Banquo 26.03.2005 03:58 |
Here in the UK we are about to go to the polls to vote in our new Government and I have a problem. Since reaching voting age I have always voted Labour even though I live in a Conservative stronghold constituency. Now Gordon Brown is getting rid of 100,000 Civil Service jobs which may or may not affect me I will have to wait and see while our pension age is being raised to 65. Hmmm very secure. The solution. I want all you UK 'zoners to influence me on which should I vote. I'm open to suggestion even BNP and UKIP voters join in it is, after all, a free country. The Rules. No sorcery or force mind tricks allowed. Whatever I vote will remain a secret but if you campaign for your party hard enough you will go to the ballot booth thinking 'I got that Banquo Chap to vote...........I hope he's putting his X in the right box' The Conclusion. I really am prostituting my voting right to you people bacause I have no clue who to vote for. So I'll willingly accept any suggestion. Yes Flashy/Archie/Eggy even Tory. The End. |
Flashman 26.03.2005 05:42 |
Vote Conservative, young man. There's a pint in it for you. |
rachael mae. 26.03.2005 05:50 |
Vote Labour ;) |
eggy 26.03.2005 06:02 |
I haven't bothered with any of the pre-election rubbish, and none of the parties have much to believe or promise that isn't typical sucking up to the masses bollocks. Don't vote Labour, we've seen far too much of Blair and those grey suits. I will be voting blue of course. |
Wreckage 26.03.2005 13:03 |
Hmmm. I really ought to make a case for voting Tory here. But I'm really not sure if they are fit to run the country. They have some interesting policies, but the party as a whole remains too inward looking and rapt with in-fighting, y'see. (See the debacle over Howard Flight's comments and Michael Howard's 'Dog Whistle policies on Immigration and on Travellers - falling back on the core vote will not win a UK general election). |
Flashman 27.03.2005 05:57 |
You must all follow your hearts, of course. But I for one have had enough of this joke of a Prime Minister, this mental midget Blair with his vile harpy of a wife and his bungling cohorts determined to drag us back to the 1970s, while pissing our once proud nation's heritage up the wall and destroying our identity. Education, Health, Law & Order are all spiralling out of control under their stewardship. What faith have you in today's backward youth, or the ability of our hospitals to improve your condition not worsen it? How safe do you feel on our city streets? We are lurching from apathy to anarchy. I remember when the Tories were in power:- the roads all paved with gold, money growing on trees, kids playing safely on the streets. And all this was fields. Labour voters will, without fail, fit one of the following idioms. You will most likely recognise some of the symptoms. Possibly even in yourself:- 1) A tendency to dribble and smell of old clothes. 2) The likelihood to become hysterical over a point of view, without stopping to consider both sides of an argument. 3) Bad teeth/breath/personal hygiene. 4) The uncontrollable desire to make pilgrimage to Moscow. 5) A complete ignorance of all things political. 6) A hidden collection of kipper ties and corduroy, which they are loathe to throw out. 7) A belief that the plight of the Miners in the 1980s was the single biggest crime against mankind, even though they called a strike in the hottest summer for a hundred years and couldn't fucking give coal away, let alone sell it. 8) The need to demand respect for other cultures, while damning your own. 9) The belief that if you are white, working class and British then your view means fuck all and that if you are aghast at seeing your hard earned taxes being thrown at illegal Asylum Seekers/Lesbian focus groups/scroungers/pointless 'think tanks' to decide what stance to take on a particular view instead of forming your own opinion/anti-social behaviour orders for tooting your car horn - then you are a 'Little Englander' or bigoted racist. 10) The attitude that the police are not employed to protect society from crime. They are paid to issue fines for speeding or to arrest victims of crime while giving the perpetrators vouchers for holiday parks. Save the country. Vote Conservative. |
Brimon 27.03.2005 08:23 |
Vote Labour. *dribbles*. |
rachael mae. 27.03.2005 15:22 |
We're all entitled to our own opinions I guess.. but generalising us as 'dribblers' isnt exactly fair. I honestly cant see any government doing better than how we're doing right now. I mean, so its not perfect, far from it, but it wont be perfect under the Tories.. Under a Tory government, wasn't our unemployment rate higher than its ever been? The Tories care about posh, rich people more than they care about the working class. Under Labour: "• Britain now has the lowest inflation for thirty years and the lowest mortgage rates for forty years - saving homeowners an average of £3,700 a year compared to the Tory years. We have the longest period of sustained growth for 200 years. • The number of people in work is at a record level, up by over 2 million since 1997. • Over 1.5 million working people are better off thanks to the National Minimum Wage. • Hospital waiting lists in England are at their lowest since 1987. • In the NHS there are 19,300 more doctors and over 77,500 more nurses working with modern equipment, giving faster access to more people, all free at the point of need. • Standards are up across the board including the best ever primary school results. More teachers are in our schools than at any point in last 20 years - 28,500 more than in 1997. • Police numbers are at record levels - up over 12,500 since 1997, and are assisted by over 4,000 new Community Support Officers." Please excuse me if Ive got facts wrong or whatever, Im 14 guyz. ;) And have been brought up to vote Labour. |
