Hey all,
has any one tried these new(ish) diet pills?
Are they safe do ya think, one of my mates is taking a little bit too many I think, bit worried for her health.
Speaking as someone who's lost 50.5lbs through sensible eating (99% of the time), willpower and determination, I wouldn't touch diet pills of any sort with a barge-pole and if your friend IS taking more than she should, she's got a problem.
Little Lady wrote: Hey all,
has any one tried these new(ish) diet pills?
Are they safe do ya think, one of my mates is taking a little bit too many I think, bit worried for her health.
i'm a fitness fanatic and ive worked out for years and nope those "adios" pills dont work i tried em years ago lol... how much weight do you i mean your friend:) wanna lose???