Does anyone know what was the inspiration behind the song "Breakthrough"?
deleted user 23.03.2005 13:06
Well from "the miracle" interviews (available on GVH2) John says they were messing around with the lyrics or the tune and Brian and Roger thought of "the miralce express" from the way the song went, so they thought of making the video on the Nene Valley Railway on THE MIRACLE EXPRESS!, the video and the song is awesome! thats what i know anyway!
Right, but the original poster wanted to know about the song, not the video.
I'd say the song is about a couple on the verge of a split, perhaps due to a lack of communication, and that if the main character of the song "could only make [her] smile", then "that would really be a breakthru." So, it's almost as if he knows the relationship is going to end, hence the opening "When love breaks up" sequence.
Lester Burnham wrote: Right, but the original poster wanted to know about the song, not the video.
I'd say the song is about a couple on the verge of a split, perhaps due to a lack of communication, and that if the main character of the song "could only make [her] smile", then "that would really be a breakthru." So, it's almost as if he knows the relationship is going to end, hence the opening "When love breaks up" sequence.
That coincides with Roger's personal life at that moment, being split from Dominique. Because it's Roger's song.
I disagree. I don't think a relationship exists between these two people, just that the singer wants there to be. The song is about his frustration (perhaps that is too strong a word, or the wrong word altogether) in trying to reach the other. That's my take on it, anyway. The lyrics are vague enough that you can pretty much take it anyway you want.
Yeah, that's true, but for some reason I don't see Roger getting too worked up over not being able to communicate with Dominique - he was the one who split it off because he found someone else - but that still makes sense.
EDIT: Farlander, that's another good theory - maybe then it was written about Debbie and how he wanted to get closer to her? Hmm, never thought of it that way.
Thanks guys! The great thing about songs is that you can interpret them the way you feel most appropriate. As for me, I see a boy very much fascinated with a girl (or vice versa) who isn't self-confident enough to realize she is liked and likable...
How do we know it's a Roger song?
Lester Burnham wrote: EDIT: Farlander, that's another good theory - maybe then it was written about Debbie and how he wanted to get closer to her? Hmm, never thought of it that way.
In that case, perhaps the first line about love breaking up refers to Dominique, and the next lines about the dawn light waking up and a new life being born (and then the rest of the song) refer to Debbie. That might be reading too much into it, however.
I think Roger said that on the GVH2 commentary, or maybe it was Brian. And wasn't it also mentioned in a 1989 interview?
The first part comes from 'A New Life Is Born', which was a Freddie song, while the main body of the song is Roger's.
EDIT: actually Farlander, I was going to write something similar to that too! Great minds do think alike.
Well, I guess it doesn't make much sense if the first part of that was from a Freddie song, which I forgot about. But, hey, maybe Roger figured it fit anyway.
Actually, Freddie himself said it in an interview that the "When love breaks up" intro was a "snippet" of a song that he started and he said he thought it was quite good and he didn't want it to go amiss, and he said "We'll just put it in front of that one, put it in front of Breakthru."
deleted user 23.03.2005 17:59
Farlander wrote: I disagree. I don't think a relationship exists between these two people, just that the singer wants there to be. The song is about his frustration (perhaps that is too strong a word, or the wrong word altogether) in trying to reach the other. That's my take on it, anyway. The lyrics are vague enough that you can pretty much take it anyway you want.
I think that would be what I would say about that song. Almost. I can't actually say what I think what this song is about.... But that is I think what I would try to say.
Does anyone know if the entire Freddie song ("A New Life Is Born") that the beginning snippet was taken from was recorded? That would make one hell of a special track on the special remastered edition.
And I agree -- both the song and the video are incredible. I've listened to it MANY times when I'm down in the dumps, and it picks me right up.
I have an unfinished demo of a New Life Is Born (I think many of you have it as well) It's beautiful.....but I don't think the song was ever finished. although most lyrics are missing this demo already sounds fab!