Let me tell you about my favorite place. It is called Kellieville. Everyone there always dresses in Yellow, and all the cars and the Lizards are Yellow, too.
Queen came to do a concert in Kellieville once, and the band liked it so much they never left. Now every Saturday night, all the people who live in Kellieville put on their Happy, Yellow Lather jackets and walk their Lizards to the town square. Then they sit on the grass, listen to Queen play Rock music, and eat Popcorn.
No one has to go to school in Kellieville unless they want to. Of course, everybody wants to because Freddie Mercury and Christopher Walken are two of the teachers. Freddie Mercury teaches Music and Christopher Walken teaches Playing drums.
One day Freddie Mercury said to Christopher Walken, "Maybe we should take the students on a field trip."
"That's a Cute idea, Freddie Mercury," said Christopher Walken. "Let's take them to the most fun place we can think of."
"But that would be Kellieville," said Freddie Mercury.
"You're right!" Christopher Walken exclaimed. "Call off the field trip! We're already here!"
I made this on the internet, actually the website is for younger people, but I like it, it's funny!
If you want to do one, go here: link
just pick a story and fill in the blanks!
// Princess Of The Universe