Have you ever noticed that there is a male voice after the first classical percussion of WWRY. Does anybody knows who this is actually? You have to listen to very carefully.
That would be one of them counting "four" as in "one, two, three, four" apparently, according to Brian. It leaked on one of the tracks in the multitrack master tape.
I've always noticed that!
I always thought it was Fred from something that bled over....
I'm listening to it right now... it sounds like one of many sounds that Mr. Mercury did with his voice.
Yup, always known it was there, had no idea what it was. I thought it was the sound of someone really getting into it.
Which is a nice "rock" interpretation. It's probably Freddie tripping over a cable or something.
Check Brian's letters section as he answered this a while back. It's part of some kind of delay they used and therefore couldn't be edited out easily. Either that or it was part of a take that stayed on.
Can't remember which!
Leonardo Venegas wrote: Have you ever noticed that there is a male voice after the first classical percussion of WWRY. Does anybody knows who this is actually? You have to listen to very carefully.
No, I don't have to listen it "very carefully". That voice is obvious and SO ANNOYING! Can't stand it.
CapitalQ wrote: Hey guys, first post.
Can someone point out exactly where to listen? A time would be nice, I don't know exactly what you mean by classical percussion.
Welcome to the boards. :) It's right after the first 'stomp, stomp, clap' (Which isn't exactly classical percussion...), and that's about two seconds into the song.
as said before, it is Brian's voice.
basically, as said before also, i've read on Brian's site (i think) that it was reorded during the recording of the original stomp stomp claps. Brian was counting people in etc and just generally keeping the beat as such. and when they multilayered it all, it just so happened that the first stomp stomp clap that started the song was one that had Brian saying "four...." (of "one, two, three, four..." at the end of it.
I think this may be similar to what Freddie-B wrote...
I've read Brian's site and fully believe it is him saying the word "four", but why is it on the third beat?
AHHH I still can't hear it. Just how loud is it really? Some say it's very faint and other say it nearly replaces a clap. I've been sitting here with my computer speakers right next to my ears blasting it VERY loud and I still can't hear it.
as the first clap ends, Brian's "four" continues untill it is drowned out by the next stomp.
i wouldn't say it is glaringly obvious, not least perhaps without listening to it through a decent set of headphones, but if you know it is there, it is very easily audible
Huh... I don't ever remember reading about that on Brian's website, but oh well. Whatever the case may be, and especially after just going and listening to it, Brian sure does pronounce four funny. It sounds like "Faawhhh." So, despite what anyone else says to the contrary, and despite the fact that it does sound like Brian to me now, I'm gonna keep on saying it's Freddie really diggin' the "stomp stomp clap" bit. That just sounds cooler.
Have you heard the "Innuendo" with Robert Plant from the Tribute concert? Listen to how Roger counts in on the drum roll at the start.
Especially take note of the way he counts "one, two, three, fouuuurr..." and elongates the four on the end.
Now, take that knowledge of the fact that it is possible to elongate the number four, and then take the knowledge that Brian said he said it on his website a WHILE back, and you have the answer to the mysterious voice during WWRY...!!