In 1990, Welshman Steve Briers recited the entire lyrics of the Queen album "A Night at the Opera"-BACKWARDS. It took him just under 10 minutes.
Try it :D
In one of the Guinness Book Of Records there's a photo of the guy doing it and he's holding the ANATO lp inner sleeve, clearly reading the lyrics.
And I guess it would be letter-by-letter, and possibly also word by word.
So it would either start "swolb dniw eht yaw yna" or "uoy kcus ym doolb ekil a hcheel".
_amadeus_ wrote: In 1990, Welshman Steve Briers recited the entire lyrics of the Queen album "A Night at the Opera"-BACKWARDS. It took him just under 10 minutes.
Try it :D
_amadeus_ wrote: In 1990, Welshman Steve Briers recited the entire lyrics of the Queen album "A Night at the Opera"-BACKWARDS. It took him just under 10 minutes.
Try it :D
FriedChicken<br><font size=1>The Almighty</font> wrote: I can recite Flash Gordon backwards in less than 5 minutes
!Haaaa Ha !Hsalf
uoy evol I ,Hsalf ,Hsalf
What song are these:
"Formally Of NASA"
"I Just Don't Know"
"Will Pray"
I like the 'Flash' song. Except its kinda confusin' O_o Is 'Hans Zorkof' (mentioned in the song) real? I looked up Flash Gordon and its a movie. The description had somethin' to do with Hanz Zorkof. Im confused :D