Led_Zeppelin 05.05.2005 18:33 |
I would think not, that guy is an ugly motha. My top five goofy @ss frontmen are Freddie Mercury Ozzy Osbourne Dee Snider Rob Halford Marylin Manson(more gay than Halford and Mercury) |
doremi 05.05.2005 18:35 |
Scuse me...but Freddie Mercury was the handsomest, sexiest, most charismatic frontman ever. And I take it you are...Jo Jo the Dog face boy from the circus Freakshow, green with envy? And what's with the gay remark about Marlyn Manson (as well as Halford & Freddie)? Manson I will agree is ugly, but being gay has nothing to do with being ugly...now being homophobic as you are, is ugly. |
Led_Zeppelin 05.05.2005 18:41 |
I thought the littlest remark about a gay person (it was in parantheses, ITS NOT THAT IMPORTANT) would bring homophobic name-calling. It was a sarcastic remark genius, ment to make fun of Manson, not his superiors Mercury and Halford who manson doesn't even deserve to breathe their air. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, so predictable on this site. Fact is, i'm not, and as well i'm not going to argue that he is the sexiest frontman, because i dont look at men that way. How bout Janis Joplin as the sexiest rock frontman. I am not arguing sexiness, he is just a GOOFY MOTHA F*CKA |
bohemian 11513 05.05.2005 18:43 |
... so what about your national leader? Isn´t he a "frontman" too? ;-) |
Led_Zeppelin 05.05.2005 18:46 |
who Bush, he's an ugly, stupid, retarded, infinately goofy MUTHA F*CKA. |
doremi 05.05.2005 18:50 |
Led_Zeppelin wrote: I thought the littlest remark about a gay person (it was in parantheses, ITS NOT THAT IMPORTANT) would bring homophobic name-calling. It was a sarcastic remark genius, ment to make fun of Manson, not his superiors Mercury and Halford who manson doesn't even deserve to breathe their air. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, so predictable on this site. Fact is, i'm not, and as well i'm not going to argue that he is the sexiest frontman, because i dont look at men that way. How bout Janis Joplin as the sexiest rock frontman. I am not arguing sexiness, he is just a GOOFY MOTHA F*CKAIf it's not that important...then why mention it or bring it up at all you homophobe. |
Led_Zeppelin 05.05.2005 18:53 |
Did i not give the reason for mentioning it, you ignorant/immature kid. I SAID IT WAS TO MAKE FUN OF MANSON AND HIS STYLE. Gosh, work on you memory/reading. Honestly, you're like a broken record with your claims of "homophobe" |
Led_Zeppelin 05.05.2005 18:57 |
forgot to mention Fred Durst |
Forever88 05.05.2005 18:57 |
if you don't like queen you shouldm't be here. |
Led_Zeppelin 05.05.2005 18:59 |
ONCE AGAIN, YOUR INVENTING THINGS TO TRY AN ARGUE WITH ME. I do like queen, they rock, ALL I SAID IS THAT Freddie MERCURY IS GOOFY LOOKING. JESUS! And even if i didn't, shouldn't i be allowed to join like Queen is allowed to be gay? WHAT'S "shouldm't" |
doremi 05.05.2005 19:02 |
no one "Allows" you to be gay. A person is gay like a person is caucasian or African American or Chinese. You are born that way nimrod. And Freddie was gorgeous and you need to slither back to your cage. The circus barker is looking for you. |
Led_Zeppelin 05.05.2005 19:03 |
Forever88 05.05.2005 19:07 |
Led_Zeppelin 05.05.2005 19:11 |
hey, how in the h@ll does that tell you that i hate Queen, how, i'm just making a statement |
Sharon G. 05.05.2005 19:58 |
Freddie was the hottest guy I will ever lay eyes on. I dont care if he was gay, bi or whatever. He was HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say, I have a Freddie obsession. |
Ker77 05.05.2005 20:06 |
hey, i totally agree w/ you ledzep. i definitely got what you were saying. i'm not sure if i'd call fred such a sexy beast either. kinda icky if you ask me. |
ImGoingSlightyMad 06.05.2005 02:49 |
For one Manson is not gay,he's engaged to a FEMALE porn star and Freddie is the hottest guy I have ever seen!Gay, bi,straight, whatever, he is sooo SEXY,EXOTIC,HOT LIKE FIRE! |
The King Of Rhye 06.05.2005 03:50 |
I'd call Joey Ramone (RIP) a lot more goofy looking that Freddie ever was..... |
great king rat 1138 06.05.2005 03:55 |
I have to say that freddie was a bit funny looking, but his style and charisma overshone that by miles! You missed someone else off your list. Ian Curtis from Joy Division - definitely no oil painting (even less so now that he's been dead for nearly 25 years!) |
The King Of Rhye 06.05.2005 06:36 |
hell, if you want an ugly looking frontman......Lemmy from Motorhead (tho Motorhead rocks!)........or even Ronnie James Dio (but Dio rocks too.heh) |
Daburcor? 06.05.2005 07:24 |
Or Robert Plant. |
newcastle 86! 16483 06.05.2005 07:35 |
or joe elliott |
Leppar 06.05.2005 08:27 |
Oi newcastle86!!! I am NOT gay but Joe Elliott is DEFinatly NOT goofy looking. He is cool and has a lot of female fans. Joe Elliott rocks. :P |
carboengine 06.05.2005 10:54 |
I love Freddie Mercury. I think he is the most photogenic person I have ever seen. That posture! That flexible spine, especially in We Will Rock You. I have a Freddie "wall." In the center is a black and white 4x3 foot banner of the four, and then around it are 48 8x10 photos of just Freddie, mostly printed off the Queenzone picture gallery. Oh, Freddie. You are sooooo pretty. |
7Innuendo7 06.05.2005 14:08 |
