because he knew at that point, he felt it would keep him from being able to be productive musically...which had kept him going amd gave him the hope, strength, faith and will to live. This was what was the final straw that promted Freddie to intentionally stop taking his AZT AIDS medication. He only took his pain killers..and sort of lost his will to go on...and at that point the AIDS spiraled swiftly and he died a few weeks later.Exactly, well said. |
kdj2hot 03.07.2005 01:31 |
Johnny Knoxville wrote: Hello, A few years before Freddie died, did AIDS turn him blind?, is that why he is wearing Glasses in the Invisible Man Video? did he only loose his eyesight temporarily, as at the Brit Awards 1990, He looked like he had a visionlol, this post almost made me bust a gut on a lonely saturday night where my 22 yr old ass should be livin' it up.... taking the fact he had glasses on in the video literal is hilarious and whats even funnier is thinking those big funky glasses where prescription... no offense, i was just laughing i've been known to ask some questions myself, like if john deacons voice was on need your loving tonight and my analysis of we will rock you was way off but i think nhm set everything straight on that one. |
SomebodyWhoLoves 03.07.2005 12:20 |
This is so stupid. Get a life you losers. |
Insomni@ 03.07.2005 16:14 |
Johnny Knoxville wrote: Hello, A few years before Freddie died, did AIDS turn him blind?, is that why he is wearing Glasses in the Invisible Man Video? did he only loose his eyesight temporarily, as at the Brit Awards 1990, He looked like he had a visionNo,my dear,no.Freddie was losing just his eyesight because of AIDS-according to Mary Austin-but he was never blind |
Grantcdn 04.07.2005 11:24 |
I thought he was at the very end just before he died... |
Insomni@ 04.07.2005 16:04 |
Grantcdn wrote: I thought he was at the very end just before he died...Exactly.That's why he stopped his meditation.He was very tired of the whole thing.... |
kdj2hot 04.07.2005 16:52 |
lol, i love queenzone lol. as far as i know he never lost his sight completely. before he went off his azt he was bed ridden most of the time, getting up in the morning for tea and going back for the rest of the day. you can see what kind of life that was and that should put you in the mindset. he had full blown aids, that was as good as life was gonna get for him. it wouldve been a slow painful decline from that already low staying on it, so why would he. it wouldve been the same end result, his body was breaking down. maybe taking the meds was the cowards way out because he went off them and decided to face everything like a man, full on. good for freddie. |