Hey folks, i started playing piano when I was 8 years old in 1988. Around 1989 I first heard a Queen Song, it was "Invisible man" and liked it very much. Around 1991 I became a huge Queen fan. I still remember how I saw the "Innuendo"-adds on Television and was wondering what kind of strange but interesting music it was :) (for a 11 year old kid..)
Nowadays I'm playing Queen Songs on the piano. I'm playing in a *****-stars Hotel in Frankfurt & in Jazz clubs and love to play their songs there.
Here are the songs I'm playing:
Crazy little thing called love
Killer Queen
Good old fashioned lover boy
Save me
Play the game
It's a hard life
Is this the world we created?
Who wants to live forever?
Sail away sweet sister
Don't stop me now
We are the champions
You're my best friend
I try to play those songs as close as possible to the originals, but I'm also inventing some solos etc. Its soo beautiful to play them, very good compositions! And they all can stand the test of time. I can play a jazz song like "Lullaby of birdland" and streight after that "Good old fashioned lover boy". But I think most of the "ladys and gentlemen" that are sitting in the bar don't know they are listening to QUEEN *hehehe*
So if anyone of you also plays piano, what songs do you play?
When I'm playing in the Hotel its instrumental.
When I'm playing in Jazz clubs I'm also singing,
but only Somebody to love & Crazy little thing.
We have a nice Karaoke here in Frankfurt, there I'm singing Hammer to fall, These are the days of our lives, Show must go on, Radio Gaga,We are the champions & One Vision!
It's really fun to play/sing songs of your favourite band :) :)
that all sounds pretty cool........I am not much of a keyboardist myself (more of a guitar player).....I was just proud of myself for figuring out the intro to You're My Best Friend (and later adapting it to guitar of course!)
deleted user 29.04.2005 07:01
Cool :)I'm also trying some Queen songs :) But I've only played for 3 years.. But I can get Forever quite good :)
If I dial in a piano sound, I usually start playing BoRhap and eventually start singing it too! I also play Killer Queen a lot. Play bits of Hard Life, Play the Game, Save Me and Death on Two Legs. And Best Friend was also one of those songs that made me design a patch on my keyboard. Also Don't stop me now in full along with We are the champions, too.
I saw Diana Krall on the Portuguese TV and when she was asked to play some tunes she used to do at bars before she was successfull she played an instrumental version of Bohemian Rhapsody. It was amazing because she incorporated Freddie´s vocals in the piano mellody. So much for jazz purists...