Which year of their career do you think Queen enjoyed most, i think 1989, cos if you look at all the music videos from that year:
The invisible man
The miracle
Breakthru etc,
they are smiling and thouragly enjoying themselves, even in the interviews, they are always havin a laugh and joking on, not one of them complained aout anything, so i think apart from ~Live Aid 1985, 1989 must of beed Queens most enojyable year!
What do you think?
Well... Freddie was seriously sick in 89 so hardly that year... I'll think some of these years : 1986, 1980, 1975, 1977.... 1991 was memorable and creatively very good, but...sad end---
i would say 1985 Live Aid they wasnt sure before that time where they stood in the music world, this show really put Queen back on the map and into peoples hearts once again :)
I agree with you on that one Mr. Quinn. At that point in their career they were HUGE here in the States. But I would like to add that THe Game tour was also massive. The album and the tour hit number one and everything they touched seemed to turn to gold... when it wasn't going platinum. I got into them during this period of the late 70's and it was an amazing time (for me at least)to see my heros have so much sucess in the course of 3 years.
I'm not sure that the main reason of being 'most enjoyable year' is their success in USA, but I agree - News Of The World and The Miracle era were the best ones, IMO. They were working together as a real band in the early and last years.
<b><font color = "crimson">ThomasQuinn wrote: '77/'78. News Of The World and N. American Jazz-tour. Need I say more?
I agree with that, too. And also when Bohemian Rhapsody finally gave them their first truly huge success.
deleted user 27.03.2005 20:13
I think every year is a enjoyable year in some way and every year is a sad or not good year in some way. But I guess their most enjoyable years were in the late 70's and in the early 80's.
That's what I think.
Yeah, I bet Freddie was loving it in 1989....or not.
They do seem to have been having fun, even John (!) in the videos, but I wouldn't suppose they were personally the best years for any of them.
I reckon they probably all enjoyed 1986, because they were just about as big as they'd ever been and were playing a brilliant show, to massive crowds, with the best lights, sound, etc etc ever, I think that must have been great for them.
Either that or 1974 when they started to realise that they were gonna go places, although Brian spent most of it in hospital so he probably wasn't massively keen on 74.