I'm asking because I want to know if it's true that the Queen and PR tour is coming to US, Canada and the rest of America - cause that's what I heard on the radio.
peut-etre c'est mieux de continuer en anglais car les autres membres vont pensez qu'on parle mal d'eux autres, beaucoup des anglais-bretagnes ici, pas assez de Canadiens... mais y on a, lol
Jimmy Dean wrote: peut-etre c'est mieux de continuer en anglais car les autres membres vont pensez qu'on parle mal d'eux autres, beaucoup des anglais-bretagnes ici, pas assez de Canadiens... mais y on a, lol
Ouais ok je suis d'accord lol
switching back to english
So with the NHL down I guess we have nothing to fight about anymore ;)
Go Queen!
[For those who don't understand: Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal Canadiens hockey teams are bitter rivals.]
You're looking at a fan from Newfoundland here! (believe it or not!!)
When did you hear the radio mention of the tour and was it definite?
If your from Newfoundland, you're probably going to have to come down hear for a concert (Montreal). Do you get anything over there by the way? Big ticket bands I mean, not the Barenaked Ladies or Ashley MacIsaac, lol ;)
i'm from T.O. too...actually i read this interview in the Toronto Star with Ashley MacIsaac today and now i really don't like him
u know my grade 11 french must have got me somewhere cuz i think i got the gist of what u guys said...yay compulsory french
smileexpert wrote: You're looking at a fan from Newfoundland here! (believe it or not!!)
When did you hear the radio mention of the tour and was it definite?
I heard it a while ago (maybe two months ago), they said that Queen and Paul Rodgers would show in Quebec, but I never heard it again after, so I don't know if it's true. I read on this website that they were actually still undecided about coming to america, so I really don't know if they'll come or not
Yep - you're right.
I anticipate coming to Montreal or Toronto (not sure if I could swing Vancouver)for the show.
Fingers crossed!
I'll be the one in the seal-skin jacket - lol :)