It seems that everyday, more and more IDIOTS are leeching from this site. To make matters worse, they crow with the loudest of voices - from the top of highest steeple, in clothes of the brightest colours. So for those hard of thinking - let me spell it out.
Popular music download sites like Napster and EZT were SHUT DOWN because they went TOO far, and began shifting more and more official units - and therefore because they drew attention to themselves, eventually, broke the "camel's back" as it were.
Now, it is NO secret to Jim Beech, Brian May, Roger Taylor or anyone else in the Queen world, that THIS site is RENOUNED for providing links to Queen downloads. I guess as long as it sticks to concerts, interviews, radio shows etc, no one really bothers, but, as soon as it starts eating into those profits, you bet your mortgage they WILL close Queenzone without batting an eyelid.
This is NOT a philosophical argument - or open to debate (ie: CD's are too expensive, Queen are millionaires, or the 7" has been deleted) - I leave that to other threads.
This IS about keeping Queenzone OPEN, and to do so, even Queenzone has to play within the rules, and those simple rules are: "NO OFFICIAL DOWNLOADS".