Question to notable qzoners:
Due to the appearance of a great number of "I am leaving" topics, one problem has raised: it has become a trend. Every time someone goes to the supermarket, or wherever, needs to make a topic about leaving.
So, is it mandatory now to make a new topic when we go to the bathroom? I was just asking because I... (oops sorry, too much info :P)
I really got bored of these topics.
kiss kiss kiss,
The satire got run into the ground, trampled on by a herd of elephants, trampled on yet again by another herd of elephants, rained on, snowed on, and probably used as a relief spot. It is very tiring, I agree. I hope it's over. It's littering the board like mad!
I posted something similar to another topic, but it was toward the end. I didn't want to start a new topic about it cause I thought that'd be just as bad, but you said it right, Sonia. Go Sonia! And in regards to that previous post I mentioned, miraculously, that one is falling through on its popularity. (Let's hope so)
c-asa beu oamenii buni *hac*
c-asa beu oamenii buni *dublu hac*
de sambata pana luni *triplu axel ... argh...hac*
de sambata pana luni *cvadruplu tu...hac*