You're right!
We miss some new songs from the miracle, my favorite album. And also Innuendo en made in heaven is not really used for this tour.
What could be the reason for not using it?
deleted user 10.05.2005 02:31
too many memeories of Freddies last moments? buyt then again why play TATDOOL? i dont know they would want to play stuff fans have heard live before and the most popular ones i think.
I think its also a fair point that a large number of tracks from The Miracle through to Made in Heaven are written and sung in quite a high key - a lasting testament to Freddies vocal abilities that even as his health went he could sing high and powerful- apart from a couple of these, such as the TSMGO, which can be downtuned and not lose any edge, I think the majority of those tracks are too high for PR (he's got a stronger low end than Freddie, but not that high end), and downtuning something like Breakthru would be very difficult, and I cant see it sounding good.....
too many tracks to please the jonny come lately fans I think!! Wish there had been more old stuff - I am sure that Paul Rogers could have coped with Now I'm here for example or Its Late. Roger cuold have done tenement funster or stone cold crazy. I would have wept buckets (more so!!) if there had been more old stuff. Though Breakthru would have been good
I think Paul won't be able to sing it properly. It's too fast and to high vocal-wize, and does not suit Paul's style.
And I don't think Brian and Roger can sing it while playing guitar & drums, it's just too hard.
The idea that this song will/won't be included has been around since the tour was announced!
It won't be played. They've had 25 + shows to try it and there hasn't even been an inkling in that time or any "teaser" in between rehearsed and tried songs. The songs they played at WWRY after show parties have not been included so far...Don't Stop Me Now and Sleeping On The Sidewalk to name just two. Don't even think they'll re-introduce Seagull and that's already been played!!
When Hyde Park comes around you bet it will be the same set with the usual shuffle of song order with no extra "unplayed" songs. With a relative successful tour and generally favourable press reaction why change a winning formula.
It took them 21 shows to introduce WISHING WELL, 24 shows to introduce UNDER PRESSURE and even 25 shows to introduce ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST. Why shouldn't they surprise us with another 'new' song on show #30 or even later?
Although i've had a (mostly) great time on this tour i still maintain its a lost opportunity to some extent. The similarity to the Magic tour is very obvious and i wasn't a mad fan of that one.
I agree with the 'johnny - come - lately' remark totally. Would it really have been so much trouble to have incorporated Great King Rat or Liar or Father to Son into this set. All tracks that Paul could handle. What about Tenement / Loser in the End? Surely a medley of some sorts would have been a good shout>Anyone of these tracks would have the hardcore fans drooling for months whereas the bulk of the audience will have consigned this concert to the memory trash can within a week.
I'd definitely like to hear Breakthru long as it was more guitars than synth....Tenement Funster would be amazing and they should dig out Sail Away Sweet Sister