So now - let me be serious: Staffel would be a much better choice than Paul. In fact, I'm 100% convinced that Stafell would be THE BEST choice. And they should have went on the tour under the SMILE name. :)
But how many people know of Smile besides us bigger fans of Queen? Casual fans are going to know the Queen name, but have no clue who Smile are. Touring with Paul Rodgers got them to be more accessible to a larger audience, because he has his own fans to add to the number that love Queen. Plus, who knows if Tim Staffell wanted to tour, or was even extended an ivitation. All we know is that with all the people Brian and Roger could've chosen, they felt the chemistry with Paul.
arlene wrote: How do we know that this is really Tim and legit?
I'm a little skeptical...
Oh come on arlene... don't tell me you took it seriously!?!?
Tell me that you were also only joking.
Two days ago you've said this to me:
"I would crawl through a field of active land mines to see Queen"
From that moment, you've become the biggest living Queen fan in my eyes. :)
And I would be sad to see that biggest Queen fan is not so bright.
wstüssyb wrote: Arlene, if you read the page, you can see 'Posted by" some guy in philly who is 33 years old or you can tell it's a joke.
See that's what he WANTS us to believe, it's reverse psychology!!!! He's incognito, hiding under the guise of a 33 year old man in Philly...but actually....It's a plot, a conspiracy, I tell you!
If so, it is nice and thrilling conspiracy!
TIM - if you see this - I want you to know that I'm 100% behind you! I would love to see original SMILE back in actin!
wstüssyb wrote: Arlene, if you read the page, you can see 'Posted by" some guy in philly who is 33 years old or you can tell it's a joke.
See that's what he WANTS us to believe, it's reverse psychology!!!! He's incognito, hiding under the guise of a 33 year old man in Philly...but actually....It's a plot, a conspiracy, I tell you!
Tim's really Lee Harvey Oswald, who is actually Jimmy Hoffa who is actually Joe Hill who is actually Elvis who is actually Sun Ra who REALLY is from Saturn, right? That's the conspiracy, isn't it?
No Hoffa's body is inside the concrete pillar of some bridge I heard. Actually it really is an Alien life force..scoping us out..through the most popular Earth communication forum it could find to infiltrate, the fans of Queen on Queenzone!!!, then through it's intergalactic communicado with his planet, they will usurp us with their own form of EVIL, brainwashing music...that of the Ultimate Alien....Britney Spears ((like you thought she was from Earth)!!!!
dude I have heard Tim sing and he is horrible....pauls not that band and he brings a fresh feel to Queen's music. That is a good thing.
I LOVE QUEEN+Paul Rodgers
however, Paul can never do it as good as my dear Mr. Mercury!!
wstüssyb wrote: Arlene, if you read the page, you can see 'Posted by" some guy in philly who is 33 years old or you can tell it's a joke.
See that's what he WANTS us to believe, it's reverse psychology!!!! He's incognito, hiding under the guise of a 33 year old man in Philly...but actually....It's a plot, a conspiracy, I tell you!