Nothing should be shared that is officially available.
This includes audio "rips" of dvd's, laser discs or whatever.
Posting links to officially released material will have dire consequences...
Here here!! But Richard, haven't you posted this sort of thing before? Personally, I don't believe this will help at all. I think a harder approach is needed. (Your site I know - just my free advice :))
this kinda makes things difficult as the live 100 bootlegs are now official releases - so these should be off-limits too
fucking hell - wait till QP get hold of the fanmixes - then we're all stuffed
Everybody hates the bad guys. It's even worse being thought of as one of the bad guys, but I am not really.
As I said in another thread: "Surely, the idea of the British army disposing of RED uniforms - was that they made easier targets - therefore it was a matter of war evolution when camoflague was adopted. Therefore: I am NOT saying "Stop ALL downloads" just "Stop wearing red jackets" as it were!!!"
Keep Queenzone Alive!!!