What the hell is this....I didn't do it, really, unless I accidentally hit a button somewhere when I was hitting a post....weird.....ok NOW I have to put a topic name and post....let me think.
I like both and as far as Ice Cream, if it's hard, chocolate, if it's soft, vanilla, and if it's Baskin Robins, pistachio almond is just a mouth orgasm. Where you live, Mex, it's good to like both colors I suppose. Also, I imagine Ice Cream might taste good. I must be in the mood for it since I keep accidentally capitalizing it! ;)
personally, i like caramel. but thats not one of the choices. so maybe i'll start my own forum, free from the caramel discriminators and we can be happy there.
Ah bugger it, i'm too lazy. i'd say chocolate is better
Vanillia ice cream rules, I do like the Michigan blue ice cream, called blue moon, good stuff
chocolate only in candy form...I dont like most chocolates