Flashman 28.03.2005 05:28 |
<font color=#FF399>Somebody To Love Me wrote: • Britain now has the lowest inflation for thirty years and the lowest mortgage rates for forty years - saving homeowners an average of £3,700 a year compared to the Tory years. We have the longest period of sustained growth for 200 years. • The number of people in work is at a record level, up by over 2 million since 1997. • Over 1.5 million working people are better off thanks to the National Minimum Wage. • Hospital waiting lists in England are at their lowest since 1987. • In the NHS there are 19,300 more doctors and over 77,500 more nurses working with modern equipment, giving faster access to more people, all free at the point of need. • Standards are up across the board including the best ever primary school results. More teachers are in our schools than at any point in last 20 years - 28,500 more than in 1997. • Police numbers are at record levels - up over 12,500 since 1997, and are assisted by over 4,000 new Community Support Officers."Your points one at a time:- >Seen the prices of houses these days? And you ain't old enough to remember how the Conservatives rescued this country from the brink of despair, when we were the laughing stock of Europe in 1979, and made us into a force again. When the lefties stole power in 1997, they inherited a thriving economy, which they have set about dismantling. We are now one crash from disaster, having no reserves whatsoever to fall back on, as Brown has sold us up the creek paddleless. >The number of people doing pointless jobs has increased, I'll give you that. It's jobs for votes and we're talking hundreds of thousands of 'em in the public sector. We are subsidising 'Chocolate Awareness Facilitators', 'Statistics Collator For Gay Market Vendors'. It's blackmail, knowing that when the Tories, get back in, they're out on their ear and quite right. >Over 1.5 million better off under the minimum wage is purely spin. 5 million worse off, is the other side of the coin. >The length of time you have to wait to see the correct consultant has increased. If waiting lists are down, it is because more and more people are going abroad for their operations. Or dying whilst waiting here. >Children are not getting brighter. Exams are getting easier. >It doesn't matter how many police you have, if their only job is to sit at a desk all day, or issue fines for motoring offences. The police force is now a business, rather than a service. Ask an ordinary policeman his views on the current state of affairs. You won't find one on the beat, however, you'll probably have to ring your nearest station. Wherever that is. If you have been brought up to believe in the Labour Machine, then either you are extremely gullible, or you are from Liverpool and don't know any better. |
Lisser 28.03.2005 09:09 |
Wanna move to America Flashy? |
Lisser 28.03.2005 09:27 |
<b><font color = "crimson">ThomasQuinn wrote:I love advice from a person who admittingly is going to try LSD "in a few days." Thomas, no political party has all the answers to save the world. You just need to vote for the candidate that is closest to your own personal values and beliefs while not imposing your beliefs and values on others.Lisser wrote: Wanna move to America Flashy?Please do! You'd fit in better with the Republicans than anywhere else. Oh, Flashy, for your information: the conservatives didn't rescue anything. They just gave up on some points to 'save' others. That's not a good thing. |
Flashman 28.03.2005 14:29 |
Lisser wrote: Wanna move to America Flashy?Not particularly. I have been thinking of jumping ship, though. But I doubt it would be Stateside. It's a disgrace where they're taking this country. I do have a tremendous sense of morals and principals y'know, even I never follow any of 'em. Trouble is, I'm outlawed from an awful lot of countries, so the question is: where? Possibly New Zealand. Looks capital and they love us Brits, don't they? Or somewhere hot would be just the ticket. |
Sir Archie 'Tiffany' Leach 28.03.2005 14:35 |
I think you should consider voting for my new party - The Freedom Party. Our motto - Eating, Drinking, Lounging Our symbol - A wine bottle Our policies - Cutting taxes, services, public spending, government. Monarchy will have all constitutional power restored, Blair, Brown and Two Jags to be hung, drawn and quartered for treason. Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales to be abolished, sorry I mean devolved, thus saving the English taxpayer a great deal of money which will allow more money for eating, drinking and lounging. That said the Republic of Ireland can cough up a few quid and buy the North back if they're that desparate. Banquo will have the special title of Lord of Deepdale and Leyland, which will involve little work but plenty of benefits (he won't notice the change then - Ed). If you value your for the freedom party. |
Flashman 28.03.2005 15:08 |
Only if I can be Vice President! No, wait! Junior Vice President! *Tips wink to Homer Simpson* |
Rabon_Gumm 01.04.2005 06:22 |
I always vote for the Constance Party. Their motto is "A rest is as good as a change". |
Banquo 01.04.2005 11:06 |
I'm in. Don't want Leyland though I live in the nice part of Preston ie a totally different town. Kirkham. I just say I'm from Preston because no-one knows where bloody Kirkham is. |