Yes -- Robert Smith of the Cure indeed looks more goofy. I've lived in houses with spackling applied with more precision than his makeup. And, GW Bush IS goofy, although "international terrorist" would a more accurate label, probably the worst president this country has endured since the Teapot Dome scandals of the 1920s leading to the Depression of the 1930s. In the end GW Bush is just a panty-waist errand boy for the Trilaterals, sent in to tie up loose ends from the COld War, namely those CIA sub-contractors Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein hired by GHW Bush. Complete and total "intelligence failure" as per the White House itself. |
Erin 06.05.2005 14:27 |
Rabid Wolverine wrote:What "shit" has he gotten done exactly? Killed hundreds of our military, thousands of Iraqis, brought more civil unrest to Iraq than when Sadaam was in power, ruined international relations with most other countries in the world, made the US a bigger target than ever for more terrorism, embarrassed the nation with his ignorance...?bohemian777 wrote: ... so what about your national leader? Isn´t he a "frontman" too? ;-)First of all excuse me if I break topic here but Fuck you if you don't like Bush, you all just don't get what a real leadrer is like and needed for my country, if he's so goddamn stupid how come he's actually managed to get shit done . |
Ker77 06.05.2005 15:01 |
umm, yeah, Erin, I think you're totally smokin' somethin'. LOL, no i totally respect that. Ur just a flamin' liberal is all. Rabid Wolverine, however, I feel is totally rockin' right now b/c he is TOTALLY right. Bush didn't get here by accident, folks. He's a smart guy, just not a very gifted public speaker is all. RW, YOU ROCK!! |
deleted user 06.05.2005 15:13 |
Led_Zeppelin wrote: ONCE AGAIN, YOUR INVENTING THINGS TO TRY AN ARGUE WITH ME.If anyone is trying to start an argument it's you. What sort of response did you expect, coming on a Queen site and saying Freddie looked "goofy"?? Led_Zeppelin wrote: WHAT'S "shouldm't"And how can you complain about other people's spelling when you spelt Freddie with a Y? You see, here, you get what you give. I you want to insult Freddie you will get insulted. If you complain about other's spelling they will complain about yours. It's common sense dear. |
deleted user 06.05.2005 15:15 |
Arlene R. Weiss wrote: Scuse me...but Freddie Mercury was the handsomest, sexiest, most charismatic frontman ever.Well said!! :D |
_amadeus_ 06.05.2005 16:38 |
More GOOFY than Mercury? I think John Deacon would know - link |
Daburcor? 06.05.2005 18:04 |
Ravenetta wrote: do looks really matter? im here for the talent....i like music, otherwise id listen to plastic.....Amen! Though, When properly heated, Plastic DOES make a nifty "ziiiiiiiiiip" sound. |
teddybear 06.05.2005 18:28 |
Rabid Wolverine wrote:Yeah and thanks Mr Bush for leading us all off into a war, so we can see the body bags come home and have civillians heads cut off !!! Anyway, politics does not belong on the board - this is supposed to be about Queen.bohemian777 wrote: ... so what about your national leader? Isn´t he a "frontman" too? ;-)First of all excuse me if I break topic here but Fuck you if you don't like Bush, you all just don't get what a real leadrer is like and needed for my country, if he's so goddamn stupid how come he's actually managed to get shit done and outsmart all the jackass liberals, I konw I may be in the minority here but I feel he is a very Kind and smart man. Anyways this isn't the fucking area for polotics, and as an American I don't come in here and talk about how most of Europe and it's leaders have failed to help save people and make the world a better place. Although I will bash Frances stupid ass leader Jaauqes Chirac or however you spell the stupid motherfuckers name, he should go kill himself. Also Led_Zepplin you keep spoutin off your mouth I'll find you and put a massive hurtin on ya, you worthless shit. Sorry if I've offended the whole board that was not my intention, it's just that I love my president and I want to always stand up for him when I feel he's right or being called ignorant things unneccisarily. And as for Freddie - he is a "sexy beast" - but his talent eclipses any other artist I can think of - and that talent alone makes him sexy. If you want UGLY - I can think of Mick Jagger - with lips like his, he could french kiss a moose !! (hehe). |
kerfuffle87 09.05.2005 07:39 |
*sigh* sometimes i wish certain topics werent started in the first place. |
Daburcor? 09.05.2005 07:41 |
_amadeus_ wrote: More GOOFY than Mercury? I think John Deacon would know - linkDude, That IS Freddie with John. |
Sonia Doris 09.05.2005 11:14 |
actually goofy was a queen fan since his birth. mickey mouse, on the other hand sayd queen were great, but they cannot beat louis armstrong. minnie thought that john is sexy. i dunno how it goes now - haven't talked to them in a while... |
deleted user 13.05.2005 22:45 |
I thought Freddie had this different look, I don't know, but he looked different from other people. He is someone special an amazing person. |
Mrs Taylor 05 14.05.2005 15:06 |
It's frightening Arlene, you just read my mind ! Agree with everything you just said !! Freddie was the sexiest, coolest, most fabulous frontman ever. He certainly didn't look goofy. AND I can't think of another frontman that could wear jeans, pour himself into tight leotards and wear what he did and still look good and hot !!!! 'Nuff said !! |
LadyMoonshineDown 14.05.2005 15:25 |
Oh, come now. David Bowie was a wild one. ;) Very hot, lol. cheers |