Hi,I don't mean to be a bother, but what do you guys have against 'The Miricle'? I think it is a beautiful album and has some of the most touching songs on it, as well as at least one hard ass rock number.
i really really dont like it, side, i want it all and the show, it really makes me cringe sounds like a load of "demos" put together with no 100% thought of the final product, i wish they had kept the songwriting separate, at least we would have had someone fighting to finish their tracks!i mean what the fuck is "party" all about?
Ah... that's easier to choose than the topic about the 70's album... Doubtless it's THE MIRACLE. Personally I think that the only music in it which holds the whole album is "I Want it All" (that's one of my favourite songs!!!).
"The Miracle" is also a good music, but it goes better when edited...
Hot Space isn't very good as well, but I like musics as "Under Pressure", "Cool Chat", "Back Chat" and specially "Put Out the Fire". So, it's The Miracle...
The Miracle is one of the weaker ones in my opinion as well, whats with the African drumming as well?on Rain must Fall I think - it doesnt sound like Queen at all!
Agree with serry on that one live magic is the worst album of the 80's not for the content but the sheer butchering and editing of some of the songs,they could have easily made a double album from the tour if just from 3 gigs.
The miracle i think is great was it all worth it,i want it all, scandal,breakthru,hang on in there,chinese torture etc make it a heavier sounding album than say a kind of magic which i would vote the second worst even though the hits are brilliant some tracks seem very quickly pasted together.
Flash for me. I love all of the other ones to bits. :D
EDIT: Of course, I'm only countin studio albums. If I were counting Live Magic in with them, It would be my choice. ;)
i like FG - if you think of it as nothing more than a soundtrack (ie - it ain't a queen album)
it's quite a laugh, and some of the music is pretty good
but don't get me on HS - that blows out it's own hole - big time
vivival wrote: the miracle. there isn't one good track on the album.
3. The Miracle
4. I Want It All
6. Breakthru
7. Rain Must Fall
10. Was It All Worth It
3 - good solid queen track
4 - great rocker
6 - quality pop song with driving beat
7 - some great backbeat
10 - classic queen
that makes FIVE better tracks than anything on HS
vivival wrote: the miracle. there isn't one good track on the album.
3. The Miracle
4. I Want It All
6. Breakthru
7. Rain Must Fall
10. Was It All Worth It
3 - good solid queen track
4 - great rocker
6 - quality pop song with driving beat
7 - some great backbeat
10 - classic queen
that makes FIVE better tracks than anything on HS
I have to agree. I love The Miracle album. Especially those tracks and Scandal.
my list of the 80's albums(in random order-i think)
1-Hotspace-like-cool songs onit
2-The game-dont like-doesnt intrest me,no gud tunes basically
3-Flash-H8-dont get me started
4-The works-really like,got dome really gud songs onit
5-A Kind Of Magic-I Like-great songs
6-Live Magic-Gud but dissappointed by the edits
7-The Miracle-Luv it-class songs onit
There u go!
i reckon "the miracle" is winning the worst album race here, i popped it on the other nite and found myself stramgly liking it! lol! there are a few good tunes on there but theres a lot of cheese, they really needed a new challenge at the time, and found it with innuendo, i also think mih is very cheesey too, but each too their own..........
At the time of its release, it'd be a tossup between The Miracle and Hot Space. I'd say The Miracle. I was sooooo disappointed when I first heard that.
20 years later, I'd say The Miracle. (not counting Flash or live albums here). Despite there being 4 or possibly 5 OK songs, the album is so cheesy it could go right on top of a hamburger. Even Hot Space has more credibility. The Miracle is just cringeworthy.
<font color=#FF399>Somebody To Love Me wrote: I just listened to The Miracle and quite enjoyed it.. and I adore Hot Space.. for some weird reason... Live Magic was really badly edited
I've been disappointed with Live Magic.
But I like The Miracle and Hot Space, too.